Soft plastic reels

Hey guys how are we all,
Looking for ideas on a reel ( brand and size) for bream/flattys, will only be used for soft plastics and hard body lures, any ideas would be very helpful, and maybe even braid pound and leader pound would be good, thank you in advanced

damo6230's picture

Posts: 2029

Date Joined: 07/06/08

Sol 2000 - 2500

Thu, 2012-05-10 21:24

good reel and run anything from 4-8lb braid.

Mine have been bullet proof

Nickk's picture

Posts: 109

Date Joined: 16/11/11

Stradic ci4 1000

Thu, 2012-05-10 21:28

Stradic ci4 1000, 4lb braid 6lb leader-around that sort of range fluorocarbon leader helps a heap aswell 

Righteo's picture

Posts: 404

Date Joined: 23/12/11

haha daiwa fuego 1500 6lb

Thu, 2012-05-10 21:39

haha daiwa fuego 1500 6lb braid.



Here we go again.

UncutTriggerInWA's picture

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Thu, 2012-05-10 21:42

Plenty of specials there for that sort of stuff. In my younger days I used hand lines. What's all this bullsit about models? Talk to your tackle guys.


Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.

kane's picture

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(No subject)

Thu, 2012-05-10 22:33


Gooooone Fishin!

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

I dont think he was asking

Fri, 2012-05-11 06:23

I dont think he was asking for a reel that is soft and plastic Vince..

Shimano stradic 2500fj. Good size for your smaller stuff around the river and can also handle the bigger fish from the ocean. I was catching 5kg+ salmon on mine a couple weeks ago


Posts: 57

Date Joined: 02/05/12

I was impressed with Penn

Thu, 2012-05-10 22:55

I was impressed with Penn Effinity 4000 but my current love is a Daiwa Freams 2500, perfect little reel for targetting bream.

falttymatty's picture

Posts: 163

Date Joined: 14/01/11

shimano technium 1000 or the

Fri, 2012-05-11 08:19

shimano technium 1000 or the rarerenium are both good reels high drag presssure 5kg for the technium and a 2500 rarerenium has 10kg i use 4lb nanofil and 6lb fluro leader does the job for me and so fun to use also thats on a technium .

my mate uses the rarenium with 10lb nanofil and 8lb fluro they even use these for snapper now people load them with 20lb and then the fun really begins lol


to fish or not to fish is that even an option?

Liquidtension's picture

Posts: 151

Date Joined: 05/03/08

Stella 1000fe a good quality

Fri, 2012-05-11 09:27

Stella 1000fe a good quality 4lb Braid or with a 4-6lb Fluro leader!


Cheers Steve


bear's picture

Posts: 184

Date Joined: 30/03/06

What sort of budget are you

Fri, 2012-05-11 10:32

What sort of budget are you looking at???

Posts: 402

Date Joined: 06/01/12

$250 there abouts

Fri, 2012-05-11 16:08

$250 there abouts, and the rod is a 7foot 2-4kg

brg's picture

Posts: 666

Date Joined: 31/12/09

get a daiwa for breaming so

Fri, 2012-05-11 16:24

get a daiwa for breaming so much lighter to wind better for softplastics 

Posts: 402

Date Joined: 06/01/12


Fri, 2012-05-11 21:23

Hey guys what the Abu Garcia stx 20 like, has anyone had anything to do with this reel.