very confused
Submitted by epic restos and... on Mon, 2016-07-18 11:13
I really dont understand why no one has made a genuine offer on this? or even contacted me. Have dropped the price to below thirty has warrenty and is packed with features, What would you pay? dont want to give it away but my feet r itchen to finish my next demo
Posts: 1086
Date Joined: 10/05/14
When I saw the ad the boat itself looks very busy and it's a bit hard to see how you might use it. You can put 10 pics on Gumtree so use them to improve the display of features you are showing. Go ahead and list all the features as there will be more than anyone else has got. I thought your boat looked best with daytime pics without 300 rods and all the hatches open covered in bait boards. Modern advertising is slanted towards clean lines so try and show it from its best angle. It looks like there is room for 1 person and a house full of stuff.
If you search Centre Console, you can't find it. Not everyone knows what an epic senator is.
Have you called this guy? He said he is looking for a centre console with a 4 stroke and has $27K
You've got to get people interested and your ad has to do that. You can't just say 'something for everyone'.
These thoughts are just my opinion.
P.S. I think it is the most feature packed boat of that size on the market today. You just need to display it so it is pleasing to the eye to get people in.
Posts: 1278
Date Joined: 16/04/12
Good advice. Nothing
Good advice. Nothing mentioned about the outboard either in your gumtree ad. I can just make out that its a Suzuki. Not mentioning power could be taken as trying to hide something. More quality, clear daytime photos will definately help.
Good luck
•••••••• Electrical Contractor NOR ••••••••
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Date Joined: 05/05/06
Looks like a solid boat with
Looks like a solid boat with all the fruit, but the stabilisers are a put off. Thats what i reckon.
Bend over
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Yep. The stabilisers worry
Yep. The stabilisers worry me too. Plus most who have 30 to spend on a rig will be looking for something 5m plus.
It only takes one buyer that loves it though.....
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 1521
Date Joined: 27/11/09
why do the
why do the stabilisers/sponsons worry you ??
my son bought a 5.5 metre ali centre consol a few years ago , the bloke had extended the hull by a metre out to about 6.5+ and added a large hard top made in 5mm ali , with rod storage rack etc
it made the boat top heavy with a lazy roll to it that felt uncomfortable , when large sponsons where added it changed it dramatically ,
real improvement , to ride , cornering , stability & it got out of the hole better as well as seemed to make it a drier boat all round
i dont mind them
OFW 11
evil flourishes when good men do nothing
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
One I went on banged
One I went on banged horribly whenever the pontoon hit the chop. Made it horrible. Was a good flat water crabbing rig, very stable. Just not an offshore rig
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 1521
Date Joined: 27/11/09
agree with zoom its a
agree with zoom
its a beautifull rigg and well finished ,
if it was 5 metres + i reckon she would have gone by now easily
my opinion
1 she is just 4 metres odd ?? so smallish for ofshore regularly at that price
2very busy layout even though its all top shelf gear etc
3 space wise there is min , good for one bloke , max of two blokes to fish out of
4 she is not a family friendly rigg as is
5 its a niche market your boat is built /pitching too for its usage
5 cant imagine carrying /setting /pulling cray pots from her easily , at her size she would be ideal if she had more deck space etc
6 sponsons are great ,no issues with them at all !! would add to her stability and offshore all weather ability for her size
7 $ 25-$30 k to buy her or a more varied option rigg of a bigger size that would be more ''allrounder ''for a family bloke
8 small centre console = potentially wet boat or wet ride quite often
9 is she diver friendly ?? does not look to be as she is set up , so you will possibly lose their interest as she is ,even though her hull and size/ability etc would be ideal if more roomy diver accessable
10 its a tough economic market at present for sellers of anything , especialy expensive small boats
so i reckon you are just looking to capture the bloke who wants a specialist rigg , thats easily towed and beach launched into out of the way places as well as around home territory who primarily likes to fish rivers, inshore waters and on good days out wider , who can see the time /money , gear you have invested and is looking for such a custom rigg
OFW 11
evil flourishes when good men do nothing
epic restos and...
Posts: 226
Date Joined: 22/06/15
there is some very good
there is some very good imput there thankyou so much for the honesty and so far i agree with every word, im asking 28k which i feel is a very good price but as mentioned maybe i have put to much into it (althought must admit when ur actually out there its a dif story when everything is right there where you need it), so i guess my delema is; to achieve a sale and make way for the next demo do I,
1 reduce it more
2 remove some of the layout
3 extend it (althou it is actaully 5m overall)
4 or keep it till you find the right buyer
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Sponsons = Question
Every time I see sponsons added to a boat the first thing I ask myself is WHY?
Was it a real pig before they were added and most times they don't improve the ride, they just make it hit harder and throw more spray.
They no doubt will improve stability, but at what cost.
Posts: 4109
Date Joined: 24/01/10
With a boat that size, often
With a boat that size, often less is more..
Posts: 3916
Date Joined: 14/10/12
A small boat is still a
A small boat is still a small boat and regardless of what you bolt on it.
It may be the ideal boat for someone and hopefully you come across each other.
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
Nice boat, and has more on in
Nice boat, and has more on in that my 8m. And i dont even use everything i have to for me its just all too much for a small boat.
