Using Circle hooks for Shark Fishing Lanbased help please
just wanting to know who uses circles for sharkfishing
as i do it now oftenly lanbased
just wanting to know whats my benefits for using circles for big sharks
besides the fact i know the hook up is more secure in the side of the jaw
the main purpose of a circle
but i deploy my baloons out lanbased of jettys or yaks from 200-400metres out
using hole big baits such as snook salmon etc
but i am unsure of the hooking up part
using 50 and 80ws
on 400-600lb wire traces
if i get a run
what do i do exactly do ensure best possible to hook up
as ive always fished with standard J hooks such as owner jobus i usually let the shark run 10-20 seconds then put it to strike and then wack it a few times
i am unsure if i do this with a circle being so far out with slack it mite pull the hooks
what would i do in this situation?
thanks heaps
Posts: 795
Date Joined: 02/01/11
The theory behind the circle
The theory behind the circle says to increase the pressure, i dont fish for sharks but i would try letting it run for your 10 to 20 sec then slowly push the lever to strike and hold on!
Good luck
chris raff
Posts: 3257
Date Joined: 09/02/10
I use circles for most of my
I use circles for most of my fishing now , even for small whiting pretty well hook themselves , I'd imagine for sharks they'd be ideal with less chance of gut hooking
“Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
Don't strike - just slowly
Don't strike - just slowly increase the pressure (ie push up to strike and hold firm at 45 degree rod angle, the shark/fish will set the hook as it moves off) and the hook will turn and plant in the corner of the jaw, - strike and you'll just pull it free do to the turned in point, distance will make no difference as the water pressure on the line will literally do the same.
If it comes towards you wind to bring the line tight but resist striking. Takes practice to resist striking as this is what we grew up doing. Just remember these hooks were designed for set lines where they are set and left and then pulled in days later and there is no one around to strike at bites.
Same reason I use circle hooks on a set rod in the rod holder when fishing for whiting, snapper etc. The set rod often catches just as many if not more fish then the one I hold/strike at bites.
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J Déjà Vu
Posts: 300
Date Joined: 04/08/10
thanks for the input
thanks for the input fellas
ive made my rig hope she works well
kingfisha1 (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
wear did you buy the black
wear did you buy the black coated wire from?