Understanding the distance of a dive flag
Hi everyone,
Was out diving on Sunday and just about to come to the surface when a boat was above putting around my boat. When I surfaced he was playing with his gps and pinning my dive spot. On top of that after I used every word of abuse in the dictionary he then went and achored 15m away from me. I took photo of this twit and his mate and said I'm posting it on fishwrecked just to let people out there know who you are because alot of fisho's do the right thing. I wouldn't of given a shit if he came in after I left but the nerve of this arsehole was lucky that I didn't dive again and cut his anchor line. Is there a way of reporting this low life as I have proof of the dickhead on my phone camera and now computer. Would it be worth reporting this to Harbour and Marine, if so would they do anything? There has been so many disscussions on these dickheads coming out of no where just because they don't know where to go or how to use a sounder.
Pissed off Diver and Fisherman. Photo removed by Adam, it's Christmas, let's just take a chill pill.
Posts: 486
Date Joined: 07/01/12
Fair enough ay I got
Fair enough ay I got blatently pinged on Sunday haha lucky for me we were riding out the the slack tide just floating around next minute there's a blue ally boat 20m out to my side, come out of nowhere and i was 50mile out. After some harsh words he very quickly left
Karratha. WA
Posts: 789
Date Joined: 24/01/08
Whats your boat look like
Whats your boat look like Pricey, remind myself not to come up and say g'day
The view expressed in this post is that of a self opinionated bullshitter and does not reflect that of this website, it's owners, mediators, other members or anyone else for that matter :-P
Posts: 527
Date Joined: 11/04/12
Serves him right! Common
Serves him right! Common sense is not too common any more! A bit of ettiquete would go a long way
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Rude, but not illegal.
Rude, but not illegal.
There is no 50m exclusion, just that within 50m you have to exercise caution.
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
That last bit doesn't seem
That last bit doesn't seem to apply just south of rotto (near crystals or whatnot). The bigger the boat the more it doesn't apply :s
I was thinking if you we're in the water you could cut their anchor rope, but then I realised it would be much more devious and satisfying to go down and bury their anchor deep in some reef or loop the chain around something.
I think bloody anchoring 15m from a boat with divers in the water is not exercising caution!
(Though if I'm reading it correctly, he anchored after surfacing in this case)
Posts: 1752
Date Joined: 07/12/08
good luck trying to loop a
good luck trying to loop a "big boats"anchor chain around something. id love to see you do it ;-)
Gooooone Fishin!
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
Managed to carry a 6m boats
Managed to carry a 6m boats anchor out of a hole and swim with it for a few m just last weekend. The biggest trailer boat anchor I've seen would still be doable. Maybe within 10m max? And youd just jam the anchor in not loop it around anything big (small knob or something). Charter, cray or gin palace sized boat is obvious a different kettle of fish! That being said, it's still not impossible ;) Depends how big is big. There's obviously a size limit even with all the tricks you can employ. And weather obviously factors into it. Downright stupid and dangerous to touch an anchor of a boat that's pulling much against the anchor due to current or breeze, let alone be able to release it.
To be fair, I wouldn't bury an anchor nor touch another boats anchor for pinging my spot. For reckless endangerment (anchoring within very close proximity), well, then I'm not sure how annoyed I would be to actually do anything. That would be an instant call to police type situation anyways.
Posts: 67
Date Joined: 26/02/08
Great minds think alike
Have to agree with you there Hlokk!
Posts: 62
Date Joined: 08/11/11
no laws broken
there is no laws broken in this photo apart from courtesy to others. The dive flag indicates that there is a diver below and the fifty metres is only a recommendation. In fact anyone can enter within 50 metres any time providing they have adequate lookout (people looking) and travel at a safe speed (suitable to the conditions) eg winds ,tides ,visibility , stopping distance of the vessel etc. All though if anyone was to go within the 50 metres and something did happen, you would expect the full force of the law.
