Yeah its some growth, sponge , weed , etc growing over a cave structure,,,,,,,,,, maybe,,,,,,,, that's why those live feed cameras you can drop down are so good for helping to learn what your sounders trying to tell you.
They look to be coming up over a meter so I wouldn't think weed, and looks relatively solid with some softer stuff on top. So to me maybe a rocky, ledge reef with some weed/corals on top ?
Im certainly no expert so will be good to see others opinions
Looks like a nice edge.. no insanely obvious fish shows above it.. but doesn't mean fish can't be within cracks, etc.. under ledges. Going from fishing to diving - when you see the ground with your eyes there's always more to it than what you'd think on the sounder
Would be nice to drop a camera down there and have always wondered what it is ! Nice to hear other people's opinions thanks ! Seems to pull dhuies when we find that orange flare ! Spewing shrimps, occys etc even though fish don't show on the sounder !
Pic on the right showing good solid ground, like said above probably crevices for the Bangers to dwell in. Good growth about 1m high, certainly worth the drop. I remember when I first started with sounders a member on here who always cleaned up said anything that looks like anything is worth a drop. He used to hover the boat over whatever and fish with the other hand lol.
I reckon you could have this a bit higher . Say around 1/10 th of the depth . Just so bit if clutter . Looks good ground but higher gain will pick up few more fish . Just my opinion
Posts: 1146
Date Joined: 28/09/10
Spongebob is soft.
Yeah its some growth, sponge , weed , etc growing over a cave structure,,,,,,,,,, maybe,,,,,,,, that's why those live feed cameras you can drop down are so good for helping to learn what your sounders trying to tell you.
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
I have no idea what the sounder is showing but if you got those two good dhuies of it who cares
Posts: 326
Date Joined: 17/06/08
They look to be coming up
They look to be coming up over a meter so I wouldn't think weed, and looks relatively solid with some softer stuff on top.
So to me maybe a rocky, ledge reef with some weed/corals on top ?
Im certainly no expert so will be good to see others opinions
Posts: 599
Date Joined: 10/03/12
Looks like a nice edge.. no
Looks like a nice edge.. no insanely obvious fish shows above it.. but doesn't mean fish can't be within cracks, etc.. under ledges. Going from fishing to diving - when you see the ground with your eyes there's always more to it than what you'd think on the sounder
Posts: 196
Date Joined: 03/02/11
Would be nice to drop a
Would be nice to drop a camera down there and have always wondered what it is ! Nice to hear other people's opinions thanks ! Seems to pull dhuies when we find that orange flare ! Spewing shrimps, occys etc even though fish don't show on the sounder !
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Pic on the right showing
Pic on the right showing good solid ground, like said above probably crevices for the Bangers to dwell in. Good growth about 1m high, certainly worth the drop. I remember when I first started with sounders a member on here who always cleaned up said anything that looks like anything is worth a drop. He used to hover the boat over whatever and fish with the other hand lol.
Love the West!
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
i remember a few years ago
i remember a few years ago members reckoned you couldnt possibly see caves or ledges on a sounder
Posts: 1162
Date Joined: 31/01/10
I think
Paul confirmed it possible as he dived on his spots showing as caves.
Reverse cycle a/c supply and install - Ducted and wall splits
Posts: 167
Date Joined: 17/02/11
I reckon you could have this a bit higher . Say around 1/10 th of the depth . Just so bit if clutter . Looks good ground but higher gain will pick up few more fish . Just my opinion