Water in fuel tank help

Boat motor ran rough coming in last week and found water in the fuel filter. I have changed the filter, removed the top of the fuel tank and pumped fuel from the bottom of the tank. Covered the fuel inlet and checked the seal. Also added a fuel additive to remove any water. Is there anything else I should try. Unfortunately the boat is out in the open until my new shed is built in about six weeks. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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fishy fingers's picture

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bottle of metho

Mon, 2011-08-01 20:48

straight into the tank.....usually just condensation

Lamby's picture

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Yep fishy is spot on

Mon, 2011-08-01 20:51

Yep fishy is spot on

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Mon, 2011-08-01 20:51

1lt per 100 lt fuel works great

Kingfisher549's picture

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Mon, 2011-08-01 20:56

Will Metho create any problems with an EFI motor?


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black gen's picture

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Mon, 2011-08-01 21:01

i may possibly have a similar problem with my etec..


only a small bit of water possibly...when it rained the other day up here...but i doubt there is much..


can i stiull put a bottle of metho in just as a precaution???

adam87's picture

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Mon, 2011-08-01 21:02

not as much as water!

botti's picture

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it will be fine

Mon, 2011-08-01 21:02

how big is the tank?

Anthony Hall 87's picture

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I had the same issue a few

Mon, 2011-08-01 21:05

I had the same issue a few weeks ago, I have now installed clear fuel filters with the tap on the bottom so you can drain any water off.


It's the way to go I reckon, keep your tanks full when stored to prevent it happening though.


Tight lines to all :)

Kingfisher549's picture

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Fuel Filter

Mon, 2011-08-01 21:19

Fuel filter has a clear bottom that can be drained from the bottom, will see if problem solved if this weather ever clears


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iana's picture

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Hi Kingfisher

Tue, 2011-08-02 05:45

Personaly, I would not add anything to the fuel. Any additive could alter the fuel performance characteristics and with modern high performance fuel injection you could induce detonation (pinging) which will shorten the life of the motor. You could also create sludge or varnish deposits that effect the injectors etc.

Questions: have you installed a "Swan neck" at the the breather, that is, a high rise of pipe that stops any water from entering. Do you have a fuel sender that has a well fitting/sealing gasket, or is it leaking. Are you using the std Baron fuel point. Any chance that water is entering through the gaskets or inspection panels of the fuel tank?

Water and fuel dont mix, when you are getting water in the fuel filter sight glass, it would mean water has accumulated in the tank, and the level has reached the fuel pick up for the motor. So draining from the fuel outlet won't fix the problem as the water below the pick up remains.

I would drain out all the fuel from the fuel outlet, then soak out the residue (Whats left) with a towel (Through the access panel) and even let the tank dry out for a couple of days. Careful putting the fuel back, check for water in the containers.

If you are still using the Baron fill point, you should be able to keep the tank full (the level up the filler hose) this will reduce condensation.



fishy fingers's picture

Posts: 1719

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metho is fine

Tue, 2011-08-02 06:33

it just absorbs any water then burns off it wont effect your economy or do any damage regardless of motor

Kingfisher549's picture

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Tue, 2011-08-02 09:05

Iana I have a breather kneck at the start of the line and have sealed around the inspection whole in the fuel tank, can only wait and see if this has solved the problem. Cant wait for new shed


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iana's picture

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The breather.

Tue, 2011-08-02 16:04

Dont know what you mean by "Breather neck", but this is what I have. I used the origional "breather Vent" which is only a flame trap, then I took the fuel line up vertically for 75mm, put in a 180' bend and then took it to the tank. This method helps prevent water entering the tank.

Did you use cruise tanks in the rebuild?

Kingfisher549's picture

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Tue, 2011-08-02 20:30

New alli tank went into the boat when rebuilt, Iana as you have seen there is nothing on this boat that hasnt been replaced or altered


Baron Sportsman Custom

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If the motor was running

Wed, 2011-08-03 20:49

If the motor was running rough on the way in it might pay to have that looked also, being EFI water could cause problems with the injectors, high / low pressure fuel pump

it might pay to check the fuel filter on the motor

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water eliminator

Sun, 2011-08-21 07:43

I bought a water separator unit for my alloy boat and mounted it under the outboard mounts, the fuel hose goes into the water separator then out to the motor.

Now the water is trapped there where it can be seen in the glass bowel, now it can be drained out before it does any damage.

Don't remember how to post a photo



  Maîneÿ . . .


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fuel additve

Sun, 2011-08-21 10:29

 Hey iana

What you say about fuel additive is incorrect,you may need to do some research before you comment on them.You are entitled to your opinion though. I am a pro- ma product agent and have all the info on what these fuel products do .

