
Where are they biting at the moment

Nice dhuie

Went for a fish recently with a mate (FW member Goodie) off Bunbury. Day started well seeing plenty of bait on the sounder and quickly picked up a small dhu.

Spent a couple of hours drifting likely looking ground and ended up with our two dhuies with me getting my PB at 16kg. On the way back to the ramp the tuna were going off on bait schools so we threw some lures and picked up three nice ones before calling it a day.

Happy ending for Night Fishing Rookies out from Hillary's

Read some reports of some snapper getting caught out from Hillarys and thought we'd have a go on Thursday just gone. Never done night fishing before from a boat but heck, if everyone else can catch fish at night...

Weather forcast was for gentle easterlies, but its Perth so we got cold brisk southerlies.  This forced us to tuck in behind a reef not far from the marina.

Anchored up by 5:00pm and started a small burley trail. 30 minutes later and I got some small bites, gave a gentle strike wich was followed by a powerful bullocking run into reef. The 8kg braid gave only 10 seconds of fight before it was pinged. Another 10 minutes later and the exact same thing happened! I'm thinking now I bring out the 15kg gear - but we're only anchored up in 8m - surely 10kg isn't needed!

Next comes a solid Tailor - as good as I've seen around here.  Then 10 minutes later my bro gets done on his 10kg gear. I'm thinking (hoping) Sambos. The action keeps coming though with the biggest pike I've seen here, then a smaller one.

The old boy then announces he's onto something - and promptly hauls over a Dhufish that just sneaks over the size limit.

Not to be outdone, after we crank the burley trail up again my bro does the fish fighting dance around the boat. I'm thinking he's out of sorts - its been a while since he's been fishing - but he pulls over a very nice shallow water Dhufish - perhaps 6kg?

Amazing action - no snapper but who cares! Can't wait to see how much of a fluke this was!


Good grub

Nice run out of Mindarie ,Thursday ,great conditions .

Arvo out at Wilbinga

Finally got all the photos from a trip to wilbinga a few weekends ago and figured id throw it up.
was originally going to be a camping trip but with the weather saying a high likely hood of waking up to rain some of the group bailed and the rest of us decided on a day trip for some 4wdriving and a bit of a fish. was keen to test out the New Fortuner offroad and get some more experience with it. late start leaving from the morley area around 11.00am with 2 vehicles but we hit the track before 12 so all good. track out wasnt to challenging but we found some steep climbs and rutts to see what she could do, handled it all without trouble, barely needed 4wd. worst part was getting stuck on a narrow track and listening to the leaves scratch the sides of the car (a few hours sunday spent polishing it before the GF would speak to me again, woops)

nice shot after a steep hillclimb.
made it to the beach and let the tyres down and off we went, had a bit of a cruise south before my mate bogged his 80series, wasnt bad managed to sort himself out before i turned around to head back (after stopping for another photo). beach wasnt too bad after the rains but still a bit boggy.

we head back north past where we came on to what i suspect is the spot referred to as Flat rocks, the name is fairly self explanitory, we pulled up for lunch and i messed around with some fishing gear and threw a few baits over into the deep water off the rocks. not much going on the big rod, got baited a few times but managed a double header whiting and tarwhine on the other. released the tarwine (undersized) and put the whiting on the big gear live. not long and got a hit and reeled in my first tailor! nothing massive at 35cm but was pretting exciting for myself and the boys.

tried to stretch the arms to make it look half decent but just looks like i have massive hands now haha
we hung out for a few hrs and caught another few more tarwhine up to but no more tailor unfortunately, i only had large mulies and gangs so probly a bit big for the chopper tailor that were around. helped out some crazy polish guys in a brand new jeep wrangler who didnt have much an idea of what there were doing, chargin up and down the beach, throwing a bead and ending up climbing a dune, with no way down. ended up bottomed out before the owner jumped on the bonnet to get it to grip... we head back just before sunset and chose a different path, alot more climbs and deep rutts for a bit more fun trip back, only found 1 spot i took the easy route due to ground clearance but it wouldve been pretty close.
all in all pretty happy with the Car and the fishing, also and awesome place to spend an arvo, will definately be doing it again.

