
Where are they biting at the moment

Yesterdays report

Hit the water at 830 from woodies, headed out between GI and Carnac. As the swell was so low I risked anchoring shallow in amongst the reefs and started burlying. All was quiet for the first hour then started getting hits on the PE3 outfit but no hook-ups. Changed to the light gear (Nitro distance spin 2-4kg / Stella FE 3k Pe1) using small gang hooks and white bait. Instant hook up and it had some grunt in 3 metres of water. Soon had a very solid skippy of about 30 cm, they go hard in shallow water and was great fun to catch. Spent the next hour catching and releasing skippy up to 35cm. Best session ive had on them in years. Then I hooked something a bit bigger that had the rod locked up and the little reel shedding line at an alarming rate. Had the drag as heavy as I dared and just stopped it before it reefed me. Then a long slow fight with the fish seeming to take 20 - 30 meters of line whenever I thought I had it done. Finally got it to the net.... a little rat sambo of about 50-55 cm. awesome fun. Released the sambo and went back to the skips but a 4ft bronzie decided he would move in and that was the end of the skippy. Was contemplating what to do next when a massive bust up 40 meters from the tinny made up my mind for me, lucky I had set up my tailor/salmon outfit (nitro magnum butt/branzino )and quickly cast a waxwing into the turmoil, flipped the bail over and I was on. wasn't long before I had a fat salmon in the net. Quickly fired another cast out to where the school was and two turns on the handle saw the waxwing smashed by something with a bit more grunt that a salmon. After about a 5 min fight in amongst the reefs and bommies out comes a very respectable 45-50 cm skippy. First time I have caught one on lure. Quickly released it and went hunting for the salmon for about half an hour with no luck before heading in. All in all a great little sesh.

Salmon at Mewstones

There was plenty of action at Mewstones yesterday with a school of salmon taking everything thrown at them. Even my girlfriends young bloke caught his first salmon which almost pulled his arms out his sockets. We had a bit of a laugh when we had a double hook up only to discover my girlfriend and I were on to the same fish. we got it along side and both mullie baits had been taken by the same fish. I claimed it as my hooks were in deeper so therefore taken first..
All up there was probably a dozen boats out there and most were well behaved although some tangles were encountered with overcast lures travelling further than needed. All up it was a great start to the salmon season for us. I kept 5 salmon for some older blokes at my local pub who put them in the smoker and I get a bit of that..

Out from Two Rocks

 Headed out from Two Rocks on Sat arvo after a long time getting my mates boat, Justwright, up to fishing specs. Been on the hard stand getting a new paint job and a stack of other things fixed.

The weather reports were looking good for an overnighter earlier in the week and, as usual, changed to a bunch of mixed reports, depending on which site you checked, including a severe weather warning from BOM. Well the severe weather warning was removed and we were desperate to get a fish in so we headed out to the 40's in a light drizzel with light winds and started our night off.

The fishing was pretty slow and the light rain/drizzel continued until around 3am but the bloody wind just kept picking up.

First fish landed was a small Dhu by Darren and as it was size, well a fish in the hand...

Darrens Dhu

Next on board was a nice Pinkie by John. His first fish for over a year i think.

John's Pinkie

We headed out to some nice Baldie ground that usually produces well around 2am. 60-70m with the wind still manageable but picking up and the rain still coming down.

Managed to get sweet FA but sharks and rays out there so around 5:30 started moving in stopping on any ground that looked good and had some fish shows on the sounder.

Darren again got the goods and picked up this nice 80cm Dhu.

Darrens 80cm Dhu

The SSE wind was getting uncomfortable by mid morning so we started the long, slow, trip back to TR with a nasty cross sea.

The weather didnt play the game and the fishing was slow for us but we had a good night anyway. A lot of laughs that night and we dropped a few cracking fish that, as usual, were called for 17-20kg Dhuies. We released a stack of undersize Dhu and a few pinkies so it is good to see the stocks there for next year.

