Woodmans point jetty

hi everyone, I'm probably heading down to woodies point jetty soon and will put have a mullet fillet out on a 6/0 occo hook for maybe a ray or a gummy at the most, I'm not looking for 3m Sharks if ur wondering. But the main reason I'm posting is how has the jetty been going for herring and whiting and the rest of the bread and butter species? I'm going to look for a feed and will be there most of the day so hopefully I come home with dinner which is what mum dreams of me doing . She says fish is way too expensive from the shops so if I catch fresh fish that tastes better, she might give me $10 which I think is a bargain lol. But I'm willing to do it for free because that's what family do.

so any reports on whiting and herring would be awesome


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

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Sorry can't help much but it

Wed, 2014-11-12 22:05

Sorry can't help much but it pays to have livie out, might come home with 5kg of fillets instead of a couple hundred grams at most

Matt T's picture

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Tea for mum

Thu, 2014-11-13 09:02

Glad you're willing to give your mum a fish without charging her for it mate, she has probably spent a few dollars on you over the years i reckon...

Not sure how Woodies is fishing for herring but have heard there is quite a few down at the cut in mandurah. I actually wouldn't mind getting out to a beach this weekend to catch some herring with the kids. 

Matt T's picture

Posts: 875

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Tea for mum

Thu, 2014-11-13 09:02

Glad you're willing to give your mum a fish without charging her for it mate, she has probably spent a few dollars on you over the years i reckon...

Not sure how Woodies is fishing for herring but have heard there is quite a few down at the cut in mandurah. I actually wouldn't mind getting out to a beach this weekend to catch some herring with the kids. 

Brock O's picture

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Never Been a

Thu, 2014-11-13 11:20


regular down there, but from my visits this year Scalie mackeral is about it regarding bread and butter species, herring are even hard to find there now days.

Go the livie as mentioned ubove, more chance of a small gummy or black tip. North or south mole would hold better chances, more room and less hasles.

Posts: 54

Date Joined: 20/08/14

 i used the old green straw

Thu, 2014-11-13 14:00

 i used the old green straw method for herring there a few months ago and ended up with 10 or so and 1 of the olny 2 people catching them.  tried a couple weeks later and they where staying too deep. take berley and give it a go never no what you will catch. take a strong pair of pliers for the North west blowie ur gonna catch on at mullet though...

lachieH's picture

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 Heard that it is a really

Thu, 2014-11-13 15:47

 Heard that it is a really good way to catch herring using the green straw. But how do I do it? I have seen people with a reasonably sized float for casting weight, then about a metre of trace then a running piece of cut up green straw?


Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

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thats it lachie

Thu, 2014-11-13 16:29

As you described. I use around 1.5m trace and roughly 30-40mm piece of straw.
It just slides up the hook shank and works like a lure. The idea is to rip the float across the surface attracting the attention of the fish and game on.
Once the school is there you don't have to add burly each cast.
edit - maggots are the best bait.


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 Agree with tot, maggots are

Thu, 2014-11-13 19:09

 Agree with tot, maggots are the best bait, especially when they get fussy, plus garfish love them as well ( great tailor bait). The green straw with float method only works if the fish are feeding high in the water column. Small poppers have also worked for me early in the morning. I would recommend heading down to dawesville cut if ur after herring and whiting. Dont forget the tasmanian devil lures, these are dynamite on herring and skippy, caught my pb 36cm skippy on one of them.

Posts: 111

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 Rockingham palm jetty - with

Thu, 2014-11-13 20:02

 Rockingham palm jetty - with high and low platforms. ( AT Night though)

been getting herring on the low jetty - more towards the shallows half way point of lower jetty.



Posts: 54

Date Joined: 20/08/14

 yeah exactly it. top metre

Fri, 2014-11-14 11:38

 yeah exactly it. top metre to metre and a half. never tried maggots but they have always been the way to go.  i have always gone for a floro leader as long as is comforable to cast.  i do a fastish steady retrieve but people have told me the more splash from the float the better and that they rip it through the water.  i have found the less spash the better myself but it may depend on how aggressive the fish are - herring can get hella agressive and will almost hit a bare hook in the right mood