Posts: 486
Date Joined: 07/01/12
It's not against the law to
It's not against the law to drive your car down the road is it? But it is when you run someone over! Regardless of the law it's a stupid thing to do
Karratha. WA
Posts: 62
Date Joined: 08/11/11
the law is like this
The law is like this because there is circumstances like, someone is cleaning there boat hull in the Mandurah canals and puts up a dive flag and the canal is only 40 metres wide, and at a depth of two metres a diver can dive at that depth for hours. Does that mean that every boat within fifty metres of that dive flag has to stop and not go past untill the diver has finished. Another example would be at the Perth dive wreck, if there was a boat already at the wreck does that mean that no one else can get close and go diving.
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
As r. gates said below,
As r. gates said below, boats have to keep clear unless not possible. So the canal and a wreck fit the later. Some ass in a boat in a big ocean does not need to pass within smelling distance of you.
Imagine taking a piss at a big empty public toilets. Then some guy comes in and unzips right next to you instead of one of the other dozens of empty urinals. Sure it's not illegal, but its still a dick move.
Posts: 1009
Date Joined: 05/10/12
Dob the Prick in..
Dive flag up, the prick should have not been within 50mtrs anyhow... This has also happened to us and it shits me to tears..
I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted..
Posts: 33
Date Joined: 27/09/12
Agree with Hoikk as well
Agree with Hoikk as well leave anchor in a reef somewhere and if game leave something in water for a grey coat to join the adventure
Posts: 458
Date Joined: 04/12/05
agree with you 100%
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
Yep these people shouldnt be
Yep these people shouldnt be alowed boats, i have had a boat go over the top of me and my dive flag/float a few years ago.. Not much fun, whats wrong with these people!!
Posts: 169
Date Joined: 14/10/10
This is a fair call, but it
This is a fair call, but it also happens the other way around. i have been fishing a spot only to have a boat come flying over out of nowhere, sound the lump i was fishing, drop anchor then proceed to put up a dive flag. now there were three other boats drifting this lump and all of us being civil to each other, you know, not going infront of the others line. but this wanker does this so we all had to move off for this inconsiderate f#@ktard.
to fish or not to fish...as if there was an option.
Posts: 713
Date Joined: 04/11/09
We never bother putting a
We never bother putting a flag up as it only attracts fishos. I f I ever break down I wont worry about using the epirb I will just put up the dive flag and I am sure we will have boats coming to us in no time
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
Crano, by law you have to
Crano, by law you have to display a international Code Flag "A" when diving.
Posts: 713
Date Joined: 04/11/09
Rather pay the fine than
Rather pay the fine than give all my spots away.
Posts: 62
Date Joined: 28/03/09
Not illegal
As long as they new you were diving and were exercising caution there's nothing wrong with it.
double uni knot is king !!
i love to fish for norwest blowies!!
PB flounder 14.3cms (113 grams)
P.B Norwest Blowie 2.3kg on river prawn
Posts: 1555
Date Joined: 28/08/07
Man when they are that close
Man when they are that close what when you need a big ass jet of water to smash them in the face, and maybe all their electrics ;)
Easy to make one, just get a BIG ass 12v bilge pump attach a garden hose with a 'pistol' style trigger head at the end, attach the leads, dump it off the side of the boat and start squirting :)
Me and my mates had epic water fights a long time ago on our tinnies with these, get it right and it will easily shoot further than your hose at home will.
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Water spray
Just lift the outboard or leg until the prop is just under water then pop it in gear with a heap of revs, makes a nice spray out the back and a way to get your message across.
Posts: 527
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Rooster Tails are good fun
Rooster Tails are good fun
Posts: 7
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Vessels to keep clear of diving signals
I always thought you had you couldn't go within 50m of a boat displaying a dive flag. Doesn't apply to fisheries officers though....we had this conversation with them one day when they came over and pulled up next to us. We were all on the deck but the flag was flying.
Just checked the department of transport's website http://www.transport.wa.gov.au/imarine/19159.asp and under heading of 'Vessels to keep clear of diving signals', it states:
Vessels to keep clear of diving signalsAll boats must keep at least 50 metres clear of boats, buoys or areas showing diving signals.
