V5 ban Just thought I'd add my opinion.

Just thought I'd add my opinion.

Thu, 2008-10-09 15:38

This ban thing seems a bit tricky. There was a guy on  here the other day who had the best idea yet. Imo.

The odd & even number thing makes perfect sense to me. Not complicated & pretty damn easy to enforce.

Maybe it's just too simple.

Personally, I'm not against a ban as long as it is a ban on recs & commercial fishing.

We used to have a closed season back home, during the spawning season, & it seemed to work well. That first day of the new season was a really exiting time, get down to the water the night before & drop yer line on the stroke of midnight. The anticipation was out of this world.

I'm sure I'll catch a biggy oneday.



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Listening to Howard Sattler

Thu, 2008-10-09 17:26

Listening to Howard Sattler this afternoon.Maybe not relevant to this post :

A commercial fisherman thinking he has more write to the community fish stocks

because he pays a lisence and has a family to feed than you or me.

Sorry mate but the fish are no more yours than they are mine.

If your locking me out to decrease fishing pressure and to preserve the fish mass

then its quiet simple - as far as i'm concerned you don't have the right to fish either.


wadetolley's picture

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fishing numbers

Thu, 2008-10-09 18:55

I dont think the numbers idea is good..what about us poor fly in fly out workers that only have a few days every couple of weeks to go fishing....and also why should the poor guys with a tinny be restricted on what days he can fish..when he is only ever catching whiting ect    I think you should be only allowed.. 1 fish each of the v5 when you go out, that is plenty for a feed, and think people would be happy with that.


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kaney68's picture

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"I think you should

Thu, 2008-10-09 21:34

"I think you should be only allowed.. 1 fish each of the v5 when you go out, that is plenty for a feed, and think people would be happy with that."

Don't think so... people will still complain about it !

Just like before the v5 ban was deferred. You had the ones who were dead against it (the ban) and others for it..

Now the ban has been deffered we still have those for and against the new rules.

What ever happens will not satisfy everyone.


As for the odd/even fishing days - I don't really see the problem.

If we were given that option over a complete 3 month ban on fishing, I know what I'd be choosing !    

 I don't see the relevance of it restricting the guys in a tinny fishing for whiting.. Only for it applying to the v5 - if your caught with those fish on board on your off day, your screwed !!!! very simple..


But same as the majority of people on this site and the others, I firmly believe an equal ban/restrictions for both recs and commercials..


Fish today.....work tomorrow !

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Talking about fishing numbers

Thu, 2008-10-09 22:17

Talking about fishing odds/even days Kaney...why should a tinny fisherman be restricted on what days they are allowed to fish for a feed of whiting, when the problem is the big boats heading out and getting into the v5



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That's what I said.. No

Fri, 2008-10-10 09:13

That's what I said..

No issue if fishing for other species..

You're only going to get done if you are caught in posession of a v5 specie on a non-allocated day

Fish today.....work tomorrow !

Faulkner Family's picture

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1 of the v5 each

Thu, 2008-10-09 22:18

i dont think that would go down well ,if you spend $$$$$$$$$ on fuel to go get them you would want at lesat a couple each if you can get them.we fish 4 to the boat (just family) getting 8 for us would be rare but to get just 4 max would suck imo



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Fri, 2008-10-10 10:15

If it is about taking home fish to cover your fuel bill
you shouldnt be fishing. Getting out in ya tub with the family should be the main reason. JMO



Faulkner Family's picture

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i agree

Sat, 2008-10-11 22:48

its not about taking fish home for tea

its getting out there and having a good day

a feed is a bonus

i was just pointing out that you wouldnt want to go out 20 mile to get 1 fish  2 or 3 would be nice if you could.

i do agree with the bag limit being reduced and to the closure as something has to be done for the future,there is other species to fish for and have some fun weather C and R or take home ,enough for a couple of feeds



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RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

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I've got nothing against bag

Thu, 2008-10-09 19:18

I've got nothing against bag limit reduction reduction or sancturary zones but closed season for some people and not others isn't right. I'd support a no-take period for spawning, but I'd like to see the pros get it as well.

As Andy points out in another thread, what the hell point is there in throwing back grey-bandeds over 1m?


hlokk's picture

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I think its one of those

Thu, 2008-10-09 22:14

I think its one of those good in theory, not in practice ideas. Releasing fish over 1m has benefits and thats probably what they are looking at, but not enough consideration to whether they can actually be released safely.