Had a banana for breakfast and lost 5 lures to mackeral.(broome report)

 so went out for  fish yesterday just myself and the dog. Had a mate that had been getting a few mackeral around the 120cm mark inclose to cable beach so i thought i would give it crack myself. Just finally had my sounder installed and want to find some more ground.


landed 5 stripey sea perch

2 darktail snapper


lost 5 hard body lures 3 jigs

Had 2 mackeral boatside in but forgot to bring my gaff and ended up clipping the leader as i had the tail in my hand.


Just a unlucky day i had 60lb leader and then clip on wire.

A swivel broke on me

Bitten off 4 times.


Its the craziest solo session ive had and also the unluckiest.

13m i hooked most the fish.

 What i learnt. 

Bring more wire for next time

Pelagic action is hot 3 days after neaps

Receding tides is good because all the bait cant hide in the shallows.

Bring a gaff.



It was awesome marking mackeral on the sounder and then having the rod go off.

Found heaps of ground and only used 7 litres of fuel.


Fished the new ground today and landed 3 stripey seaperch, 2 bluebone and a school mackeral.


You cant win them all but i wont be having banana for breakfast before i go fishing again.








A Few Fish from the last couple trips......

 well it been a long and painful process starting again from scratch....... loosing 3.5 years worth of marks form my old boat...


The days of solo sounding are starting to pay off now. Consistent double digit dhues.....with wicked gound found nearly every trip for the last 7-8 trips out.

biggest dhue killed was 14.5 gilled and gutted. got a fair few 10-12s and released an estimated 16+ model......

PB Snap on Jig too....

Had an amazing afternoon session on the dhues... with double hook ups every drift on double figure fish every drift over a few marks......  had to moove on. 

Big Moobs first day slow jigging resulted in a 3 dhues over 10, with that weighing just shy of 13.

Brad with his PB Dhue taken yesterday.

Me and a nice 10 kg Solo model (dhue on the floor)

Me with my Pb Snap. 90cm

many more photos bit their for the album, Last 3 trips have resulted in double figure dhues (in terms of numbers and good size)


Terboz is back....



first days fishing from new tub

After not having a boat since February this year I've been itching to get out in the new tub. Launched at 9.30 after doing the school run, then arriving at my trusty whiting spot by 10 (new transom wedges i installed made a huge difference with the rough conditions today, can now actually get the nose down) anyway was slow going with the  western butter fish out in force! After persisting for a couple of hours I managed my 30. On the way back to the ramp I had time for a quick drift for some squid, managed 3 nice sized ones... biggest whiting went 32cm and 231gms, biggest squid tube was 30cm and 681gms (whole squid)... 

Water depth was 12m for whiting and 5m for squid (white yo-zuri) water temp16.6

another mullaway bycatch

Dont you hate it when these things get in the way whilst trying to snag a mullaway haha, definitely one of the better bycatches !

Caught yesterday arvo at around 4.00 in the arvo , somewhere between guildo and lanoes .





Shorecatch Shredder

 Evening All,

Well on Saturday I took up Mick from shorecatch's public service offer (free) to shred some fish bodies that have been taking up real estate in the chest freezer... missus not happy no space and everything smells like fish. At Shorecatch by 830am with 20kgs of assorted fish frames and heads that were going in the bin as werent used for crabs in summer. Had a coffee and chat with Mick and look around the shop. Impressed with the quality of bait there and will definitely be back.

Put the fish in the shredder. Fortunate enough to also get to use the mixer to make the brew. Was out by 1030 and home to deep freeze 4x5L tubs of burly. With plan to test it out on Sunday with the good forecast.

Launched at 430am from Hillarys with a work mate... weather blowier than forecast and swell up. Make things worse the gps was playing up and not showing maps or breadcrumb trail. Navigated to near 3 mile in dark with navonics on the phone and sounder some fish.

Tested the burley at anchor with pillies, used 1ltr tub of burley. Did a factory reset on the lowrance and the maps came up then loaded the marks off the SD Card and very happy to say the least. Burley brought in a heap of bait and couple of squid at anchor but not much happening, changed spots and then drifted around til the sun came up but no luck.

Steamed out to the 30s and put the burley away to save it for sunset so try jigging metals and plastics. Uncomfortable condition and only got rat sambos. Start to feel a bit green but persisted. Came closer in to look for new spots and found a patch closer to Hillarys got 4 scorpion fish some wrasse and trumpeters. Weatger got better and better. Work mate had to go home to pick the kids up and another mate subbed in at Hillarys.