Where it is not possible to keep 50 metres clear of boats, buoys or areas displaying diving signals the approaching vessel should proceed at the slowest speed at which the vessel can be safely navigated and maintain a proper lookout for persons in the water.
In my understanding of the statement above, that boat can't come within 50m of the boat displaying the dive flag because on the ocean it was Possible for him/them to do so, unlike the example quoted of the diver in the Mandurah canal...then you would give them a wide berth and travel at the slowest speed possible and keep a proper lookout.
Personally, I'd tell them what the minimum distance was, just in case they didn't know. Then, if they didn't move away, I'd take their photo, too.
If life is boring, you must be doing it wrong!
chris raff
Posts: 3257
Date Joined: 09/02/10
Rusty is on the money IMO
Rusty is on the money IMO ...I'd also contact the authorities ( waterpolice ? ) with the boat rego and urge them to contact this clown as it is irresponsible and unsafe practice to do what they did...at least they would possibly keep the incident on file if you make a formal complaint...by doing that and also by posting the incident on here ...hopefully it will get back to the cowboys and they'll think twice next time...
“Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”
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Here Here Rusty
I and many other show the respect and never go within the 50mts of a dive flag..
I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted..
Michael Yoni
Posts: 604
Date Joined: 02/01/11
Umm a quick question
Umm a quick question regarding this practice: Can you tell the difference between one marking a spot and navigating then changing his GPS/Sounder to get a better resolution of the bottom.
Many times we read that people ping your spots because they see you there and they drive past and mark that spot. Do we really know that and can you see that is what they are doing on their unit (rather than changing resolutions etc.
Now I will admit I do not own a boat and have no experience with these units, but when on my brothers boat he is constantly tapping the screen moments before he says "drop anchor". I never ask because I do not know what he is doing.
Were you diving alone were you?
Was there someone else on the surface (in the boat).
From what you have written you dived alone and had nobody on the surface. Could you elaborate on this a little more. Because are there not "recommendations" (not law) about diving alone and having someone on the surface (for obvious reasons).
You were diving not fishing (I assume from your post) so how does that constitute pinging. Would it be pinging if they dived down?
What legal right do you have to cut his rope - because he pissed you off?
Just trying to add a different perspective.
I used to dive (15 years of diving) and have never had any of these problems, him putting around like you say indicates to me that he was aware of you down there. What might be of concern is what he may have attracted below (ie noah) from fishing and burleying.
Posts: 4112
Date Joined: 24/01/10
I dont think pinging is the
I dont think pinging is the point here, rather a safety concern with a diver in the water..
Sean Costello
Posts: 29
Date Joined: 17/05/10
There is always another side
There is always another side to a story, I'll clear this up, we turned up to 1 of our lumps to find a boat with a dive flag 70- 80m north of our mark. While changing the anchor on idle we drifted towards them and may have got within 50m of the boat no closer than 40m. At this point we realised we were getting too close so we motored off again to finish changing the anchor, we then went and anchored on our lump and started fishing. At this point the other boat pulled their anchor and came over abusing us, THIS is when the photo you see was taken, we were NOT anchored within 15m of them. So the only thing that happened was that we may have entered the 50m threshold up drift from them while preping the anchor, nobody was ever in danger. There are plenty of people on here that can vouch for me as a bloke, the fact you have to lie to make your beef sound justified is pretty dissapointing. This is all im going to say
Posts: 67
Date Joined: 26/02/08
If you were a diver for fifteen years Michael Yoni
If you were a diver for fifteen years Michael Yoni you would know not to dive alone and yes my dive buddy John Watson was with me. What you don't understand is respect of a dive flag. He can fish there after, I have no problems with that, but he does not know wheather there were more divers still down there when I surfaced. It's not rocket science its plain ignorance and carelessness on his behalf that accidents happen when a prop chews into you. Wake up Michael, this is a picture of some dickhead having no care about breaking the law and by the sound of it you wouldn't either. Will get my dive buddy to verify this for you!