Idealism increases proportionally away from the problem.



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Tim's picture

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Thu, 2008-10-09 22:35

The 1m rule covers all cod and its just that Grey Band got caught up with the majority of the species that inhabit shallower water.

This is aready on the agenda to be looked at with the review that will now happen after the announcement by the minister this week. (Spoke to fisheries today).

** Rockingham Offshore Fishing Club **

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For sure Tim it only

Fri, 2008-10-10 13:25

For sure Tim it only specifies cod which does cover a lot of different fish in a lot of different fisheries.

That said, my chances of pulling up a 1m grey banded on a saltist 30 are pretty lousy anyway!


harro's picture

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either or none

Thu, 2008-10-09 19:29

really the maths add up, just alone on this site, but many others also,, sure as recs we are a little pissed we r told basically go squiiding or catch whiting, i respect the vulnerable 5, hell they r the most sought after, but like matt said, the liners get 60-80 plus per load, what the hell is a rec ban gonna do... NOTHING

THE BAN NEEDS TO BE FOR ALL.  how many time and yes i have written and post this a few times , stoppin families from fishing is gonna do stuff all for these fish, we need to look at the proffessional catches currently allowed, cant remeber the numbers but someinthing like 250 tonnes.. and i know yes rec catches are up there also, but we as families etc accept that, sure i want my kids to catch a dhuie later on in life, but ban everyone..as we are all equal and have the same right.




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diji's picture

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I will fish when i can and when i want

Thu, 2008-10-09 22:17

As long as its with in the rules
Im sick of hearing all this bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everybody has different jobs and different circumstances
Odd/Even fishing days i see a problem it it does'nt suit anybody what about people who work away thats not equal
I fish once maybe twice in my swing off more often once deep,once shallow squid etc
Happy to a ban but ban the people who F#@ked this fisherie in the first place

hlokk's picture

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For crayfishermen taking

Thu, 2008-10-09 22:17

For crayfishermen taking dhuies, I know they at least used to be able to do it, but I though just recently it was prohibited?



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Three Lions's picture

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Not supporting them, but the

Thu, 2008-10-09 22:29

Not supporting them, but the pros are already banned from local waters are they not!!! If we can improve local waters with reduced bag limits all year round, then we (local fishos) would have it to ourselves. This talk about mine workers only getting limited chance to fish, everybody makes choices and working away for the big bucks has its down falls. You will never please everybody and thats the way it is, stiff shit.

diji's picture

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Working Away has its down falls

Thu, 2008-10-09 22:54

Dead right there

And my choice is as a (local fisho) reduce the bag limits only to people who dont work in the mines as they who work in mines have reduced there fishing time by 50% already no argument there.or stiff shit

Three Lions's picture

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Thu, 2008-10-09 23:09

Jason, thats why we need tough bag limits. Mate I get one day a week of(sunday) and if its blowing its arse of I miss out, thats the way it is. Some people get more time of than others, you will upset people with any decision that is made. The point everybody has to remember is that it is in our best interest to look after the stocks.

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Last year the fisheries

Fri, 2008-10-10 05:36

Last year the fisheries where going around the state having discussions in different locations about the V4, I went to the one down in Mandurah and there was no mention of Red Snapper, it wasn't on any of the handouts or the posters they had hanging up they just had the V4, I agree I think Reds and Pinkies were just added to stop you from fishing the bottom they have such a wide depth range and are in good numbers, most fishos that I speak to up the coast can't understand the Pinks and the Reds being under threat. Most of the discussion at the meeting seemed to be about the Baldy and the Dhui. 

diji's picture

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I dont mind what they do

Fri, 2008-10-10 05:48

Chris but have research to back it up
if you read alot of my other posts i want the pro's banned as well, whatever needs to be done but you cant ban one group and let another carry on.
But this argument will go on for ever

Three Lions's picture

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Im with you on the research

Fri, 2008-10-10 09:33

Im with you on the research mate, then we will see what happens. Fingers crossed

BQ544's picture

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Fri, 2008-10-10 07:22

A lot of the problem or concern with the goverments is that if they take away the right/licence of pro fisherman to fish they will have to compensate them. Same for Charters....

You can't take away the right of someone to earn money without compensation.

The Goverment should just bit the bullet and pay them all out and close the area to pros.

The number of new boats being registered each year is around 5000, not all will fish but it's still al ot of extra pressure.

