Time to change my reels to Diawa I think
Submitted by scottnofish on Mon, 2013-07-22 06:57
I have a Stella 20000 that has striped 2 gears a twin power that seizes up every time you put load on it a Stradic that the screws work loose on every time I use it and now my 6 month old sustain 5000 is fu$&ed snapped locators and screw on the body had a gut full of this crap
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What caused
those screws to snap, overtightening during maintenance??
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reel is 6 months old used probally 10 times
and i haver never touched the screws
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and look at the corrosion on the anti reverse switch
i wash my reels with fresh water and inox after every trip and i could not belive how corroded that shaft is after 6 months
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this reel is rated to 40lb power pro
i only run 30lb on pe 1.5 rod so it should be up to the challenge
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what about shimano's ten
what about shimano's ten year warranty, they come to the party on any of these issues? I have found in the past that I have parted with money on shimano warranty claims
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shimano warranty not worth the paper it is written on, I had a few spin reels like this and switched to daiwa and have been all good so far although most of my gear is more premium range now as both brands have some mid range gear that doesnt stand up. I still rate some shimano overheads although I prefer other brands mostly(not Daiwa). I have never claimed a warranty on Daiwa gear but imagine it would be same same
Just becareful as some daiwa and shimano reels are actually very similar ie Daiwa windcast and the new shimano long cast spool surf reels Ultegra etc. The design of these reels be it Daiwa or Shimano (or someone who sold the concept to them) is absolute crap as they have very little resistance to sand due to the spool guide design and why they opted for these features on reels designed for surf fishing I will never know.
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I agree
the design of the windcast surf reels is ordinary,you could put a bucket of sand into them without trying.I unloaded mine and opted for the Saltiga.
Assassin Land Based Fishing Club Member
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the saltiga surf works well except for the painfully slow retrieve
I bought a second hand one off here for parts thats someone had seized up, when I opened it up it looked like it had been dunked and not cleaned, that will screw any reel
The rest of my older saltigas have been flawless.
I like the specs of the Shimano Ultegra but as soon as I saw it had the same setup as the Daiwa windcast I looked elsewhere. I also doubt if that reel can handle that much drag the way its made and materials constructed from
On a positive note I whinged and bitched on this forum about my shimano big baitrunner LC when that failed twice with zero service under the warranty from shimano and bad experience from Dunphey so after repairing it to sell twice (no such luck) I have been using it consistantly and it seems to be ok now and actually is quite a nice reel albeit a little bit heavy
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No warranty covers
No warranty covers corrosion, and if you've pulled it apart the warranty is generally void. Whatever you get next pack it full of grease, won't feel as smooth, but should stop a lot of issues. I think that's why shimano and daiwa reels feel so smooth in the shop, they have little to no grease in them.
Fisherman, constantly trying to out-smart fish.......with limited success
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stripped gears in a stella
stripped gears in a stella !
broken mountings and screws!
The stella has the best gearing system on the market.
I have only seen mounting screws shear off once before and that was when someone had a large cod ...deep. he was cranking (no pump and wind) with the rod in the holder. reel shat itself under heavy load.
could only put it down to operator error.
FWIW too much grease is not a solution. reels are not made to do this, it can cause other problems ...anti reverse etc.
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Date Joined: 28/08/07
The Stella that striped the gears
Was the fa model with brass gear not stainless like the sw and the gear striped becacause the osalating arm jumped out of the grove and locked the reel up while retrieving a sinker, as far as snapped screws I only looked at my sustain as I had noticed my Stradic flexing and moving a fair bit when winding so I tightend the screws then though I better check my sustain and noticed the screw missing and the side plate loose . My bro has had 2saragosasa do the same thing about of locktite would solve this pproblem and I don't just winch fish in I do know how to pump and wind correctly
Posts: 881
Date Joined: 30/12/09
have had the same problem
have had the same problem with the screws winding out on my sustain 8000 3 different times. now i just use it as a back up reel.
Get busy living, or get busy dying!
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I'll give ya $50 for all
I'll give ya $50 for all of 'em!!
