Sounder Compare


Thought a few people may be interested in these comparisons.

The first set of pics is comparing a HDS Gen2 with P66, a garmin 8410 with M265 and a Furuno 585 with P66.

The second set is much the same, but includes the garmin with both a GT51 (left) and M265 (right). To be fair, i had someone hanging over the stern of the boat holding the GT51 so it isnt a great picture.

To make it easy, they were all just running in Auto, no zoom etc.




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Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

Thanks for your post

Sun, 2020-01-26 19:00

I always find it interesting when you can compare images of the same feature using different sounds.

Alpha's picture

Posts: 194

Date Joined: 13/02/17


Wed, 2020-01-29 07:54

so why were you doing this interesting exercise? Which sounder do you prefer and why? 

I've worked a lot with the furuno and prefer them but the latest boat I've purchased has a hds10 lowrance on it, and my son in law wants to go the the Garmin chirp which I've had zero experience with.