Maybe the ecomomic slowdown will cause a ban on it's own!

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(You can't take away the

Fri, 2008-10-10 11:16

(You can't take away the right of someone to earn money without compensation.)


BQ544's picture

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No different then guns....

Fri, 2008-10-10 16:52

They banned our guns and we all got compensated.....Remember gun buy back!

jersey's picture

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On Radio

Fri, 2008-10-10 17:01

Yea,I heard the pro fisherman saying about the costs involved,but Ill bet he has one hell of a big ofset acount for his tax able income,Licensing  fees,fuel,bait,repairs,and,I do not think any recreational fisherman can claim these costs,but I'm sure they also pay full tax on their income.No The crayfisherman should ONLY catch crays,and the wet linner guys catch fish,but not ask to double dip and catch both,(in the case of the pro crayfisherman)Kiss

diji's picture

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Sat, 2008-10-11 22:52

I cant beleive they have had free range for so long and then try and turn it around on us and winge?????
No Crays,Crabs,Scallops,Fish,Prawns But they all have a house in every fishing town.
Lets all say Sorry to the people that F#@%*ed our fisherie

D_DOUSH's picture

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Jersey, us pro crayfisherman

Sat, 2008-10-11 11:41

Jersey, us pro crayfisherman can only catch crays mate, not alowd to have a single hook, sinker, swivel, rod, reel, handline on the boat, This got taken off us last season. so this has nothing to do with crayfisherman anymore. Their wetline licenses got taken off them with no compensation.
Deckhand and member of the Gotone Woodvale team

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for the right reasons!

Sat, 2008-10-11 13:17

My step bro has done wetlinning purely to keep the boat & house morgage going through the off season due to making jack shit like many cray guys have done in the last few seasons and i'm not talking "pot license owners". Due to making jack, both our crayboats have been sold!

I do agree, many crayboats were just using it as piss money even if they did well on crays. They're the ones complaining from what i've seen, they didnt fill in the correct info so their own fault! 



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D_DOUSH's picture

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last year fished the

Sat, 2008-10-11 15:33

last year fished the reds out of gero and then did the abrolohos season, didnt fish once, against the law. The season before at the abrolhos probally 5 times with the skippers wife and kids. Caught more fish out of my 12ft dinghy at the islands last year than i did out of the cray boat the first year.
Deckhand and member of the Gotone Woodvale team

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But the stupid thing is that

Sat, 2008-10-11 15:38

But the stupid thing is that since they put the total ban on baldies up there (i know because thats the breeding area) we would go out and target the coral trout and dhuies. You go for a dive or snorkel at the abrolhols and you will see 50 baldies to every 1 coral trout. Fisheries just shifted the fishing effort to a species which in my own opion is much more suseptable to overfishing, due to the trout being very terrortial. How does that make sense??? Thank god they are reducing the possesion limit to 10kg at the islands.
Deckhand and member of the Gotone Woodvale team

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you see a snapper in

Sat, 2008-10-11 15:59

you see a snapper in a pot after being winched up from 65 fathom, not only does it have no scales on it but its pretty much f***ed from barotrauma, and all i do is throw it over the side and watch 3 10ft bronzies play keepy off each other, a waste in my book, let the boys keep it for dinner and then the temptation of throwing a line over the side will not be there, and i hqave seen a few boats throwing a quick line over the side when they know its illegal.
Deckhand and member of the Gotone Woodvale team

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Adam this comment is crap you know it

Sat, 2008-10-11 16:06

When i sink as many pro's as possible
I cant beleive they have had free range for so long and then try and turn it around on us and winge?????
No Crays,Crabs,Scallops,Fish,Prawns But they all have a house in every fishing town.
Lets all say Sorry to the people that F#@%*ed our fisherie


Diji,  if you are gunna write crap like that, please have the balls to actually post ya real name underneath, i reckon my 3 year old son has bigger balls then you mate, grow up and read a bit. spare us the crapola mate, ever spent a day/ week on a commercail boat Diji, nah ya balls arent bigger enough. probably a river queen. stick to fishing for bream mate


what happens diji if you ever got into trouble on the briney, commercail boat comes over to help ya out, ( and they would be the first to come) what ya gunna tell them what ya said on here, i bet not.


good to see ya on here Doush, balance to this debate 

Wally Parkin





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still no reason to say blow

Sat, 2008-10-11 16:39

still no reason to say blow all comercail fisherman out of the water. commercail fishing has and still is a main stay for many coastal towns across our whole state. hell some wouldnt even exsist mate if it wasnt for that industry.


the point is, commercail fishing isnt the problem, its the minister that is. fisheries can only do so much, the minister makes the finally yes or nah on how its managed. and that is a fact. fisheries cant change sh^t, the minister can so everyone dont blame fisheries that have to manage it on a shoe string budget, you want sumfin done  vent ya spleen to the minister in numbers


Hope ya understand that mathew, and yes, it was meant to cause a sh^t stir because it was a shit comment from him. and not one that is good in this debate.