Easter at Rotto - does not get any better

Love Rotto......quality fish within 10 minutes of Thompson Bay, which makes it easy to able to take the son, grandad, uncle and nephew out for a fish and get blackarse, baldies, KG's and even the odd dhu for the skipper.

Eating like kings for the rest of the week over here.

Nephew pretty pleased with one of 3 KG's.

Live bait tank wit some tasty morsels.

One for the Skip.

First south west baldie

 Hi guys

Went out today and landed my first ever south west baldie.

Not a big one but it was sized so I'm pretty happy.

Gamex 2016

Congrats to Eddy and his crew on Pelagic Hooker for another amazing result.

Tough week for Pelagics, but a few crews seem to find them.

Callums 6.2kg Dolphin Fish on 1kg was an amazing catch for such a young kid. A pending WA and national record. Well done Mystic Knot.


Pound for pound best jigging fish for catch and release

Well, this was a bloody surprise. TimVB jigged this up on the weekend. It went bloody hard on PE3 and we were expecting a MUCH larger fish. Tim was very disappointed.....

Dirty Buff Bream I presume, but fought like 10 bastards! If only they took jigs more often....must have been Tim's weed like jig assist......haha.

Rottnest Pink Snapper

Arrived 5am at the boat ramp on sunday with the aim of getting into some pink snapper off rotto. With a decent easterly at our backs and a 1.6m swell we arrived at our little spot on the north side of rottnest with 5 minutes to spare before sunrise (6.10am). A strong current moving in a east direction made it very tough to anchor as it was stronger than the 15 knot easterly blowing in the other direction. After 2 failed attempts we were finally where we wanted to be and quickly started floating mulies down in the current. Instantly we hooked up, excitement quickly disappeared as we realised it wasnt a fish but a big mutton bird, unfortunately for us we'd been spotted by a massive flock and we now had them hovering above and floating at the back of the boat, they would dive down over 10 metres to grab the sinking mulies which were weighted making it almost impossible to get anything down in the stroke zone. We were close to giving up when one rod went off and started pulling down, not up in the air. With massive head shakes I knew it was a snapper but after a short fight and me not putting enough drag on the fish I felt the line hit reef, snag up and it was over before I knew it. Thinking that we'd missed our only shot we were pretty gutted and over pulling in birds (we caught and released 8!) 30 minutes had past and all seemed quiet when another rod went off, after a nice fight on the light gear a 68cm model hit the deck and was quickly dispatched to the esky. Within minutes of pulling in the first fish we had a take on the soft plastic rod and up come a very nice 83cm pinkie. We went on to catch another at 75cm and also lost 2 more before the bite went quiet. Finished off the morning with a quick drift to pick up a solid harlequin and black ass. It was a rough ride home but we'll worth the effort in the end.



Snapper near Garden Island

I decided to do a solo session on Sunday even though the forecast was not great with moderate easterlies predicted.  The forecast put the missus off and I did not have time to put a crew together.  

On the water at first light and by the time I passed between Carnac and Garden Islands, the sun was peeping over the eastern horizon.  At this stage I was dragging weighted scaleys behind the boat in anticipation for a keen taker.  Within minutes of the drift the Shimano Tekota 500 attached to the Shimano T-Curve Jig-200 started screeming summonsing me into action. After a decent tug it was time to land the fish only to have the landing net tangled with the SP rod - where was the deckie when I needed them!  After a short battle the first snapper for the day was boated - a pan sized fish of 70cm. From here I moved to FFB only to find the conditions pretty sloppy and uncomfortable causing me to change plan and head off back towards Garden Island.  

I eventually anchored up off the western shore of Garden Island and added a fair amount of burley to the water.  After a short while I landed a small shark and as the hook was being removed the rod with a scalie as bait bent over and started donating line at a rapid rate. I quickly got rid of the shark and after another decent fight landed a snapper of 76cm.  

