Wedge death... Happy new year
Submitted by tailor marc on Wed, 2014-01-01 11:24
Whats it coming to these days. This is why i dont go out anymore. Away from all the twats for me but the twats a breeding and its becoming hard to go anywhere without coming across idiots.
RIP to the fella who wont see 2014 - and condolences to his family...
Another place that will become off limits to everyone
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good old drugs and
aclohol,arrrhh what fun, the knifes and etc are a worry
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
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Date Joined: 14/10/12
These dickheads that take
These dickheads that take machetes and large knives on a overnight party will be the reason places like this become off limits.
Should be a managed site with a gate in the entrance in my opinion. Let the responsible people in.
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Date Joined: 03/03/11
Yep , thats why i stay home on new years, sorry for the young guy and his family, a terrible way to remember the start of a new year .
Michael Yoni
Posts: 604
Date Joined: 02/01/11
Wedge island new year party
Wedge island new year party been going on much longer and well before the indian ocean road was built. Never had this problem before then. I have celebrated 4 of them there over the past 12 years.
There would have been lots of kids there as well last night (my nieces and nephews included). They dont need to see that sort of crap. Might sound heartless but I dont feel any sympathy to any of those involved with this as they could have easily stepped away and just enjoy the moment rather than show some form of bravado and violence. Its that sort of thing why the local shack stake holders dislike others stuffing up their piece of paradise.
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Date Joined: 24/07/11
Don't know if I necessarily agree with what you said about side stepping the situation.
A group of us decided to peacefully celebrate New Years at Ledge and got attacked continuously by a group of drug fuelled bogans with baseball bats, tyre irons and shovels.
Not a single one of our group gave cheek, was aggressive nor in any way threatening and yet we still ended up with 2 guys assaulted, a car damaged and a night in ruins. We drove off at 11pm because these guys were so violent that they were going to kill someone eventually. The whole fiasco was fuelled from one guys drug addled hallucination that someone in our camp had threatened him.
Maybe 20 years ago it was easy to say that you could walk away, but nowadays the aggressors are so drugged up that there is no reasoning and no getting away.
Our experience from the weekend showed that you don't have to be involved, just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
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Michael Yoni
Posts: 604
Date Joined: 02/01/11
wonder if they were the same
wonder if they were the same people that then headed up to Wedge then?
Have you thought of giving the 1300 number a call and provide them with additional info?
Posts: 114
Date Joined: 24/07/11
The police were made aware of our complaint and we have opted to press charges against the party responsible. If it is the same group then it would be very disappointing as it means they had the ability to shut this down 2hrs before it became a murder.
2006 Sea Hunt 23 Walkaround w/ 150hp Yamaha 2006
1989 Haines Hunter Legend w/ 225hp Pro XS Mercury 2013
2006 Savage 14ft w/ 30hp Yamaha
1990 Zodiac 12ft w/ 4hp Mercury
Shark B8
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What's it going to be like
What's it going to be like for our kids growing up? This shit is coming more and more common.
Go big or go home..
Michael Yoni
Posts: 604
Date Joined: 02/01/11
bring back the cane and 6 of
bring back the cane and 6 of the best is a start.
tailor marc
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Date Joined: 27/09/06
One reason i choose not to
One reason i choose not to have kids. What a shit world it is and going to be. I like my life as simple as possible. Dont need to be worrying about a daughter or son in this drug fuelled place. its only going to get worse with parents that refuse to smack and disciplin there kids and teach them respect.
Should have to aply to have kids in my opinion. To many twats spittin them out left right and center.
This worlds over populated as it is
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I find it disturbing that
I find it disturbing that there was up to 300 people at the party and around 90 got involved in the fight (so about a third of all the people there), some with large knives and machetes. Machetes at a party? Reading that bit makes me ask what did they think was going to happen? Not what I remember parties to be like.
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I know the young lad
That gave CPR This is shocking stuff; Another place mark by this bad act
One life gone and another life stuffup with a life behine bars
And people left behine to deal with this
So sad for all the familys
Assassin landbase fishing club
Posts: 4717
Date Joined: 10/09/06
I know the young lad
That gave CPR This is shocking stuff; Another place mark by this bad act
One life gone and another life stuffup with a life behine bars
And people left behine to deal with this
So sad for all the familys
Assassin landbase fishing club
Posts: 896
Date Joined: 25/05/09
Yeh what a disgrace , i am
Yeh what a disgrace , i am like many others here and stick to low key parties with close friends and family or stay home . To many nob heads around these days. Most seem like they go out to fight and hArm others rather then having a fun time . Whats even scArier is the thought of bringing up children these days. I honestly dont know what the problem with young people are these days im only 24 but, if i acted like this at 18 or even now , my old man would kick the shit out me n tell me to get my shit together . To many mind the language ( softcocks ) around and not enough discipline to keep younger people in check and respect each other and higher authority . Respect is lacking severely in 2014 !!
living is fishing
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family enviro
i think also the family environment here. where the hell are the parents of these idiots! Id love to see the excuse they give when their kids do stuff like this. And dont worry seems that the idiots know they cant get away with it in the city so now its the turn of the small towns like ours that get these and i am happy to say it bogtan redneck idiots as i found out on NYE at the pub. They walk around and stalk the local boys and just want to fight. Unfortunately for wedge i think it will be the demise of the place and will probably just be shut down totally with only people allowed there during the day. And when people start complaining that they cant go to this place or that place well they just need to look at the ones who have done it and blame them. I know it wont be long before lucky bay has the whip cracked on it and the ones that lose are the families and the local people that have had it for their own back yard because of these redneck bogan thugs! sad for the young fella but hey the easiest way is to just turn around and walk away!
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Few pics of the chap on
Few pics of the chap on
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lets see what the happens to this low life
what do you think bad childhood, bipolar, when you take a machette out with you,some bleeding heart lawyer will be working their magic, should never be free again, I'm thinking 6years maybe
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 1721
Date Joined: 29/05/09
this is what happens when
this is what happens when kids are not brought up with discipline and no respect. All those who oppose smacking of kids, teaching kids they don't always win, they don't always get what they want and that thier actions have consequences, well done this is the monster you have created!
RIP young fella and thoughts to the family and friends, lock the oxygen thief away for a very hard time and may his rear exit hole be the size of a rod holder!
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