Sushi Sashimi

Sushi Sashimi


Dunsborough Outdoor Sportz

Posts: 1342

Date Joined: 05/05/06

Couple hours work on those

Tue, 2012-11-20 13:09

Couple hours work on those plates!   looks like tasty artwork


Bend over

Posts: 154

Date Joined: 30/07/11

very impressive

Tue, 2012-11-20 15:50

What's in there?

Posts: 154

Date Joined: 30/07/11


Tue, 2012-11-20 22:22

just saw the other thread.  Looks awesome.

Posts: 205

Date Joined: 31/12/11

Gout tables come as side serve

Tue, 2012-11-20 18:10

 Looks great but can't help be a little concerned how the gout might play up if one indulged.

Bluetonic's picture

Posts: 1147

Date Joined: 09/01/08

That's got my mouth watering!

Sat, 2012-11-24 08:33

That's got my mouth watering!


Blue Sky, Blue Water, Bluetonic!