The next couple of hours were uneventful with three rays testing the breaking strain of the braid on the reels.  I was back at the ramp just after midday to clean the fish and make my way home to prepare fresh snapper for tea.

Another wonderful day in this great country!!!!

YouTube clip


Great day

 Had a great day today.

I'm on holidays at the moment, woke up and got ready, didn't launch until 8am.

Awesome weather landed a dhuie by 10 and went home. Mrs was nice to me at lunchtime.

Spent the arvo driving up the beach with the family and a couple of coldies. Just cooking some dhuie now.Perfect day.

bloody stingrays

off bunbury friday , found a new bit of ground for a pinkie , rat sambo , tiger shark even came up sussing out the rat sambo but kept he's distance from the boat . Back to the dhuie , my oldman was down again after he's yearly overseas cruise towards the end of the day he hooks what appears to be something decent , i get a bit excited calling it a dhuie but oldman recons bloody ray when the line comes up closer to the boat realize it's just a eagle ray , unhook , reposition for another drift , 5 minutes in same thing he's on calling another bloody ray with the line coming up well away from the boat finally color broke with he's PB dhuie and was lucky not to loose it after giving it hammer and tongs thinking another ray

Am I still in Kalbarri 2

 First post appears to be irretreivably broken, error messages, etc. Try again



Took 2 pots back out this morning, planned to fish after. Tried trolling, water dirty as usual inside, fresh easterly,  nothing after an hour, so i anchored up in close not far from town. I was intent on getting a livie down, so I gave my wife a 10kg baitrunner outfit with a lightly weighted mulie to go on with . Before I could get anything she was into a decent Golden Trevally. Put him back, still trying to get a livie, she has a big Silver Trevally. Then a small Goldspot Trevally, 67 cm Pinkie, legal size Spangled,and a fair Cobia. Meanwhile, i've been dusted twice on the baitchaser rigs between tying baitchasers back on, dealing with her fish, a spot of jigging, and re-rigging after being sharked, and everything else, I still don't have a useable livie after 2 hours-a parade of footballers, baby blackarse, scalyfins, undersize baldie, spinefoot-aaarrrgghh!

Eventually i just give up and start floating a mulie ,  things have gone quiet. So we move a bit, burley up again, and I get smashed on the PE1.5-3 jig outfit floating a mulie--call it for a sambo after 10 minutes it turns out to be a solid Gold Spot Trevally,  nearly as thick through the shoulder as a sambo, must have gone 10kg.

Jesus, am I in the tropics? I mean, I have caught all these species individually before around here, but never on the same day.

Do the miles get the smiles

 left hillarys this morning on a mission to find some new spots, pristine conditions shot out at 25 knots and hardly felt a bump. 

Sounded around for a big portion of the day and only fished 3 or 4 spots and the result a 93cm 15kilo bundle of joy. 

Dhues & Blues

took a few of the boys from work out wide for a drop had a great day!!!!! Had to hang in close for the weather to drop but when it did it was on!!!!!

A few fish from the weekend

Managed to get away for the long weekend with good mate and Fishwrecked member Chinbald for a few days fishing.

Had a top weekend despite fairly stiff off shore  breezes in the mornings and good sea breezes in the arvos.

Fished out of Chinbalds Reefy and left my new rig at home as I still haven't fully sussed the electronics out.

Got plently of quality fish including our bag of Dhu's all 3 days fishing.

Fished depths from 12m through to 70m, with all producing good fish.

Got some good variety on the jigs using the jigging sports assists (cheers Oceanside) for the first time which I was pleased with untill the last session for the weekend when I got completly blown away and lost it including a new Haoli Kanpachi 2. $50 odd bucks worth gone in about a 5 second run, ah well I recon I got my monies worth out of it the couple of days before hand anyway.

A few pics from the weekend.