Straight back out to the spot on the 30s and set up with the rest of the burley around 1600hrs... looked like a good consistent trail in the sun of fish matter in the water column. About an hour before sunset that talica8 with occie on running sinker went off... 72cm pinkie. The mate got 3 undersize pinkies on his saltiga and release with the weight. I then got another 70cm model. Mate the got a 60cm one and was stoked. While I was helping with that rod buckled over and pulled my rail blazer rod holder down and  nearly lost the combo missed that one. Got a sambo after that. Then mate got a large skippy and then finished off with another 70cm model pinkie.

Steamed back at sunset... persistence paid off in the end. Good stuff that burley.

Jurien Sunday Dhu

 Went to Jurien for the long weekend with my family and an old school mate and his troop.  Plan was:

- Do some family stuff Saturday afternoon and visit the Stockyard Gully Cave

- Get in a surf Sunday morning and then take my youngest and my mates oldest kids (both just turned 6) out for their first crack at a Dhu.  Forescast looked like it was going to be one of those perfect winter days - no wind and a nice sized swell

- Go to Sandy Cape to smash down the sand dunes (my daughters request)

Stockyard Gully Cave was fun and I'd recommend doing this if in the area.  The kids love it and I think most adults are a bit surprised that there's somehting like this that no-one really knows about.  Kids also love the bouncing around on the track getting in there.  Can do it in an AWD if you're considering it.  No worries in 4WD.

Sunday we got in a nice surf at a nearby break (no names).  Been surfing this wave for about 15 years now.  Those who know it will probably recognise it.  Tide was a bit full, but still fun.  Was about head high on the 2m swell.  Visited by a seal in the lineup.  Didn't really want the attention from the marine life given we had heard of Ben Gerring's passing in the news that morning.  Even more so given I've had 2 prior shark encounters at this spot.  Once kicking a shark with my foot (its skin actually grazed the top of my foot) and another time having a chunky fin surface between myself and another guy.

Survived the surf, and then got the 2 boys ready for their first fish out wide.  Left Jurien marina about 11am with the 2 boys and my mate pretty excited.  Conditions were pretty good and travelled out at 20 knots.  Fished a few lumps for an undersize dhuie and some scraps.  Next spot fired up.  We did 3 drifts for 5 dhuies.  Kept 2 which went 8kg and 9kg. Others were returned in good condition using the release weight, helped because the kids were so slow to wind them up. 

Didn't want any more dhue's so moved to some ground in the hope of picking up something different, but couldn't get any bites.  So we decided to tidy up the boat, give the kids a snack (does anyone else always end up with barbecue shapes mushed into their carpet every trip?) and take some photo's of their catch.

Trip home was in perfect conditions at 21 knots.  Saw a couple fo whales which we followed for a while.  Back in the marina at 2:30.  Got home and heard about the second shark attack on Doreen Collyer.  Couldn't believe it! Very sad.  The ocean is part of my lifestyle and the increase in attacks are forcing me more than ever to consider my lifestyle.

Monday morning was time to keep my daughter happy by charging head first down the sand dunes at Sandy Cape.  If it looks like I'm falling off the baord in the photo's its because I wasn't paying attention whilst I was filming her with the GoPro.  Good fun and a sure-fire way to wear the kids out for the trip home.

Cool weekend.  Weather gods smiled down on us.  Love taking other people up there and giving people the experiences that I love. 

Cheers, Clay



 went for a snapper bash last night, perfect almanac, perfect tidal coefficient, minor feed 4.45- 6.45pm, couldn't ask for more, alas NO SNAPPER.

But bizarrely we caught jumbo crayfish instead, not 1 or 2 but got 3 in the boat and lost another 3. Have caught crays on the line before but not in big numbers. 

Not a bad by-catch. 

Whopper Snapper from FFB

Gail and I headed out from Woodman Point at first light on Sunday with a cold easterly on our backs.  We tried a couple of unsuccessful drifts between the islands before we headed off to Rotto.  The waters around Rotto were lumpy and after a couple of drifts without any success and Gail's green colour starting to show, we decided to head back to shore.  When we arrived at FFB the wind had died down considerably and so we decided to anchor at one of our favourite spots where we had caught decent Snapper and Sambo in the past. The going was slow, but we did manage to land two decent Snapper - Gail's being a whopper of 94cm and mine a consolation of 76cm.  Both fish were successfully released.