Michael Yoni
Posts: 604
Date Joined: 02/01/11
If you re-read your initial
If you re-read your initial post there is no mention of a second or more people, so one is lead to believe from your post that you were alone. A diver is also taught to keep an eye out for water vessels during ascent. You would have heard the motor even at low revs...... So from what you have said then is that you would have put yourself and you buddy in danger then because if the boat was in fact moving that close to you again you would have heard it and possibly seen it......
With the dive flag ruling does the 50 and 5 rule still there..... 50m and 5 knts.
Was the flag prominently displayed ..... Boat and water. In my day that is what I was taught.
Gone are the days of combined common sense ....its all about me myself and I.
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
In the original post, he said
In the original post, he said he heard it before he surfaced first. By the time he surfaced, he noticed them using the gps. I dare say considering he heard it overhead that he would have looked up before surfacing. Not sure about other divers, but I'm paying a fair bit of attention to the surface when surfacing, and when theres a lot of boat traffic like near rotto, i'll send up a SMB. Otherwise, its at very least a cray loop as high as I can while waving it before surfacing slowly (and a big bubble blow).
Not sure why there would be a jump to the conclusion about not having a dive buddy (prob not someone on the boat, its often not easy on smaller boats.. or to find someone).
Also, not sure what you're going to do if there's a boat moving above you? Not surface at all? Have to come up some time (and you do it deliberately and slowly with as much obviousness as you can), or preferably up your anchor line/or back of your boat.
chris raff
Posts: 3257
Date Joined: 09/02/10
If you state your case
If you state your case without the derogatives ...this thread may last till lunchtime...I'm getting some popcorn
“Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”
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For non-divers
May boaties simply fail to understand that when underwater it is IMPOSSIBLE for a diver to determine where and in what direction a boat is, sound travels four times quicker underwater so your ears (unlike being in air) cannot discriminate from where the sound is coming .......it is also louder. Needless to say when surfacing it is really really worrying if you can hear prop sounds as there is no way to know whether the boat on the surface is heading toward you.
I had a two similar experiences diving my favourite ledge off Garden Island - the first we had heard a very loud boat close by, upon surfacing we found that he had and I am not joking actually tied off to the rear bollard on our boat and was hanging about 10 yards back ........his excuse, he didn't have a sounder and figured as we were diving we must be on good reef
The second literally dropped anchor ON OUR BUBBLES for the same reason, the anchor missed us by perhaps six feet and scared the shit out of us because we heard the motor roaring, then silence and then the rattle of the chain ......we never expected a flaming great anchor to suddenly drop beside us - if hit it would potentially have killed one of us or certainly caused serious injury ........and when we surfaced screaming abuse we got told we were diving "their spot"
...............there are truly some idiots around
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15659
Date Joined: 29/11/05
photo has been removed; i don't need these kinds of headaches a week out from christmas.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
If it was me he would not of
If it was me he would not of got his anchor back I would have put into a hole and rapped the chain around a rock .then I would have waited for him to try to pull it ,and sat and had a laugh .Still I could offer to retrieve it for a $100.
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
I wonder did anyone read sean costellos reply it seems to have gone un noticed or ignored he states the photo was taken
when wogboy approached him...theres usually three sides to every story your side their side and the true side which
lies somewhere in the middle.
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
Read, and happen to actually
Read, and happen to actually know Sean and fished with him several times. He's a good bloke. Dont know anything about the skipper. Do have to wonder about which side of any story is more accurate. You can never know sometimes when its he-said, she-said.
Sean Costello
Posts: 29
Date Joined: 17/05/10
haha trust me matty
haha trust me matty
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
Just do a matty and pop 3
Just do a matty and pop 3 SMB's before you hit the surface haha
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
Note to self: buy a
Note to self: buy a fourth....
Posts: 67
Date Joined: 26/02/08
Michael soumds like you've been taught wrong!
Wake up mate! Dive Flag = 50m is all I am saying. I have shot lines, ponies and underwater navigation gear. What I don't need is people like you who still don't understand the rules. I took that photo, now removed when I was pulling up my anchor still had another 5 meters in front to go. I know next time he will find it hard to retrieve his anchor. Also sent details to Harbour and Marine they were very interested indeed.
