Whats the best polish to shine up paint on Ali?
Submitted by wadetolley on Tue, 2010-01-19 08:44
Got another week, and keen to give the ole traily a polish. Can anyone recommend polish that has done a good job. cheers
Posts: 242
Date Joined: 18/01/07
look forward to seeing the responses to this one.
I was looking for a good product to give our traily a good polish up too. Mainly because we hope to be camping remotely (if I can get time off that is) and wont be able to wash the boat down after each use, so I was hoping a good polish might stop anything from sticking or staining as much...
I have sprayed the trailor with a wax type lubricant which puts a nice coating over everything and protects the trailor, but it isnt something you would want to use on the hull or motor.