woodies point never again

 just tryin to collect bait but spent more time dealin with people tryin to stand on top of you, you were warned today in no uncertian terms pull ya head in pick your rubbish up or go somewear else you didnt mouth off today so dont all of a sunden grow a pair on hear and mouth off see yas soon pick ya crap up or no one will be alowed to fish there soon what a joke no wonder there banning fishin everywear


 Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small 

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I assume you are talking

Sun, 2013-10-20 14:57

I assume you are talking about the jetty down by coogee? We called it ammo jetty as kids.

if so you are right, it is a disgrace the way fishos treat that jetty, usually full of total dickheads aswell, lucky you didn't have a car window smashed while there

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get any bait?

Sun, 2013-10-20 16:08

get any bait?

Leemo's picture

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Sun, 2013-10-20 16:48



bludgin' since 94'

Ericl's picture

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License for Beach fishermen

Sun, 2013-10-20 16:26

Maybe they should start charging license fees for Beach and Rock as well to pay to have fishing rubbish removed !


Don't spend all your money on beer, boats, and fishing. Save some to spend foolishly

cuthbad's picture

Posts: 1266

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Couldn't agree more! so long

Sun, 2013-10-20 22:27

Couldn't agree more! so long as its done the same way with kids able to fish under dads licence and bad limits. Would help minimise a bunch of the problems we come across so often.

Brock O's picture

Posts: 3262

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Been there the last couple

Sun, 2013-10-20 16:36


 Of weeks, ive had trouble getting the daughter out on the boat. Couple weeks back we were on our way home, Ive always got the flicky in the car so I said do you want to stop past the jetty, yes was the answer! Anyway packed to the brim, not a west Aussies insight except for the local forum jetty rats up the end!!! We were going to struggle without the bait casting rig, I did a quick walk to find half of one that looked about a year old......10min later untangle it and she was away!

Had a ball, so we went again last week with a bucket, cleaned up on scallies, we found a spot but yes any more than a 2 foot gap some one will come and stand right next to you if your catching. She didn’t care too much. few tangles, kept my cool surprisingly.

Going again shortly but might give the E-shed a go instead, that way I can through out a livey, no chance at the ammo jetty with people casting when they dont know how and dont need to.

Very poor form with the rubbish i agree, constant plastic bags floating away.

Posts: 5981

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I know what you mean

Sun, 2013-10-20 21:31

I took the grand daughter down there to catch a few scalies as they are good fun and it encourages her to take up fishing, the action is pretty quick and they are lively to catch on a bait catcher rig. Long story but the highlights were, she was hooked twice in her jumper by a person trying to cast from behind us and over the top of us, the local brain deficient yob tried to push his way into a space where you couldn't fit a can of coke. Another bright spark trod on my rod as I was untangling my line from two other people who decided that they should fish right on top of the spot I was, this they figured would increase there catch rate a lot. A good day was wrecked by bloody bad mannered foul mouthed yobs.

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Stick your arms out and spin

Sun, 2013-10-20 21:49

Stick your arms out and spin real quick. Should clear a bit of room.

multiculturalism to the max down there.


Bend over

catchalittle's picture

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simple go down there later

Sun, 2013-10-20 22:33

simple go down there later when most of the morons have gone get yourself a cast net and license easy wasy to collect some bait and you wont be there for long did that a few months ago and have scalies in the freezer to last me awhile and yes did stick to the limit.



Callum24's picture

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 yeah well winge over in

Mon, 2013-10-21 12:41

 yeah well winge over in there defence theres not a bin in seein distance of the jetty surely it not that hard for the council to put a few down there 

meglodon sorry to hear bout your daughter thats shockin mate makes ya bloody wonder i offten go get my mates kids and take them  down to eshed for a bait collecting sesh and got a few of them hooked on fishin that way.

catchalittle i didnt think you were allowed to use a throw net metro but if its legal i like your thinkin mate, are they hard to use? would i be able to use one round kalbarri for mullet


 Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small 

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 Pretty sure there used to be

Mon, 2013-10-21 13:54

 Pretty sure there used to be bins there, but they just get set alight. 

Posts: 918

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Don't think you're allowed to

Mon, 2013-10-21 13:55

Don't think you're allowed to use them in any river system from Kalbarri southwards. Guy I know reckons his mate got pinged for it in Kalbarri. Requires a licence same as boat, cray licence etc too

MandurahMatt's picture

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 That's not any defence !

Mon, 2013-10-21 14:47

 That's not any defence ! There's no bin in the ocean either and I don't chuck my rubbish over the side out there!!


 Bewdey Fellaz

catchalittle's picture

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Callum perfectly legal to use

Mon, 2013-10-21 16:03

Callum perfectly legal to use at the ammo jetty just need to have a net license costs about $20 for the year and well worth it with the ammount of bait you can collect within a year,and are pretty easy to use,generally at the ammo get yourself a bag of chook pellets $2 at woolies pour in a bucket add some warm water which will turn them to a some mush so when you throw a handful in the water it sinks very slowly and brings the scalies and yakkas to the surface and I generally just drop the cast net over them have had a couple of mates come down with me and we divide up the bait well worth it



Callum24's picture

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 shoulb be right at lucky bay

Mon, 2013-10-21 14:35

 shoulb be right at lucky bay though hey live mullet up there = 20kg+ mullaway


 Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small 

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here's the link for netting

Mon, 2013-10-21 15:21

here's the link for netting rules




Born A Fish
Forced To Walk

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I also had a guy try to move

Mon, 2013-10-21 15:34

I also had a guy try to move my tackle box so he could fish next to me (5 people tops on jetty) whilst his mate cast straight over my line !!!