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
50m zone of "exercise
50m zone of "exercise caution", and it sounds like they did; no hooning or excessive speed. What would the water cops do in that situation?
Posts: 713
Date Joined: 04/11/09
There is a simple answer to
There is a simple answer to all this.If you see a dive flag stay away.
Sean Costello
Posts: 29
Date Joined: 17/05/10
and we did crano, this whole
and we did crano, this whole threads a joke, for anyone interested this occured about halfway between hillarys and rottnest, plenty of secret spots worth pinging out that way!
Brock O
Posts: 3270
Date Joined: 11/01/08
Enough Said
Posts: 4587
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Jeez. Is the ocean that small
Jeez. Is the ocean that small or was it really that packed with boats that there was nowhere else to go but there?
You've got to be kidding me.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 354
Date Joined: 25/03/09
Sean why would you anchor so
Sean why would you anchor so close to another vessel in the ocean when you are not constrained by draught or other navigation hazards?.
Posts: 457
Date Joined: 03/09/10
Interesting topic
This scenario is going to be raised when the "Artificial Reefs" get put into place in Geographe Bay.
Some people will be diving and some will anchor and begin fishing , or even worse, start JIGGING, then the party will begin.
Oh , if it's any consolation we had a num-scul ping a patch of sand we were drifting on Sunday.
Howard George
Posts: 544
Date Joined: 10/03/11
Yeh squidder
At the beginning of this whole artificial reef project squidder I thought there are just so many variables as to what might happen that has to be worked through and safety is just one issue which the original post I believe was all about but then while some people are concentrating their efforts on these structures it gives the natural reefs in the bay a break and in particular some spots that I have fished for years and can be relied on to provide a meal on a regular basis. I'm just hoping the sand patch you pinged on Sunday is not one of the many artificial reefs that people have been putting in the bay for years so if you could PM the co-ordinates to me I'll let you know.
Posts: 831
Date Joined: 31/08/10
I think this whole pinging
I think this whole pinging situation is getting out of control. I am not saying it doesn't happen but everyone is so paranoid about it now from all us Rec fishers and divers to charter operators. When is it going to stop when someone gets belted bak at the ramp or when people start damaging other people's boats and risking the safety of others which is what all who r saying they would cut the anchor rope or twist it around a rock. Imagine how bad of a name it would give us all if someone was seriously injured or even worse all for wanting to fish/dive in the same area. We should all be sticking together not arguing and abusing each other. Lets all get back to what we enjoy most, fishing and having fun around the water with our friends and family especially over the holiday period!
Plumber and gas fitter- 0415489103
Posts: 457
Date Joined: 03/09/10
I agree with Sammy85
BUT, when individuals look after their prize fishing spots, IE only go there occasionally, and not over fish it there are others that flog the Fk out of them after having the spot PINGED.
With all the contour lines and other info on GPS's these days surely there are going to be situations where people are going to clash on the water by having spots near others.
I had a spot knocked off not so long ago and it got flogged, WTF. One I used to fish once or twice a year..
Posts: 733
Date Joined: 02/03/12
You should get a stealth boat
You should get a stealth boat :P
Posts: 399
Date Joined: 17/07/07
you have to laugh at all the
you have to laugh at all the people who say "their spot" their is that many boats on the water nowadays
with fancy equipment and gps that you are not the only one who knows where that lump is that you think is yours.
i have been out many times to spots that i have found only to find someone else allready anchored their fishing.
they probably thought i was pinging "their" spot
Posts: 256
Date Joined: 13/08/11
On Hookah Being a hookah
On Hookah
Being a hookah diver hearing any boat underwater fills me with dread. We run 2 x 100mtr hoses. Have not had an issue yet, but know it is only a matter of time till I get a hose cut or tangled and reg ripped out of one of our mouths. Dive flag = stay well clear. No excuses!