You say by putting additive in could create pinging ,the pinging is from shit fuel. Regular unleaded these days is meant to have a maximum or 10 % ethanol.Ethnol is basically an alchohol which is not good for engines dryer burn ect,ethanol absorbs is own weight in water from the atmostphere.Pinging generally happen with low octane fuel hence more ethanol in fuel.How good did our old cars run on the old leaded fuel !

Basiclly  the fuels are getting worst just so they can meet goverment imission laws.I cant comment on other fuel additves but the pro-ma PT5 i can comment on.The 5 features of this additive is a sufactant that breaks down water to less than 1 micron and encapsulates the particles to pass through the motor not having  touched any critcal engine parts.The only part it touches is the exhaust valve and exhaust as steam.It has a detergent to help clean fuel system ,cylinders and exhaust.It has a top oil lubricant to lubricate valves and upper cylinder area.Octane enhancer which increases octane 5 to 6 points regardless of octane rating,and a combustion modifier to help smooth flame progression,burn more fuel less emissions.

All these claims have been tested at the university of QLD and can been down loaded at this website .www.fueloiladditive.com.au   .

As for putting metho in to fuel im not quite sure fella's.It will definitly absorb the water but what happens when it detonates and that steam and gases covering your cylinder head ,bore and valves as well as contaminating your oil. Is it creating a dry burn .I'd love to be proven wrong though.

PT5 works out to be about 2 cents a litre and DT5 about three cents a litre.

I have some pic's of my mower's head to show the differents in the before and after shot.i will try to get them up.

Buy the way have been runinng it with out oil in it the last year to see how  well the oil additive works.

I dont know if im aloud to mention my products on here so  let me no if  it's not ok,just trying to shed some light on additives.

And of course this is just my opinion.


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Sun, 2011-08-21 11:52

If your a pro mar agent are you interests in there grease testing machine have one cheap used 5 times make me offer

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brake machine

Sun, 2011-08-21 12:35

 Got one tomcat cheers anyway mate


NOHA's picture

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Sun, 2011-08-21 17:01

No ethanol in WA fuel mate. Just Queensland and some parts of NSW I believe.

As for todays fuel being shit and worse than the old unleaded...WTF!!

As you have said. Your in business to sell additives.

I make fuel



Twin turbo..V8 diesel..Ohh what a feeling!!

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iana's picture

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Yes I am entitled to my own opinon

Sun, 2011-08-21 17:21

Lets get some facts right, first I have not suggested any person do anything, I wrote " Personally I would not", what you do Mr Bull and anyone else for that matter is up to them. In fact when I add to the posts I am very carefull not to put in something that might offend. How I some how suggsted that another reader may have used a second hand part on his Baron has got me buggered, as I wrote "this is what I have".

I checked out your site, and realised its the same company thats been pushing this stuff for decades, as for the tests done at the university no info just "contact us". So maybe you could post it on the forum just to prove its not bull.

Reading through the info given, it did knock the adding of Metho, and what was written was much the same as what I wrote above.

With respect additives, anything that is added to fuel, including metho, is of course an additive.

The info on your site also said, if there is water accumulated in the bottom of the tank, it has to be removed, same as what I wrote.


sea-kem's picture

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Saw the old metho trick done

Sun, 2011-08-21 17:27

Saw the old metho trick done once when I worked at a garage years ago. The idiot put a whole bottlle (litre) in a near on empty fule tank and the car ran like a washing machine.You're right Tomcat 1:100 mix should work.  From what my old boss told me it binds with the water molcules and burns up in the chamber. Depends on how much water is in there though. I'd be pulling the whole tank out and cleaning it. These new motors are like high strung racehorses.


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Sun, 2011-08-21 19:21

Each to there own on this subject I worked for Caltex for 30 years dealing with fuel if you don't want to pull your fuel tank out to see how much waters in it get some litmus paste rub on a dip stick it will change colour showing amount of water in tank plus I have been using metho for as long as I can remember but have never had efi motors so not sure about them

sea-kem's picture

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I used to work at a Caltex

Sun, 2011-08-21 19:29

I used to work at a Caltex garage about 30 years ago in HighWycombe. Pumping fuel and doing services.That's where my old boss told me about Metho. Learnt a few other old school things while I was there.


Love the West!

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Sun, 2011-08-21 21:18

sorry didn't mean to offend you and yes you are right to have your opinion, hope no hard feeling's.

I was just tring to put across my side of the story. If you want to read the report send me your email add and i will send you the pdf file.I wont post it coz it 35 pages long.

