PB Metro Squid

PB Metro Squid

Just moving this old phota into the album

PJAY's picture

Posts: 1005

Date Joined: 12/05/09

    good effort

Sun, 2009-07-19 20:27



good effort schecky....noice squid!


The Kimberley....perfect one day and more perfect the next!!!

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

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the picture dosnt do it

Sun, 2009-07-19 20:30

the picture dosnt do it justice though. was friggin huge when he landed it. best squid ive seen round for a while


bludgin' since 94'

flangies's picture

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What did it end up weighing?

Sun, 2009-07-19 20:32

What did it end up weighing?


schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

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Got home and weighed him and

Sun, 2009-07-19 20:38

Got home and weighed him and he went 1kg(give or take 20 grams cos of difficult scale positioning)
He took the Yozuri Real-Q #3.0 in black

Yeah the photo just doesnt do justice

PJAY's picture

Posts: 1005

Date Joined: 12/05/09

  at that weight the photo

Sun, 2009-07-19 20:40


at that weight the photo def doesn't do it.......


The Kimberley....perfect one day and more perfect the next!!!

Posts: 1676

Date Joined: 12/07/09

good catch mate

Sun, 2009-07-19 20:53

good catch mate

Posts: 16

Date Joined: 01/01/70

Big Squidly~

Sun, 2009-07-19 20:57

Photo's never do the justice unfortunalty!

Hense why I come closer to the angler when taking photo's. That will show the real/true size of the fish or squid!

Nice squidly Schecky!

flangies's picture

Posts: 2550

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Just for reference thats

Sun, 2009-07-19 21:03

Just for reference thats liams house in the background, the one on the left

piston broke's picture

Posts: 776

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nice threads mate

Sun, 2009-07-19 21:14

glad it didnt ink you. LoL

PS     Where is that spot?

hodge's picture

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if thats where i think it

Sun, 2009-07-19 21:41

if thats where i think it is, its a good little spot in there till u get thrown out.

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

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spot on

Sun, 2009-07-19 22:04

spot onTongue out

Faulkner Family's picture

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verry nice

Sun, 2009-07-19 21:52

to get a better sizing for a pic if you put something that we all recognise like a coke can or similar, good size lb sqid , will make for a great feed


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

Date Joined: 25/08/08

if it helps...thats a 3000

Mon, 2009-07-20 07:03

if it helps...thats a 3000 size reel and a 6-12lb rod

and im no small chap either haha

dshoot's picture

Posts: 187

Date Joined: 16/07/09

great catch man reminds me

Mon, 2009-07-20 00:20

great catch man

reminds me of the squid in lancelin


Live to Fish & Fish to Live

Fishing for the Freezer since 1983

catchalittle's picture

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nice squid there chief looks

Mon, 2009-07-20 08:51

nice squid there chief looks like the tafe compound?



Dasho's picture

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Awesome squid dude. He who

Mon, 2009-07-20 11:44

Awesome squid dude.

He who dares to fish certain spots wins.

Shorty's picture

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What did the rod taste like

Mon, 2009-07-20 11:48

What did the rod taste like ?,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Colin Hay's picture

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Good work Rueben

Mon, 2009-07-20 12:28

That's a serious squid and a lice loking outfit you were using.


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Mulloway360's picture

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good squid

Mon, 2009-07-20 13:12

good squid

Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

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Rueben, I think you should have gone for a different type of

Mon, 2009-07-20 13:19

You could have put ths squid in your mouth and the rod in your hands (Lol).


Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime http://fishwrecked-reeltime.com/

schecky's picture

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I cant take all the credit

Mon, 2009-07-20 19:37

I cant take all the credit for the catch though

I only got him becuase james was bringing in a smaller one and that big guy thought hed try take a nibble but as i threw my jig in he took a liking and decided hed have that insteadTongue out

Leemo's picture

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and i woulda gotten him if i

Mon, 2009-07-20 20:05

and i woulda gotten him if i didnt lose track of were he went. he was honing in on my jig then reub comes in drops his jig in knocks me out the way and hooks him.


bludgin' since 94'

schecky's picture

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hahaha liam you were on

Tue, 2009-07-21 07:10

hahaha liam you were on james's left haha?
hardly knocked you

it must be ur technique :P
i always catch on that jig you borrowed from james


original teenage's picture

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lol,u sound very jealous

Mon, 2009-07-20 20:11

lol,u sound very jealous liam = ]..unlucky liam,theres always sumthing bigger out there

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

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hes jealous cos I caught

Tue, 2009-07-21 07:11

hes jealous cos I caught another squid 10 minutes later and he went home empty handedTongue out

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

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hes jealous cos I caught

Tue, 2009-07-21 07:11

hes jealous cos I caught another squid 10 minutes later and he went home empty handedTongue out

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haha i feel sorry 4 u liam

Tue, 2009-07-21 18:29

haha i feel sorry 4 u liam that has happened to me it sucks ay

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

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yea i lost a nice one on my

Wed, 2009-07-22 17:37

yea i lost a nice one on my first cast and lost another one later in the day. i usually catch squid on the aurie but i had a pretty crap day. i guess why its called fishing and not catching


bludgin' since 94'

schecky's picture

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its actually called

Wed, 2009-07-22 19:04

its actually called squidding mateTongue out

Leemo's picture

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Wed, 2009-07-22 19:58

sorry Mr. imsogoodatsquidding


bludgin' since 94'

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hes cocky arnt he

Wed, 2009-07-22 20:01

hes cocky arnt he

Posts: 1676

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i ment aint* lol

Wed, 2009-07-22 20:11

i ment aint* lol

Leemo's picture

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Wed, 2009-07-22 20:18

hes very cocky when it comes to SQUiDDING.... and all other forms of fishing if i think about it


bludgin' since 94'

Posts: 1676

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haha but isnt every1 wen

Wed, 2009-07-22 20:19


but isnt every1 wen they out fishing the mate or family member?


justa_fisho's picture

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Wed, 2009-07-22 22:18

AHAHAHA this is funny shit, schecky lets go for a squid aye?