Michael Yoni
Posts: 604
Date Joined: 02/01/11
No doubt you have some one on
No doubt you have some one on the surface in the boat. So if another boat was encroaching close they would most likely politely signal that there are divers below. Another safety measure when diving off a boat is it not. Tanks or hookah.
Posts: 67
Date Joined: 26/02/08
Sean put a name to the photo, drifted you say, why was your motor running? and why didn't stay away from a dive flag? If you think I was 50m - 80m away then your lying. Now everyone knows who you are and you are those idiots that can't wait till next time. Photo's tell all storys or would you like me to post the video I took of it as well. Sean your the Man who doesn't give a shit about dive flags!
Posts: 2
Date Joined: 17/11/10
dive flag.
I just want to post my first comment on fishwrecked.
I have been reading wogboys posts and some of you are doubting the truth behind his story.
I have known wogboy for years and fished with him on many accasions.On numerous fishing trips we have had people in boats come within talking distance
not shouting distance . You tell them to find their own ground and some of them abuse you. So come on guys if you see some one fishing or diving give them a
wide berth. Even if you have that spot marked piss off until they leave and just for the record wogboy wouldn't bullshit about what happened.
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
It's a sad day when you cant go near a boat and say hello, pinging or not, but you apparently must be if you dare to approach another boat, I wonder if those complaining about being approached would turn down a helping hand should they have a problem
i.e leaking boat or motor problems or even radio problems with a boat thats sinking, what a set of miserable buggers!
Posts: 1
Date Joined: 05/03/10
WHat happended to saying
WHat happended to saying hello and being friendly on the water. If its safe approach at slow speed, watch the boat you are apporaching for signs/communication. Ascend slowly when diving, Common sense, chill out. Sour puss
Posts: 246
Date Joined: 26/12/09
The way I read it, this post
The way I read it, this post is about 2 different issuses.
Pinging and diver safety and without actually being there, nowing the conditions and taking everything into account, no one except those involved are going to know if it was dangerous or not, so I think its pointless commenting on this specific incident.
As for this pinging crap in general......get real........ who says its your spot? How do you know someone hasnt been there before?
And its not up to the so called owner to say how often It can be fished.......Fisheries set the guide lines on how many fish can be taken out of an area, and the areas dont come down to" joe blows" spot.
Ive had some good days where someone has pulled up close........we've ended up hanging shit on each other, having a bit of a competion and even throwing bait and crap at each other in fun.
And if someone pulls up to close for your likeing....like if your going back for another or something try talking to them instead of yelling abuse or cutting anchor ropes.
I reckon people need to lighten up share the ocean and stop being so bloody greedy.
Just my poinion......
Posts: 644
Date Joined: 13/11/11
I like this.
I like this.
Posts: 789
Date Joined: 24/01/08
Right on Bro, 20+ mile out
Right on Bro, 20+ mile out and hurling abuse at someone to protect "your" fishing spot is a pretty long bridge to burn if you end up in the shit and requiring their assistance, sposed to be a bit more of a social past time I thought.
Steering clear while someones in the drink just makes sense unless there's no other way round the you'd take it very easy through the area.
Just my opinion too.
The view expressed in this post is that of a self opinionated bullshitter and does not reflect that of this website, it's owners, mediators, other members or anyone else for that matter :-P
Posts: 1342
Date Joined: 05/05/06
Sounds like every boat needs
Sounds like every boat needs a dive flag, you get 100m circle of real estate for the day.
we gotta see the video footage to decide this one!
Bend over
Posts: 789
Date Joined: 24/01/08
Most pingers will do it from
Most pingers will do it from more than a hundred meters away anyway cos they know they're trying to be sneaky, those that come right up are either green as or sociable either way it's worth draggin' out a brew and finding out, might just improve the quality of your experience out there.
The view expressed in this post is that of a self opinionated bullshitter and does not reflect that of this website, it's owners, mediators, other members or anyone else for that matter :-P
Posts: 1342
Date Joined: 05/05/06
If youve done the hards finding spots and then been pinged and still have a relaxed attitude towards pinging then you must be religous.