YouTube clip here

Metro lb snapper


After dropping a nice fish a few days earlier when a wave walloped me trying to grab the pink fella it was nice to come up trumps this mornin 

I used shore catch shred for burly and there squid and mullet for bait


Started 4.30am set a heavy burly trail hooked up 8.15 I had a few inquires on sunrise but they were very soft on the bite, but he took off once hooked 74cm no secret spot ha-ha 



Carnarvon Jetty

 G'day guys,

Anyone have any recent Carnarvon jetty reports?

Driving up tonight heading to quobba but making a pit stop at the jetty in the early morning.

Thanks in advance

Few fish for the year so far

 How's it going

Been stalking around on fishwrecked for a while now and thought it's about time to start contributing with some fish haha ! 

Had not a bad few months land based with these three fish being the standouts . 

All three fish were caught from the same location , within an hour north of Perth city. 

With my usual spot a bit further north not producing I thought I'd try an area which I've been sussing out for a while now , but is generally hard to fish due to the large amount of swell which pushes through the beach . I was lucky to score a few flat days there , and when fished , it produced . 

First mully was caught just before sunset , no moon , no tide , but with a cold front just starting to push through and a stock standard mulie as bait . 

Second mully was caught about an hour after sunrise , no moon , no tide , but with the wind just swinging southerly after a long northerly storm and a fresh tailor fillet as bait . 

Snapper was at about 8 in the morning , after one of the recent storms , (dropped another one  just after ) , caught on a mulie . 

The same spot has also produced awesome amounts of tailor , tarwine , herring and flathead .  

I usually swear by fishing the moons and high tides but this year is starting to make me rethink my method !  

Cheers for havin a read , hopefully there's more to come 

John Bruce


Aquarium Maintenance tip

Hi, I am a great acquarium fan and I am also a I am a writer focused on career and physical development to spread more issues and tips to develop and works through Professional resume writing service. Here is a small tip I would like to share with you. A key part of aquarium maintenance is the water change, which should be performed about every two weeks. In most cases, 10-15% of the tank volume is sufficient. A good method is to replace the water extracted while vacuuming the gravel, which will eliminate uneaten foods and other residues that settle on the substrate. It is highly recommended to check the water parameters of both the tank and replacement water. Most tap water (city water) contains either chlorine or chloramine. Chlorine will air out rather quickly (kept in an aerated bucked for twenty-four hours); chloramine (chloramine = chlorine + ammonia) will not. Using a water conditioner will neutralize the chlorine in both cases, but ammonia will still be present in the latter. It has to be broken down by the nitrifying bacteria present in the aquarium. This may take longer than your fish can tolerate. Other elements of municipal water may be phosphates, iron, and other heavy metals. To find out about your tap water chemistry, call your local water company. Well water is usually harder than tap water, but is chlorine/chloramine free. Filtered water should also be checked on a regular basis and should be considered part of your aquarium maintenance routine. The filter membranes could be damaged or may require replacement prior to the expiration date.

Yesterdays Dhu

 Got out for a fish yesterday. Perfect day out there, bit of swell but next to no wind. Had some really good shows on the sounder but the fishing was tough. Moved around in the 40's for a couple of undersize Baldies and lots of 30cm Pinkies and a couple of Sargent Bakers. I decided to go a drift bait rig as the wind had really died off by lunch, and put on a nice slab of Sarg. Having a good run with the Sarg baits of late. Got this fella went 94cm and just shy of 14 kgs.

On the last drift of the day the sounder lit up from the bottom to around 25m, new they had to be Sambos. Brother in law hooked up but dropped a good one that was taking a bit of line on heavy drag. I picked up this heavy one on my Demon Blood and Stradic 6000 with a big white soft plastic. It gave me a good run around. Got it in for a quick pic and released well.

Best metro based inshore session

 Went out yesterday arvo and had the best metro inshore session of my life, did anyone head out yesterday arvo/night and catch well?

Left the ramp at 4pm and was bagged out before sunset with 3 pinkies and 1 dhuie. Pretty incredible non stop action session, I was back home sitting on the couch before the wife got home from work, none the wiser that I had been out fishing instead of doing chores.


