Syncing co-ordinates

This might save me a lot of google leg work so hoping you maybe able to help me. Are you able to enter coordinates on your computer and then sync straight to your card, will save a lot of time it takes with inputting direct into the plotter.

Stevo81's picture

Posts: 1278

Date Joined: 16/04/12

 What plotter??

Mon, 2017-02-13 06:42

 What plotter??


                                   ••••••••  Electrical Contractor NOR  ••••••••

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 Garmin has the HomePort

Mon, 2017-02-13 07:41

 Garmin has the HomePort software 


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Matty Mac's picture

Posts: 25

Date Joined: 22/03/14

Lowrance Elite-7HDI

Mon, 2017-02-13 09:23

 Thanks Stevo, it's a Lowrance Elite-7HDI. Been hunting around how I can quickly enter some new coordinates I have.

Posts: 251

Date Joined: 28/07/11

 Yes i did this sometime ago

Mon, 2017-02-13 07:17

 Yes i did this sometime ago when i was gifted a few pages of coords! Cant recall what program it was though, but it is basically an excel spreadsheet. Put them on the SD then they went onto my HDS no problems. 

Matty Mac's picture

Posts: 25

Date Joined: 22/03/14

Thanks Bluedog.That's exactly

Mon, 2017-02-13 09:25

Thanks Bluedog.

That's exactly what has happened to me, been given a few pages of coordinates and want to speed up the process of entering them. If your memory kicks in then would appreciate the heads up on how to do it.

Cheers Matt

Quobbarockhopper's picture

Posts: 392

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GPSbabel (free- a bit tricky

Mon, 2017-02-13 10:52

GPSbabel (free- a bit tricky to work out) or easyGPS (much easier but costs) will both do the trick

HDS's use the .GPX format. Depending on what format you have the originals in (excel etc), you might have to change them to .KLM first then across to .GPX from there

it took me a while to get it sussed but once you get the process right it works well

Taffy's picture

Posts: 184

Date Joined: 04/11/10

EasyGps is the Go

Mon, 2017-02-13 12:30

 Easy Gps is the go, and as far as im aware its free, ive been using it for years and never had to pay anything(re Quobbas post above) 

Matty Mac's picture

Posts: 25

Date Joined: 22/03/14

You beauty

Mon, 2017-02-13 13:15

 Thanks for the advice guys much appreciated, I'll give that a go tonight.

Posts: 251

Date Joined: 28/07/11

 Memory has kicked in thanks

Mon, 2017-02-13 18:27

 Memory has kicked in thanks to quobbarockhopper and Taffy! It was easyGPS that I used!

Taffy's picture

Posts: 184

Date Joined: 04/11/10

Good Stuff

Mon, 2017-02-13 22:44

 Good Stuff mate, glad it worked out