You Have to Read the Rules

Headed up to Jurien Bay on Friday evening with my 10-year-old Daughter to fish the Patrons Cup for the MAAC.  The Patrons Cup is an annual event between the Marmion Angling and Aquatic Club and the Ocean Reef Sea Sports Club that has been running for nearly 40 years.  There is one point per species and 3 points if you catch the heaviest of species and the number of bags counted are “equalised” so that each Club enters the same.  It is a comp that is fished with a spirit of comradery, but the Patrons Cup is clearly sought after by both clubs.

The easterly was up early so we decided to stay in close for the B&B species near the reefs.  Conditions weren’t that flash but we managed to burley up herring, garfish and skippy although the bite was slow and the fish were wary.  The highlight was seeing a couple of boats put out live herring (the herring were being chased by sambos when hooked) and connecting with big sambos in very shallow reefy water.

The wind started to drop after a few hours so we decided to head further out to sound some deeper ground (about 20m).  Conditions had got quite nice by this time so we used the sounder to locate structure that was holding fish, and the Minn Kota to “anchor” on it.  Mark from MJ’s Rigs had sent me a sample of a paternoster that is was itching to try so down it went with a whole pilchard and bonito fillet on a very likely bit of ground.  Within seconds I was hooked up and boated a nice 4kg Baldchin – some anxious moments with the deckie and the net but we got it in the end.

Down again and the lovely deckie hooks up to something with size.  Sarah has learned a lot over the last year and she did a really good job with the fish.  It was undersized but a very nice fish for a 10-year-old girl.  Her first WA Dhufish.  Because we were shallow and Sarah brought it up slowly, it released with a very solid “kick”.

The window of opportunity out deeper was small and the southerly came in strong.  In my little boat it was certainly time to “run away” and I was pleased we had started the “run home” early.  I thought we could troll the beaches for tailor in “sloppy” water but conditions were so bad, in my boat, that we had to come in 3.5 hours before weigh in.  Anyway, a really nice morning in a magic spot.

The weigh in was where it all went “pear shaped”.  We had “hidden” behind the marina break wall to clean up the boat and bag the fish.  I was stupid enough to leave the comp rules at home on Friday and had asked for them to be brought up to work before we left – 2 plastic bags, one with food and one with fishing stuff.  When I asked the deckie for the fishing stuff bag, unfortunately it didn’t come along – can’t blame the 10 year old though.  Anyway I just chucked the fish in the bag from my iced up live bait tank to the esky.

Wrong, you could only weigh in one fish of each species.  I have to accept total responsibility for being dumb and stupid.  I should have looked after the rules, I should have listened more carefully at the “rev up” and/or I should have checked with other members as we had lots of time.  The worry then was that my stupidity would cost the Club.  I had to put the Baldchin on the scales after the weigh in and of course it was more than half a kilo heavier than the next one so 3 points down the drain (luckily another MAAC Member caught the next heaviest so my mistake was minimised).  As the results were announced it was with great relief that the MAAC had enough points from its excellent fishermen to take the cup.  A lesson for all, make sure you read the rules in anything that you do, so you don’t have to suffer the consequences (yes, the sledging was quite severe).

Southwest bliss

Finally got out for a fish off Bunbury over the weekend and managed to tick off a big bucket list fish.

First off while exploring some new ground we found a nice dense school so down went the jig and 5 quick drifts later we had boated an 800mm dhu and 3 pinkies. Also dropped 2 good fish which i suspect were also pinkies. Seafloor control gawky 130g in orange doing the damage.

On the way home i put out a daisy chain/flashing teaser with a richter soft grassy 93/lumo and x-rap magnum 20 (favourite macky colour). About 20mins later the x-rap got nailed and after a quick blistering run i had finally boated a SBT off Bunbury. Ive been chasing them for a while now so i was absolutely stoked! Estimated to be about 4.5-5kg.

Went back on Sunday to see if the school was still there and indeed it was. I wouldnt usually fish the same spot 2 days in a row but i had a mate with me who had never caught a decent fish before. Had a quick fish and he managed to catch a 750mm dhu and 540mm pinky. Sure was a good day out putting a mate onto his first dhu and pinky in the same session.



