Super Genius

 Out fishing for Dhues today. Normally like to use wrasse fillets, but i havent been out since before the ban so didnt have any of my own bait. Bought some mullet & octopus & had a piece of each on my rig. Drifting around for an hour with no decent bites so i thought to myself "If its not working, change something" Put out a small outfit & caught a little western king wrasse. Perfect I thought "live bait - that should kick things along" Put the top hook through the lip of the wrasse & sent it down. Bang - straight away a good fish. "Super genius" I thought to myself. Feels like an undersize Dhuie but never mind, the plan worked. Bring the fish up & yep its an undersize Dhuie. Wrasse still happily swimming along - The Dhuie had taken the skungy bit of mullet that was left on the bottom hook. Thats fishing for you - you never quite work it all out.          

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2629

Date Joined: 03/03/09

Well there were plenty out there

Sat, 2014-12-27 16:51

Caught two and a humongous blackarse, one returned well as I was by myself....all on western king wrasse best went a good 12 kg heading back to the ramp at 9 am as all the lazy fishos were still launching  

Posts: 345

Date Joined: 04/01/12

Well done Sunshine

Sat, 2014-12-27 17:01

 I was out early so that wasnt the problem. Just didnt happen today. 

Geoff78's picture

Posts: 324

Date Joined: 05/03/13

 maybe the wrasse attracted

Sat, 2014-12-27 16:51

 maybe the wrasse attracted the attention of the dhuie, so you can still claim genius status

Posts: 345

Date Joined: 04/01/12


Sat, 2014-12-27 16:59

 Thanks Geoff78. I'm sure i'm no genius, but maybe you're right about the wrasse attracting the dhuie   

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2629

Date Joined: 03/03/09

I never fish them live

Sat, 2014-12-27 17:54

Love the brightly coloured small ones but always take a fillet off one side and remove the tail (stops the bait spinning) ......left them biting this morning and the sounder was lit up over flat hard coral or limestone .  The black bum is about to grace our plates with home made wedges and fresh salad......yum 

Posts: 345

Date Joined: 04/01/12

I normally use fillets

Sat, 2014-12-27 19:14

 Are you meaning - The whole fish minus one fillet & its tail on your hooks?  I havent tried that. 

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2629

Date Joined: 03/03/09

No tail cut off the partially filleted WKW

Sat, 2014-12-27 19:35

if you leave the tail on the bait has a tendency to spin and tangle the snood but yes take a fillet off as it adds heap of scent

larger WKW I fillet and then cut the fillets longwise and fish then on a Flexy gang of small 2/0s .......yes I know they are small but once in they seldom let go