Iana if there is litres and litres of water in your tank it goes without saying you have to empty it.The DT5  ensures it gets rid of any water that comes from the fuel pump.Service station tanks are filled with a portion of water (not sure how much) to stop them  floating from the ground water.Never fill up if you see a tanker at the servo they just stur up the water in the fuel.

Hoha i was told there had to be no more than 10% ethanol in our fuel.

My bad if im wrong .

todaytonight had a bit on enthanol in fuel about 6 months ago and im sure it was in WA.

and noha we will have to agree to disagree about the old and new fuels mate . Lead is one of the best lubricating factors in fuel.The only reason they ditched it from my understanding is the emissions.Could you tell us whats in the fuel these days i would be interested to know.




iana's picture

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As advised, been researching on the net.

Sun, 2011-08-21 22:07

Been surfing to make sure my information is correct.

Cant find any referance to E10 in WA, but BP makes it here. Neither Shell or Caltex use ethanol in ULP here in WA. I did fuel up for a while at a gas station that had a change in ownership and both cars ran very rough until I changed my stations.

Mr Bull, I have read your distributors web pages, and it would seem you are quoting from what they have written, they even have pictures of a lawn mower head before and after.

Tetraethyllead allowed octane ratings and thus engine compression to be boosted significantly, increasing power and fuel economy. It was removed because of its toxidity. During WW2 the Americans used TEL and the Germans used alcohol, both for the same purpose, to boast octane ratings, the problem with alchol was it absorbed water.


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Mon, 2011-08-22 02:45

Sorry but your wrong on water in storage tanks like I said I did it for 30 years no water goes out in tankers and it does not stir up when delivered tanks are cheacked to test for water using litmus year ago water was used to push fuel up the pipeline from kwinana that no longer happens can you imagine water in tanks at the airport that refuel planes I not only have water /fuel separator but a standard merc filter after that you will be suprized how much water comes from condensation keep tanks topped up

iana's picture

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Researching on the net.

Mon, 2011-08-22 05:22

Methylated spirits ("metho") is a mixture of ethyl alcohol (95%) and methyl alcohol (%5). The methyl alcohol is poisonous and is added to prevent the methylated spirits being used as cheap drinking alcohol.

Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, is produced by the fermentation of sugars, or from direct synthesis from ethylene. It is a renewable energy source.

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I was told by my mechanic to

Mon, 2011-08-22 09:05

I was told by my mechanic to keep the fuel tank at least 1/2 full to prevent condensation. So Tomcat you are correct when you say keep fuel tanks topped up.

However, Bull is also correct in talking about leaded fuels being better than todays fuel. (apart from being toxic)

The petrol you put in your tank needs to combust in a controlled manner (deflagration) and is determined by its Ocatne rating. The octane rating of gasoline tells you how much the fuel can be compressed before it spontaneously ignites. When gas ignites by compression rather than because of the spark from the spark plug, it causes knocking in the engine. Knocking can damage an engine, so it is not something you want to have happening. Lower-octane gas (like "regular" 87-octane gasoline) can handle the least amount of compression before igniting.

The lead in fuel was used to increase this octane rating and was also a good lubricator.

However, manufactors take unleaded fuel into account and would have improved the engine materials to take this into account.



Posts: 27

Date Joined: 23/02/11

A little metho

Sun, 2011-08-28 08:37

I would only use a little metho to catch a little water. If you think you have a lot of water, drain the tank. If the tank is hard to get to, get a cloth or rope, stick it in and try to get it to drop lower than the tank. It will wick water out.

I stoped using metho in my tank on the honda, because I was told they add ethanol, and I dont like ethanol.

Instead now I use Methanol. If its good enought for a drag car...

A fuller tank stops condensation and makes it easier to nip out for a quick fish. No stuffing around "ohh need fuel" and if you drive your mates home after the fish, they kinda have to dip their hand in to refuel.. Method to my madness...

I think everyone will have an opinion on additives. Beg to differ gents. beg to differ...


Posts: 563

Date Joined: 27/08/09

Have to agree with your

Sun, 2011-08-28 09:50

Have to agree with your methods. Only use a little metho or Methanol as both are mildly acidic and will corrode aluminium components in your fuel system.

As for metho containing Ethanol. Current Metho (UN1170) is Ethanol with a bittering agent added. It tastes like crap but wont send you blind like the old methanol mixtues.


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Sun, 2011-08-28 13:13

How do you know it tastes like crap lol ha ha

Kingfisher549's picture

Posts: 328

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Problem Fixed

Mon, 2011-08-29 10:07

Took advice from several members put it all together and problem fixed.


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