Abrolhos Anzac Day Wkend

We've been trying for years to line up our annual Abrolhos trip with Anzac Day to get stuck into the famous Two-Up game but so far never made it. We got closer than ever this year but with big swells and strong winds forecast we had to leave late the afteroon before.   Try again next year!

We launched early in the morning with strong 25-30kt easterlies blowing but with the winds forecast to drop we decided we couldnt wait and took off anyway and ended up with a much slower than usual 2 hour trip over to the islands with annoying seas. Almost as soon as we got there the winds started dropping and we scored some of the best weather we've had over there with glass conditions for most of the trip. Fishing was good with heaps of demersals. Plenty of Dhus, trout, baldies  and pinkies and we found quite a few spanglies which is a first for us. Pelagics were super quite which was dissapointing despite heaps of trolling. One glassy day we had birds bombing around us, massive schools of bait with mackeral cleary visible lurking below and despite throwing almost the whole tackle bag at them we landed only one. Was very frustrating and I'm blaming the full moon masybe??...I had heard reports of the sharks being quite bad over there recently but we didnt lose much gear or fish thankfully. One of the highlights was throwing stickbaits at trout in 2-4mtrs of crystal clear water. 

There was some serious $$$ in large motor yachts over there with crew stopping off on the way north to Exmouth, Monties and the Kimberleys. We had a couple of 40-50 footers troll past us one morning with 6-8 lads on the marlin board while we were jigging in 15-20mtrs.

I got in contact with Matty from (site sponsor) before we left and he happily threw a few extra bags of ice on board to top us up halfway. We caught up with the boys over there fro a couple of frothys and they're all a bunch of legends! Glenalen is a weapon of a boat and Matty definately know his way around the islands.

We ended up burning 450L of fuel after a super econimical 38kt 40min trip home. As usual the trip went way too fast and already hanging for next year!


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Huge Grouper, Snapper, Snook and Rosoterfish - Quepos Costa Rica

Quepos Fishing Report May 2016

Some of the best inshore fishing I can remember ever in May here in Quepos Costa Rica. There is a huge school of sardines that is parked right out in front of Quepos, and it has brought all the roosterfish, snook, snapper, seabass, and even big grouper out of their hiding spaces and in the free for all! Been tons of jack and mackerels out there as well, so it's been complete variety out there of different type of big fish, loads of fun!  Offshore we have been seeing some nice school of Yellow Fin Tuna, and then been having some sails pretty much every offshroe trip, and we have even released a couple of nice Black Marlin this week!  Great fishing here with Quepos Fish Adventure in Quepos Costa Rica!

Freshwater StingRay Thailand 2016 - BKKGUY

 Giant freshwater stingray in Thailand.  

Recently I've guided one of my customers to fulfill their all time dream
of catching one this monster stingray in Thailand.

River monster Jeremy Wade done it. It like been there and done it.

The last time I guide my my Korea client to landed this 400KG monster stingray.

This round, we managed to catch this 70Kg stingray.

1 by John Ang, on Flickr

It a new experience for my customers. It a once a lifetime thing for them.

Hope you guys like my video and photos ...

Golden Mahseer Thailand 2016 - BKKGUY

 Thailand has always been one of the best destination for many freshwater fishes in the world.

One particular list of the exotic freshwater fish will be the thai Golden Mahseer.

Found deep in the jungle and 2hrs of trekking upstream in some remote jungle.

I'm happy to go on this fishing  adventure , together with my beloved thai wife (Bkklady).

Gonna to be one of those memorable fishing experiences for us. 

Hope you guys love my video and photos..

Highlight photos of the trip...

Beautiful fishing spot.

Beautiful fish- Thai Golden Mahseer.

Learmonth Salmon

For all the non believers, son Jeff, has taken his love of catching salmon to a new high with one caught off the Learmonth Jetty. He had lost a few in recent weeks and has now got one to show off with.

The furthest north I had heard them caught before was an odd one in Geraldton many years ago but never one past there.

PE-2 dhu

quiet day on the jigs yesterday , luckily managed to at least get this fella  

New Products, Latest Products & Back in Stock " ongoing thread " NEW PAGE - STARTED!!