A decent photographer would help too haha
Posts: 714
Date Joined: 27/11/15
Try what zoom suggested
Try what zoom suggested there Todd.
Add more photos, clear daytime shots, list everything, features, motor, motor hours and make it more search friendly.
If your boat can't be found by searching "centre console" then you are more than likely missing a lot of potential buyers right there.
Really make it stand out from all the other boats that size and she will sell mate
My fishing spots are so secret........... even the fish don't know where they are !!
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Big bucks
For small boat. No dought built well. Not many people have money to spend lately . Building trades work dropped. Try summer time to sell. Wrong time of year. Imo. House prices crap. No money around atm. I hope you do sell.. Good luck
Anyfishwilldo (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
I really liked the boat in
I really liked the boat in the grey and without the pontoons. It looked really smart when you first posted but now just a little too busy. And you have mentioned in previous posts that the pontoons did ad to a harsher ride and that put me off a bit.
Posts: 812
Date Joined: 09/10/06
Mate if your making demo
Mate if your making demo boats , let the boat and workmanship speak for itself, not the wank factor add ons.
Posts: 1392
Date Joined: 08/01/09
Have the same problem at the mo
selling a boat.
Have only had a couple of half assed looks
Unless I take a really big hit to the pocket cant see it selling in a hurry
Lots on the market.
Like the look of your boat though and best of luck with the sale
epic restos and...
Posts: 226
Date Joined: 22/06/15
again thanx for the input
again thanx for the input haved edited add on gumtree and started trying to free up some space within the boatbut the sponsens stay took me several different trips and adjustments to make them perform right and as said to many peopler alarm bells soiund to me done RIGHT amazing adition . do agree holth showcase your workmanship n not hide it behind wank but mate all honestey nothing i put in this boat was destin for wank it was always about wat i needed, maybe lesson learnt we all have different taste n maybe i should stop trying to make my boats have FEEL n EXPRESS DIFFERENCE n build a stasndarded run of the mill thing like everyone else so the overall $ is alot more satisfying to the byer but the overall feeling is unmsatisfied n wish they had of got more. once again cheers and i will c how add goes now in the mean time , time to make some room
Posts: 1027
Date Joined: 03/04/08
Don't underestimate the
Don't underestimate the power of social media. There's a lot of other boat users out there that don't necessarily fish, so create a Facebook page and share your boat builds over diving and spearing pages as well
Rob H
Posts: 5823
Date Joined: 18/01/12
I can't find it searching
I can't find it searching "centre console"?
have you got a link to it?
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
Posts: 581
Date Joined: 23/04/14
In the ad it's spelled "center" not "centre". All little things that make it harder to sell.
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Lots of guys are after little
Lots of guys are after little boats for pot pullers and the pontoons would make that pretty difficult too.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
chris raff
Posts: 3257
Date Joined: 09/02/10
Todd it looks the goods I
“Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Your PS is so relevent
It certainly makes the tyre kickers and those looking for the free ride to fill in the afternoon think twice.
Bryce Day
Posts: 812
Date Joined: 01/06/15
Do you also do resumes/cv?
Do you also do resumes/cv? F&$@ me you'd be able to sell my 3 legged sheep dog!
But that's what you need to sell a boat or to get people to look at it!
Good work Chris
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
You're a good man Chris Raff
Love the West!
Posts: 2632
Date Joined: 03/03/09
Top advice Chris
The pen is indeed mightier than the sword and in selling in this day and age getting it right is essential !
epic restos and...
Posts: 226
Date Joined: 22/06/15
my god chris i need you as
my god chris i need you as my sales rep where have been many thanks mate can you fwd that to me please and will change add right away
chris raff
Posts: 3257
Date Joined: 09/02/10
Hi Todd just copy and pasted
Hi Todd just copy and pasted and sent to yours ..
“Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”
Posts: 76
Date Joined: 29/04/14
Damn that is impressive, im
Damn that is impressive, im gunna copy and save it for when I sell my super yacht...
Posts: 4109
Date Joined: 24/01/10
Hey Todd hopefully for you
Hey Todd hopefully for you its sold by then but i fly back into perth next Thursday I'd be happy to take some updated photos of the boat for you mate. Let me know
Posts: 1278
Date Joined: 16/04/12
•••••••• Electrical Contractor NOR ••••••••
Posts: 2515
Date Joined: 03/08/08
Might want to consider that
Might want to consider that plenty of people are looking for work in a relatively flat economy and less people are splashing money on non-essentials right now. Its a tough sellers market.
The Terrorist - coming to a fishing spot near you.........
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
internet been down huggy?
Posts: 1342
Date Joined: 05/05/06
Theres no doubt its quality
Theres no doubt its quality workmanship.
Bend over
epic restos and...
Posts: 226
Date Joined: 22/06/15
well i must say in all
well i must say in all honesty its a big
up from me, it is a very rewarding feeling and great sence of acheivement to me when i slow down and re read all the composed post. it makes me realize why i strive to put ova 150% of effort and thought into wat ever prodject is thrown at me. some very great advice and constructive critizim taken well onboard and will be used wisely. look forward to catching up with a few of you and anyone else thinking about there up a coming projects