would an inboard put you off?
Submitted by grayzeee on Sat, 2012-04-21 05:28
I've been doing as I usually do , and looking at used boats online
I'm really liking the fishability around the transom of the inboard powered boats , but I've been put off them in the past, and just skip past any boat that has one.
Some say guys don't want to service them as they are a pita for accessability. expensive too.
What are the real pitfalls and good points of owning an inboard vs outboard , which ones were gem's , and which were dogs?
If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am.
Posts: 1721
Date Joined: 29/05/09
i'd like an inboard if i
i'd like an inboard if i wasn't too cluey with motors, at least it will look familiar to a novice where an outboard is all crammed up and a little foreign. I'd have one again as you can set up a pretty mean bait station on the cover. as soon as you put a bait board on the back of the boat outboards included it's not a fishing spot anymore. I'f the motor is mounted low and it's more of a step then even better.
Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target
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Pete D's Trophy 2152 is
Pete D's Trophy 2152 is pretty fantastic to fish, the full length marlin board is great, he claims to even be able to put a bannana lounge on it, off rotto.
I think service costs on some of them are quite high, because they claim to drop the leg and check for alignment each service.
The diesel motor could do with a bit more grunt, but petrol is pretty dangerous and carbed inboards just give me the fear.
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Date Joined: 07/12/08
Depends on the boat
I have always had outboards untill my latest purchase, they offer good stability and I like the extra fish ability over the back, access for maintenance is the only thing I dislike. I have the mpi... Wouldn't even consider a carby model. Diesel would be ideal.
Was on an inboard sea swirl thought the layout was rubbish but the inboard layout on the trophy is what appealed to me so I think it really depends on the boat.
Gooooone Fishin!
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Mate of mine blew his bertram
Mate of mine blew his bertram up at rotto a few years topping up the tanks . He was filling up with his old man and i dont think the blowers worked .
One fell off the jetty and the other back into the boat , lost all the new fishing gear just bought for the fishing comp they were over there for and the boat.
The boat was towed away from the jetty and put out only to fire up again. Made it to the news.
Both recovered with new battle scars , carbed twin mercs....
Reverse cycle a/c supply and install - Ducted and wall splits
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I had a 5l mercruiser
I had a 5l mercruiser /carby, anytime i started the engine i always lifted the cowling, blower or not its better to be safe esecially on carby engines
Rob H
Posts: 5819
Date Joined: 18/01/12
Modern inboard petrols are pretty safe
But Im still a little afraid of inboard petrols myself especially carby. Due to both a potential fuel source and ignition source.
Now that solid light and very reliable 4 strokes are prolific, its taken a bit more away from the inboard petrol.
Another small disadvantage of the sterndrive setup is that when sitting stern to on the beach an outboard leg is easily lifted well out of the way of contact with the sand, but some sterndrives wont lift the skeg far if at all above the keel line. And certainly dont like working at those angles say if picking over very shallow ground.
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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
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All petrol powered boats, be
All petrol powered boats, be it eggbeater or inboard, have a fueltank and fuel lines inside.
They also have lots of electrical wirring etc. in close vicinity.
To have a safe petrol inboard;
service it propperly including good fuel lines and fresh fuel filters with propper fuel hose clamps and secure fuel lines away from heat spots.
Install a fire supression system as used in racecars with multiple foam outlets inside the engine room.
Before startup lift engine hatch and switch on the blower to lower the potential fuel/air mixture and inspect the engine while it warms up.
Have a air monitor/warning system inside the engine room
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Date Joined: 05/11/10
certainly not
as for robs comments about clearance the newer legs lift alot higher than the older legs! i have just gone 350 hours on my 4.3mpi mercruiser and i love it! the only inboards i would stay away from are the older models and specially the old 165 mercruisers! if your going to buy a newer boat get fuel injected
Paul G
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Date Joined: 12/12/07
No inboards for me you can
No inboards for me you can buy the my Haines if your in the hunt for a boat.
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
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Date Joined: 13/02/12
The best setup inboard i have
The best setup inboard i have seen is the leeder tomcat, you cant even tell there is a inboard there, it doesnt take up anyextra room (when comparing it to the outboard model) it sit very deep in the hull. I have just sold a caribbean with a 5L carby, it was very economical and had plenty of grunt, cheap if you wanted to rebuild the engine, nice marlin board on the back, never missed a beat.
I dont rekon you should pass on a good buy just because it is an inboard, just watch out for the volvos (sorry volvo owners, just my opinion) and anything that looks like it has been modified from a car to a boat
Posts: 408
Date Joined: 23/11/09
If i could post some photos of
mine i would show you.
Engine doesnt intrude on deck space and if compared to the outboard version of a patriot 680, the sterndrive goves more room and fishability.
There are the hang ups with it though, as with every boat, i.e. being able to work around the motor as you can with an outboard. The flamibility arguement doesnt phase me. I have the bilge blower and have installed other vents to allow air to escape.
For the size and weight of my boat i think it would be on an even par with fuel economy compared to my last boat, which was a haines signature 650f with a suzi 200 4 stroke.
Faulkner Family
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i had a 351 in my tub and it
i had a 351 in my tub and it was easy to work on and as a precautionary thing i had a spark inhibater fitted to the carby. no flames were able to escape if there was any from there. as far as economy goes i couldnt fault it. it pushed a 23ft heavy glass fraser along nicely and as long as you dont gunn them the economy was about 50nm to 80ltrs fuel. better than most 2 strokes and its a v8. did a fair bit of work on it myself where i wouldnt on an outboard
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together