D_DOUSH's picture

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With this whole pro's

Sat, 2008-10-11 16:55

With this whole pro's situation, you guys need to just relise that if you had the chance to make money by working hard then you would. Dont go blaming the pro fisherman, hes just out the to make as much money as can. Blame the government and fisheries ministers over the last 40yrs that have allowed the pros to do what they have done. They are just fishing to the rules like every rec person. Its the government that has alowed the pros to do this. I work hard on the crayboats and i want to make as much money as i can, if i could of wetlined after work or doing the off season i would. However i wouldnt of been breaking the rules just as if some rec guy went out and bagged out on his demersals.

Deckhand and member of the Gotone Woodvale team

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I aint gunna repeat

Sat, 2008-10-11 17:04

i aint gunna repeat myself over and over again, this topic has been done to death, we warned ya years ago. you all thought i was a f*** head for saying so


here is a few pionters for all on fisheries management


1 you will never have data


2You will never have the research for that data


3Fisheries will never have the money for that REAL data


4 compliance will never happen because they have never got the money


5 Fisheries arent the problem its the government and the minister at the time


6 they fisheries knows what needs to happen, just they cant afford to implement it


7you seeing my piont here


the quicker everyone sees this, and you stop bagging RFW and get them to introduce a licence ( what they wanted to do  5years ago at least) and got slammed for it  attached to compulsary log books so we can have OUR data to prove or not to prove, we will still fight this crap over and over again

Money is the key, our money that we can fight the fight, easy, nope the minister will say political suicide


are we all following here, or are our ears stuck on for decoration


there ya go




ps  a shit comment, deserves a shit comment back 

D_DOUSH's picture

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just want

Sat, 2008-10-11 17:07

just want people to see the other side.
One of the advantages of being a die hard rec fisho and a comerical fisho.
Deckhand and member of the Gotone Woodvale team

harro's picture

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crabs for 1

Sat, 2008-10-11 17:12

i know for a fact , since the pros have stopped crabbing in geographe bay, crabs are back in plenty numbers.. we went a cple yrs with bugger all left..now families can enjoy this freedom, same as fishing, look at how many pros are being busted and thats just lately,

these bans have turned many pple against each other and created a shifight for all, 

cray guys,pros and recos..

 having a license and a big boat shouldnt mean that the bays/oceans /rivers can get pillaged.. 

what happens when a bay is cleaned out.. do they go to another bay and do the same..!!!

no offense intended here.. 






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Exactly Harro as long as

Sat, 2008-10-11 17:27

Exactly Harro as long as people understand its the government that has allowed for this to happen! Ban crayfishing fullstop for 2 yrs and let them rejuvenate even still bring in quotas ( how long has that been in the pipeline?), the government are too scared to get off this backsides and do something about it in fear of voter backlash.
Deckhand and member of the Gotone Woodvale team

harro's picture

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too true

Sat, 2008-10-11 17:40

... excatly.. sure pple were shocked to hear a closure for fishing, down south here we don,t get mackies,dollys, and a lot of other fish, but pple were understanding the fact that we need to look after these fish if we are going to keep fishing/eating them,

but what the hell is the point if the charters/pros can still take ...

its not about being unfair, its about being realistic..


yeah yeah i know its the "job" but you guys(pros)-(charter ops) won,t have a job at all once the fish are gone..

sure the price may go up to compensate for smaller seasons .. hell,, inflation is life,,

but at least we all get to fish..working,recreational, charter or whatever..

we spawn alot more than the v5 fish, so we totally out number them.. 

so if facts prove these fish are in danger of becoming extint we (ALL) NEED TO DO SOMETHING..

cheers harro..







 :::: Bass Hunter ::::

carnarvonite's picture

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Another side to it!!!