I casually asked them "can you guys swim" and it solved the problem pretty quick ..

My Question is why ?

Answer 'MUPPETS'

By the way they were elderly Italian men so stupidity has no racial barriers -__-


Born A Fish
Forced To Walk

Callum24's picture

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 good one rust balls cheers

Mon, 2013-10-21 16:34

 good one rusty balls cheers for clearin that up


 Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small 

Snags's picture

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That sux Callum, but it's the

Mon, 2013-10-21 17:07

That sux Callum, but it's the same at most popular metro spots.

Eshed, Ammo, North Mole, Hillaries, Cott Groyne, The Cut, Freshwater Bay, etc, etc.

I popped down to Cott last night and someone had droven their car up the groyne! Now that's taking the piss


Even when there's miles of beach, someone wants to sniff your ass.


Having said that, i've been down to Ammo during the weekdays and haven't had to compete with muppets.  


And like Rusty said, stupidity has no racial or age barriers!

Posts: 1342

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Did someone mention the race

Wed, 2013-10-23 01:14

Did someone mention the race of someone and their stupidity?  missed that

 I didnt mean to spin and wipe out every fukker from another country, two separate comments.

Moral of the story it sucks when you havent got room to mind your own business.


Bend over

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Jim , Yea Brocko did "packed

Wed, 2013-10-23 06:13

Jim , Yea Brocko did "packed to the brim , not a west Australian in sight"

so exactly what does a west Aussie look like ?

Not stirring the pot but nearly every time something like this comes up it's point the finger at the none anglo saxon looking people..quite often they are just as bad.
Just saying ;)


Born A Fish
Forced To Walk

cuthbad's picture

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well said

Wed, 2013-10-23 14:31

well said

Snags's picture

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Wed, 2013-10-23 10:27


Posts: 1342

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Fair enough, Id love to get

Wed, 2013-10-23 13:47

Fair enough, Id love to get into more but its not the place.

People shouldnt take offence so easy tho.






Bend over

iana's picture

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Same old same old.

Wed, 2013-10-23 17:16

All this crap could be fixed by the stroke of a pen by our gutless government.
Just bring in Rec fishing licences across the board as has been done in Victoria and NSW.
The money raised can then be used for policing the areas, providing rubbish bins and further up keep.
At the moment its the boat fishers who are being slugged and they contribute nothing to this mess and mass abuse of young fish stocks.

cuthbad's picture

Posts: 1266

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been saying the same for

Wed, 2013-10-23 19:10

been saying the same for ages. Can't see it happening though cuz it wont win any votes.

Posts: 5981

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votes and fishos

Wed, 2013-10-23 22:31

I have to disagree with your comment about Rec Fishing licences not winning votes cuthbad, sorry. I think a lot of responsible fishos would vote for a rec fishing licence (if the cost was reasonable) and all the money went into funding patrols of jetties and other types of fishing platforms. Just think of the benefits fishing from a jetty and it being a good calm experience! what a change instead of the experience leaving you frustrated and angry, and that is not what fishing should be about.
The big question is, do responsible fishos out number the oxygen stealers.

cuthbad's picture

Posts: 1266

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Fair enough. To answer your

Wed, 2013-10-23 23:14

Fair enough. To answer your question bluntly though, no I reckon we are massively out numbered. Hence my opinion on where the votes lie.

Even among rec fishos, I seem to remember a fair few complaints when the boat fishing licence was introduced.

iana's picture

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The overal cost of the licence should drop.

Thu, 2013-10-24 05:23

I couldn't find figures, but about 800000 persons in WA fish, only a small portion of these fish from a boat. Therefore the cost of a licence could be cheaper $15 ea. instead of $30 for boat fishers now, and everyone would use the same licence, not a separate one for boaties.

I know when it comes to be a revenue raiser, the government doesn't drop the price, but potentially it could.

The Ammo jetty is unsafe and needs to be rebuilt, this would be a way to raise funds to do this, plus being a "user pays" system, it would thin down the crowd, allow facilities to be maintained and pay for policing the fishing rules.

sea-kem's picture

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 I love the idea of licences

Thu, 2013-10-24 06:22

 I love the idea of licences for land based fishos. But I can guarantee that the promised funds would end up in general revenue sooner or later so either government could bablance their books. More fisheries officers are needed as there are a 'LOT' more fishos now because of the population explosion in the state. The ethnic fishos need to be educated (I'm not being racist just realistic) as they always plead ignorance. Don't worry the white trash need educating too but thery don't have the excuse of ignorance. And by the sounds of it more fishing infrastructure is needed. Sounds like we need a lobby group 


Love the West!