two rocks/yanchep
Submitted by barcelona125 on Mon, 2016-04-25 00:29
Hey guys i am going to be heading up to Yanchep for a sporting event this weekend.
having not fished this area before would really like some info on some decent landbased spots to go to.
not after your secret spots but a point in the right direction would be much apreciated
i have 4wd and would prefer beach/surf fishing, i was thinking of exploring during the day and going for a fish afternoon into the night.
any directions would be greatly appreciated
thanks Nathan
Posts: 3
Date Joined: 04/01/16
just south of the lagoon is usually worth a try at sun up for a taylor. Lures or whole pilchard is the go.
Posts: 1533
Date Joined: 06/02/13
If fishing mulies, try bait
If fishing mulies, try bait casting them with little or no weight at all. They smack drifted baits hard and the mulies last longer as the whiting dont pick it to bits can probs only do it with an easterly breeze tho. Another good spot is north of the two rocks marina there is a pathway off sovereign drv that takes ya to a reef break you can get off road further up the road from it too but its still city of wanneroo/joondalup not sure which one but not allowed on the beach till city of gingin (wilbinga). Fish off the right side of the reef casting into the flow off the reef. Always got tailor herring bream whiting big gars and ive heard of a few mullies there too. Still a bit early but the salmon will start to show up there in another month or so. If not already. Think the road to club capricorn is open again the gutter there produces well too if its not weeded out. Good luck! Let us know how you go.
Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic
Posts: 197
Date Joined: 22/08/11
thanks for the info guys i
thanks for the info guys
i will post up how i go in the report section after the weekend, hopefully with some good news