Lure retrieval - old fashioned way
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Sat, 2007-07-07 20:11
Didn't have the tackle back and couldn't unsnag it, so had to go back to getting it the old fashioned way as it was my brand new lure which was catching everything.
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Date Joined: 26/05/07
Wait until a NOAH comes around!!
What happens if a Noah comes face to face with you? Then would you retrieve your lure back? Anyway did you spot your lure or even better the fish with your lure?
Cheers.. Jangles
Posts: 943
Date Joined: 04/11/05
Looks like a large live bait
Looks like a large live bait if you ask me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a problem I'm a tackle junkie Andrew