"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go." - Oscar Wilde
Posts: 522
Date Joined: 10/07/08
Iv just switched to Stella's
Iv just switched to Stella's from the new saltigas! I has a saltiga 6500,4500 an a 4000. Had problems with the bearings in all of them! The bearings in the handle aren't sealed an shit them selfs! I just got a Stella 18,10 an 5000. Haven't had a problem yet an they get a lot of work!
Any one free to help me pull my drum lines tomorrow?
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Date Joined: 27/08/11
Pretty good Shimano vs Daiwa
Pretty good Shimano vs Daiwa debate going on.
The fact is its all pretty subjective, people base their opinions on experiences and unfortunately you have had a series of bad ones with Shimano gear.
My observation is that the manufacturing build quality is not as consistent as you would expect for mass produced premium products and that there will be bad batches in every brand's range. I run Shimano and Daiwa gear as well as Penn and more premium marques. Both myself and a good mate had issues with Daiwa Sol's (3000 and 4000) - which is pretty much unheard of in that range, the service centre at Daiwa attempted a repair and service on mine and the retruned reel came back in worse condition and felt like it was grinding coffee, plus they charged me for the privelege claiming it it was 'general wear and tear' on a 6 mth old reel. However, it hasn't discouraged me from recently buying a Certate and Saltiga Surf.
I noted Rig's issues with the Baitrunner and had one myself until very recently, I landed some great fish on it and never experienced any problems, though the spool was a bit looser than i would have liked. I did have a Stradic and the bail arm would never hold in position for casting. I also had a Windcast Z and agree its not a great reel and very overpriced for what you get, though the likeness to Ultegra's I don't quite get as mentioned above. I own both Saltiga Surf 6000 and Ultegra XSA Ci4 (got on a recent trip to Uk so not sure if this version is stocked over here) and prefer the Ultegra in most situations. Neither have had any reliability issues.
I would recommend pushing for OEM support from Shimano in the first instance and then trying consumer advice as recommended in the other post regarding a failed Sensor Surf.
Even if corroded and opened - the fact is the reels have failed inside what is deemed a reasonable life so give it a punt and see what happens.
When I started experiencing issues with my old Windcast I approached my local tackle store where the reel was purchased and they wouldnt offer any assistance - they purely provided me with a warranty form for Daiwa and suggested I contact them directly. When I asked why this tact they explained they were tired of paying for non-warranty repairs on behalf of customers that then refused to collect the reels??!!! Im not sure how that stacks up as I purchased the goods from a store therefore they are the representative agent for the manufacturer so why have a retail agency at all?
Has anyone else experienced this?
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Greyheads in the case of the local tackle stores not sorting the reels this is pretty average service considering they plead to buy locally but I know this doesnt apply to many local shops. The reason they have ended up with this situation is the reluctance from Dunphey Sports who are the Shimano dealer in Australia not really fixing much under warranty which results in pissed off people who were spruiked a 10 year warranty when making the original purchase. The local tackle stores we have here stock shimano reels but are not the dealer, a rep operates on behalf of the dealer. I have heard of cases where repairing the reel is actually pretty close to the original retail price for the reel (this was a Saltiga surf) so unfortunately these tackle shops have been left high and dry. Al;ot of people only like one particular brand and thats fine but if you operate a tackle store and dont stock shimano and or daiwa gear you arent going to get too many people through the doors.
In my case this isnt a Daiwa/shimano debate I own both brands and others and dont really care either way just had a few bad experiences along the way. Like I stated up the page I am pretty sure both brands are operating nearly identical gear designed by someone else after fixing/maintaining all my own reels for a long time now.
Have a look at this the schematics are layed out differently but the design is very similar, and those Daiwa schematics are sh#thouse
The spool and drag design is the reason both those reels are a piece of crapola in my opinion.
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"When I started experiencing
"When I started experiencing issues with my old Windcast I approached my local tackle store where the reel was purchased and they wouldnt offer any assistance - they purely provided me with a warranty form for Daiwa and suggested I contact them directly."
Greyheads: while I can understand the tacklestore's POV I think that consumer law in aust states that you can take a faulty product back to the retail outlet or go direct to the manufacturer. (at your discression)
pretty sure the retail store have to get it fixed for you if you insist.