Bend over
Posts: 246
Date Joined: 26/12/09
I understand people getting
I understand people getting pissed off when someone is clearly out there to ping, but cutting anchor ropes snaging anchors and some of the retaliation Ive heard on this site is a bit overboard.............some people dont even know if they have been pinged, they just see someone drive past using their GPS and want to ram them........all a bit overboard in my opinion.
As for the flags.......would it be accepted to drop a mooring with a dive flag on your favouite spot? That way you could hook up to it, dive around it and keep it reserved for the next time you want to go out.......a bit like staking a clain. LOL
Posts: 96
Date Joined: 21/12/09
I have not had my boat long
I have not had my boat long well I have had it a while and not used it as much as I should/like to have. I found the process of getting a RST and then being able to just go out into the beyond a bit of a joke so my first time out (i think I have a post on here) a diver scared the crap outta me, surfacing about 100m from where his boat and flag were. At the time I though it was reef I was about to run into before I saw his/her gear.
I have also been looking for ground/somewhere to fish and basicaly pointed the boat in a direction and then just drive looking for stuff on the sounder. Sometimes you end up by nothing other than luck (good or bad) seeing in the distance that your heading for a boat. Now what I did is change course a long way away from the other boat , why because after reading stuff on here it seems if I ever came across any of you out on the water I would end up with abuse, sinkers, cut ropes, and holes in my tub. If you ever see me out there by the way you know i'm fising flat sandy bottoms.
Now I didn't abuse or run over the diver who was a long way from his flag I think even a couple here posted ooohh sometimes you just can't tell how far away from your boat you are.
A Long time ago when my fishing was limited to where I could ride my bike I did a lot of fishing in the swan from one end to the other, and while you were fishing you said hello to other people asked how they were going looked at their catch they came and talked to you looked at your catch told stories offered advice "cast over there I dug worms there this morning they should be all over it". No one threatened you or told you to rack off or if I ever see you fishing here i'll kill you but it doesn't feel like that on the water. Now I have no spots, so far all I have found out there is flat ground and lots of it where I can catch as many sand whiting as you want. I would give my left nut to actually find a bit of a lump but I havn't put in the hard yards either and just spent a day looking.
I guess it's just a bit of a rant as I can see both sides, it would have been nice if fising out in a boat was a bit of a social experience where you could see other people ask how they are going get some advice have someone point you in the RIGHT direction once in a while. I also know that some things you just don't do if I did even pull up close and ask how someones day was going I would just stop the boat and setup a drift over their spot, I mean you don't setup shop in the river and cast over other people. I mean I have seen people fish in the river and said dam didn't think to try there and then gone back later where they weren't and given it a go and is some respect if the threat of harm wasn't there i would probably do the same out on the water I mean whats the difference in coming across a boat on the water while your on your way somewhere (not you see them in a different direction and change course towards them) and thinking I'll come back here later and check it out to spending 4 hours out on the water and finding the same spot by chance??. I mean if I was already heading that way and I didn't change direction to avoid the boat might I not have found the spot anyway?? I never just went out on my bike and went looking for people fishing but I might have seen someone fishing a spot I would not have tried while I was fishing or while I was getting to my spot.
Posts: 39
Date Joined: 25/07/12
Reminds me of when I was a
Reminds me of when I was a young bloke fishing off Pt Noarlunga Jetty. Jetty goes out quite far and at the end is an exclusion zone for divers near the reef, people would still fish there tho quite often ignoring the warning signs on the jetty and the diving flags. Have personally seen a few K's worth of gear suddenly "bust off" amid a heap of bubbles over the years. Even seen a couple of fisho's who ignored the signs and verbal warnings from other fisho's get a floggin from divers who've come back up the ladder. Remember a young kid being given a whole handfull of rigs from divers who've cut them off from ppl fishing in the zone (intentially cast not just drifted in).. pretty good present to get hehe.
Common sense and courtesy.. gone the way of the dinosaur :o(
Posts: 203
Date Joined: 22/04/12
would that be
would that be Lt Commander Sean Costello, ex australian navy?
This habit is getting expensive!