Due to many requests from Fishwrecked members to keep them up to date on New Products, Latest Products & Back in Stock etc we have decided to run an ongoing thread which we will periodically update.

This will keep all members in the loop so stay tuned as gear is always coming through. (Ps Not all new gear/latest gear etc will be posted due to busy trading periods)


The Abrolhos Tackle 7" G Rub softplastics have been a big seller indeed. We have just received the eagerly anticipated NEW Abrolhos Tackle 6.5" McPaddles softplastics. Made from the very stretchy & durable elazytech type material. Ribbed for the fishes pressure (haha) and between the ribs and big paddle tail these softplastics put out heaps of vibrations and action.

These are deadly on dhufish, pink snapper and well any fish that swims. Due to the very stretchy & durable material these softplastics are also ideal for heading north where teethy critters are an issue.

Stocking the 2 popular colours at the moment ie Cloudy white & Pink Purple.There's 4 per pack and $11.95 per pack (Fishwrecked Discounts Apply)

These are an exclusive product and since putting them on the shelves just recently they have been walking out. Open 7 Days

Miles Bradley (Milsey FW member) is a good customer and mate of staff member Marc. Miles went out yesterday with a mate (Thursday) armed with a few packets of the New Abrollhos Paddles Tails (several colours taken) fishing north of Tworocks. The boys did well with plenty of dhufish on the bite including some solid dhu's and a descent pink snapper. Well done Milsey and thanks for the pics & report mate.


Busso pinks

Quiet night but the one my mate pulled in made up for it, 97cm. Some nice big skippy too.

95cm Inshore Pinkie & Bag Out by 6.20pm

Big swells mean the possibility of inshore pinkies, so a good mate and I headed out of Hillarys about 4.40pm.  Conditions were sloppy, as expected but the wind was low, so we slowly motored to the grounds, sounded around and picked our spot.  We had lines in the water not long after 5pm.

Soon after we had a large school of yellow tail in the burley trail – it is a good sign to have baitfish in abundance around your boat.  As the sun went down, we started to supplement the burley with shredded mulies and the bite started.

The first pinkie was a “cracker” at 95cm and about 9kg.  It didn’t really behave like a pinkie at first being high in the water column – but this was probably because it stripped 50m of line on its first run, we were in shallow water and it was a long way away.  Worked it back to the boat and there was no doubt it was a pinkie, and a nice fish.

The fish were on.  We bagged out on pinkies by 6.20pm in a hectic session of constant bites – no time for the fourth photo in the dark, with a few pinkies released. 

As the light really faded the “nuisance species” came in and we caught and released for a while, with the highlight being Dean’s tailor.

“Pulled the Pin” and back in before 8pm.  We are so lucky to have an accessible fishery like this in our Perth metropolitan area. 

Cockburn last night

 Great conditions, went chasing gummies but this fish made for some interesting time - can someone explain why all the gummies we catch are male ??

Big fish, cold water



I'm a long time lurker first time poster. Thought to share a trip I've just been on up inside the Artic Circle in the North of Norway. I spent a week with a fishing guide up there in a beautiful part of Norway called Lofoten chasing big halibut and it didn't disappoint! Managed to land halibut most days with cod and coal fish thrown in as well to keep things interesting.


What an unreal sport fish halibut are! Incredibly powerful! I've tangled with my share of powerful fish before, big sambos, yellowtail king fish and trevally up north but these fish are something else! They use their massive slab sides to propel themselves on ridiculously powerful runs exerting huge pressure on your line. I was usually fishing with 2 setups at the same time and typically the biggest fish I hooked took the soft plastic I had on my light jig rod with only 30lb braid. This fish was estimated to be arounf the 100kg mark and was just unstoppable on that light gear. It took 200m of line before we could get the boat going to chase it. Then it just kept going I didn't manage to even slow it down before the line broke just before it spooled me . It was a lesson learnt don't bring a knife to a gun fight.


But all in all it was an awesome experience and something completely different to what we have back in WA.





Very quick solo pink sesh

 Late decision last night to head out for a pinky bash. Was getting hassled by a couple sambos to start off with (just under 15 kg) and many mates followed. After that one rod buckles and up comes an 80cm pink. Netted that and just as I am about to lift it out the other rod screamsss. After a good fight on 20lb up popped an 89cm pink. In and out in 2 hrs. Happy days