Jigged Up Jonny - NZ

Jigged Up Jonny - NZ

 Jigged up Jonny off NZ


 a hard days fishing still beats work

PGFC member

GCGFC member

Posts: 1392

Date Joined: 08/01/09

yum yum

Tue, 2015-01-06 05:49

my fave. send some this way if you like!!



crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

Killing it

Tue, 2015-01-06 09:54

So jealous. Thats one fine  "Onespotmegamouth"


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

Bluetonic's picture

Posts: 1147

Date Joined: 09/01/08

Wish we got more John Dory

Wed, 2015-01-07 06:16

Wish we got more John Dory over here and a reasonably common catch in NZ. They are a superb eating fish.


Blue Sky, Blue Water, Bluetonic!