mixed bag

mixed bag

jack macky 60cm trout 70cm trout and a rankin cod in the esky


chase the mad times, catch the mad fish

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18090

Date Joined: 11/03/08

not bad for the straight

Thu, 2010-05-06 22:08

not bad for the straight hook. well done


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

Date Joined: 30/11/09

That's a bloody nice Jack

Thu, 2010-05-06 22:14

That's a bloody nice Jack fellas. Whereabouts were you diving?


Love the West!

chasing-the-mad-times's picture

Posts: 89

Date Joined: 01/08/09


Sun, 2010-05-09 20:39

off the coast of samson/karratha mate


chase the mad times, catch the mad fish