Sat, 2008-10-11 17:44

Where do all the people who love or need to eat fish get there feed from??Imported shit like you buy down on the waterfront in Freo?It has to come from somewhere and someone has to catch it.A lot of people don't or cannot go and catch a feed ,be it the old,the infirm or even the insane it has to come from somewhere and a lot of wingers say its ok but go to someone else's paddock to get it,as long as its not from my spot

Have a look at the menu next time you go out for a feed and don't tell me you would like to see basa/nile perch or imported aquaculture prawns grown in the sewers of Asia there instead of prime local fish.I know what I order and its not the garbage.

harro's picture

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not saying

Sat, 2008-10-11 17:58

sure that would happen if we wernt allowed to fish at all..canarvonite..., but i cant see that happening if closures happen during spawning ,(which is what this is all about..)another point is..

the depth they are allowed to fish.. the the metro 250m contour,prob works well for all..

the pros still get fish and the recs still get fish..

down here there is no limit,, 

sure crab bans r in the bay now and salmon bans r in the bay next yr, why??

because of this reason...... 

its all being cleaned out.. 

and if we are doing it for export wtf!!!!

like salmon most of it is catfood,

hell why dont we open the ab season all yr round, clean that out as well..

these r being introduced for a reason, recs have adjusted and understood, 

so why do i see pro guys getting agro about this...

no offense to anyone..

the government is seperating the fishing communities , and i think they realized when they deferred this ban, 

i will look forward to new rules set.. for all....



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if you actually read more,

Sat, 2008-10-11 18:04

if you actually read more, you would see support on this site  for a licence...support for log books, and even support for the bans ( but the bans need to be for all to be a true ban...yes or no??)..

RFW new if we had the money from a licience they could do some really great stuff for rec fishing, including data from the recs, see what i am saying, you and others on here support that shit now. but 5 years ago, you should of heard the crap, do a search on wangler ol blue forum, fark me, reckon the comments  on there from a few people are now eating their words


as for the commercails taking fish when we cant, i aint got a problem with that because the true wetliners can fish now, they are very stricted and service the market. I understand the wetline review, many dont. its the biggest win recs have ever had , if you or any one else cant grasp this, not my problem. but what ever ya do dont loose one of our biggest wins besides the wetline review and allow the pros to fish the metro again, that would be sad. dont comment on the sound guy thats getting sorted, trust me, and was a loop hole that will be fixed



deepwater's picture

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Good point Carnarvonite...

Sat, 2008-10-11 18:14

Good point Carnarvonite... at the end of the day i will definately pay more for my fish if its local. With all the new restrictions where is the fish coming from???? Overseas...No thankyou


just when you think you have gone deep enough go deeper

carnarvonite's picture

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Salmon ???

Sat, 2008-10-11 18:30

Harro,your comment about lack of salmon in geo bay,to my knowledge from experience as an amateur and working as a pro on a salmon team and to rub salt in as a skipper of a shark boat down there,taking the reel off and wetlining in the off season ,there hsa been more salmon in the last 10 years regularly from when I did my first season at Eagle Bay in 68.Fisheries stats will back that up and the pros were sending it for cray bait,because it is too expensive to ice it down to 14 degrees to truck to the closest and only cannery in Albany They only take as much as they can handle on their own.Now I think there are 2 x teams working from Quindalup and 2 from Bunbury on salmon left,the rest have been sold back to fisheries

Faulkner Family's picture

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imported fish

Sat, 2008-10-11 22:40

i work for a company(no name mentioned)that imports fish and you would be surprised how much does come in from overseas

have you ever had spanish mac at a restraunt?

check where it comes from next time

fish farming overseas



"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

diji's picture

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Wally im not going to get into a personal slinging match

Sat, 2008-10-11 22:51

I will edit the part of sink as many pro's as possible just for you but the rest can stay
I blame the fisheries as well for not managing it????
I think your personal attack is a little strong Wally

Posts: 439

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Big balls

Sun, 2008-10-12 00:39

I wouldn't worry about his claim that his 3yr old son has bigger balls than you Jason... as you never know, they might just be massive....

wadetolley's picture

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Sun, 2008-10-12 00:51



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you must feel really special

Sun, 2008-10-12 06:44

you must feel really special that you were right and we were all wrong.


Nope disapionted mate. mostly with myself

As for the JC comment Lindsay.Well i can handle that, at least he tries to improve recreational fishing, even if others dont think so.And he knows how the fisheries system works and thats important.




ps yeah alright Diji i opligize for my comments