I guess it just gets into a bit of a grey area where the return is not a warrenty.
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The issues I had were from use. No part actually failed on mine it is just a poorly designed reel so nothing to be fixed under warranty, seeing as we have started talking about it might as well list a few more points about this particular one.
It along with other reels with the same spool design is not really practicl for the beach, although I never dropped mine in the sand in typical SW wind conditions the sand gets up into the reel and the channels that is slides up and down, this results in a jerky retrieve and if you vere did let it touch the sand it would take you considerable time to clean out and get back into operation. Not very good for a reel designed for surf fisherpeople
The bail arm where the line roller in catches on the line frequently and is very reliable at wrapping line under the spool which has that seperate undercarriage to create further mess, this undercarriage also creates havoc if any sand gets near that
Line twist.....you will get plenty with this reel, plenty of wind knots (maybe thats why its called windcast)
Drag, The reel is not very water resistant which easily lets water into the drag system(not uncommon), most reels can cope with a bit of water usually having a sloppy drag but because the windcast has a different style of drag(one turn from 0-full lock) it becomes very irregular and difficult to fish with ie one minute your drag is set right and the next minute it locks up (it cost me a few)
The body of the reel cannot handle the amount of drag it is rated to
Thats enough cant see this reel being a long termer from daiwa
Posts: 247
Date Joined: 27/08/11
D_d - that had been my
D_d - that had been my expectation, purchase a good and have it replaced/taken care of by the retailer where it was purchased from, however given the explanation on the day and which Rig reaffirmed above then I understand, though not wholly supportive.
I did dig out the warranty registration forms for the two new reels today and posted them off promptly.
Posts: 1621
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just scored a nice little diawa
saltiga 4000 to replace this piece of poo ,only been used on 1 trip up north $600 score
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Date Joined: 28/08/07
got the reel covered under warranty
but 8 weeks later still no replacment
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Date Joined: 03/02/12
You pay good money, you
You pay good money, you would expect better than that.
Paul H
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Date Joined: 18/01/07
In relation to consumer law
In relation to consumer law and warranty claims the store you bought it from is responsible to replace or repair any item that is not fit for its intended purpose. That is if you bought it from store A your contract of purchase was with them not the Manufacturer. They should not be fobbing you off the the manufacturer. Also if you bought a stella for $1000, and it had a 1 year warranty and it failed two years later you would have a good case the store would have to cover it under statutory warranty given "it would be reasonable to expect it to last that long" given it's a high end product. If the reel looked thrashed misuse would be an out however if its in good nick and looked after it would be a different story.
Never pay for an extended warranty on any product - you're paying for what you are entitled to by law.
I have just been reimbursed $500 on a 18 months old radiator than had done 42,000km. it only had a 12 month 30,000km manufacturers warranty. took some time but the manufacturer (through my mechanic) eventually came to the party. Consumer law would back me that it would be more than reasonable not to have to replace your raditor every 18 months and you should get a hell of a lot more than 42,000 (in 18 months). - Stray current test was done by my mech and found no stray current or other reason for the failure.
In regards to reels I feel sorry for tackle stores as this potentially opens up a can of worms for them as they would lose out of the manufacturers weren't covering any claims, though they should then put pressure back on the manufacturers to the point of what if none of us were prepared to stock your product anymore - they would have to do this as a whole industry to be effective though.
both Stella & Diawa - my opinion is they reached the pinnicle of a quality product around 3-5 years ago and their latest models have fallen back in terms of quality, they now seem to be made cheaper and relying on their past reputation.
rather grab a second hand older model in good quality than a new one ATM.
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
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Can't complain about the wait
The shop I bought the reel off is replacing it not shimano and they have Bent over backwards to get me a replacement . Even lent me a reel till mine comes in , now that's custom service thank you rockingham complete angler that's why they were voted number one mid size tackle shop in Australia
fishy fingers
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Date Joined: 28/04/07
+1 for compleat angler
they will go out of their way to get a good outcome for their customers re faulty goods
and a nicer bunch of people you wouldnt meet.