School on the first day

Demersal bag pulled off the school

SBT euphoria

School on the second day

Am I still in Kalbarri?

 Took 2 pots back out this morning, planned to fish after. Tried trolling, water dirty as usual inside, fresh easterly,  nothing after an hour, so i anchored up in close not far from town. I was intent on getting a livie down, so I gave my wife a 10kg baitrunner outfit with a lightly weighted mulie to go on with . Before I could get anything she was into a decent Golden Trevally. Put him back, still trying to get a livie, she has a big Silver Trevally. Then a small Goldspot Trevally, 67 cm Pinkie, legal size Spangled,and a fair Cobia. Meanwhile, i've been dusted twice on the baitchaser rigs between tying baitchasers back on, dealing with her fish, a spot of jigging, and re-rigging after being sharked, and everything else, I still don't have a useable livie after 2 hours-a parade of footballers, baby blackarse, scalyfins, undersize baldie, spinefoot-aaarrrgghh!

Eventually i just give up and start floating a mulie ,  things have gone quiet. So we move a bit, burley up again, and I get smashed on the PE1.5-3 jig outfit floating a mulie--call it for a sambo after 10 minutes it turns out to be a solid Gold Spot Trevally,  nearly as thick through the shoulder as a sambo, must have gone 10kg.

Jesus, am I in the tropics? I mean, I have caught all these species individually before around here, but never on the same day.




KG Kode

Not sure we have totally cracked it but learnt a few nice tips in this mornings KG session.

PB for both me and Langa. My best went 54 cm, Langa's went 59 cm and 1.43 kg.

Video clip of missus' PB Baldie

 Short video clip of our outing on Sunday

FNQ last weekend

Just finished editing a bit of video from last weekends trip. Left them biting.

The video link is below the pic.



What happened to the weather predictions

Crazy wind predictions this weekend past.  Decided to give Saturday a miss as the wind forecast did not look too good - the result an almost windless day.  Go out on Sunday which was to be the better day and it ends up as sloppy as.  It did not stop Gail from catching her PB Baldie though!

old fishwrecked member cleans up Saturday night. Cockburn pinks and bits!

 Some of you may remember old fishwrecked member and very good friend of mine, Darryl (Dazsamfishing)... Well he moved back to brisbane a few years ago and hasnt had a chance to fish for snapper with me since iv owned a boat. He arrived here on Saturday midday, picked him up from the airport and went straight to my local 'South beach hotel' for a few pints of Swan Draught :) . There was no plans of fishing but a a few beers and the ocean looking pretty dam flat in front of us and checking the weather online had changed for the better  we hurried home and loaded the boat and got down to the ramp about 5pm..

He was keen to do a bit of squiding first since he claims brisbane sucks so a quick half hr resulted in just under a dozen nice squid and it was time to head to the snapper spots. Well we were slightly distracted and ended up chasing a school of longtail tuna busting up big time and they were big barrels to. Would cast and cast and cast right into the middle of them and nothinggg. We soon gave up and headed off to the snapper spots again. Found a few fish on the sounder and anchored up. Since poor dazza never fishes in brissy anymore i said every rod that goes down tonight is your take i will just setup/watch. Went to start burleying up and noticed some very big blobs on the sounder. As i threw a few cubes in, instantly a few big sambos came right upto the boat and munched the cubes. Daz puts a bait in the water and before you know it hes on! I only fish cheap 100 dollar combos with 20/30lb mono for drift baiting so i wasnt sure how it was going to hold up in 8 metres of water. After quite a long battle he had a very respectable sized sambo boated considering the circumstances.


Soon after we played around with another one again. They then dissapeared and it was time to get back to the pinkys. First rod goes down for the night and daz calls it for a pinky. A pinky it was but a bit small and was released. Waited another half hour and the rod buckles and it looked much better. After a nice little battle up surfaces a pinky. Netted and measured (83 cms) it was put to rest and bled. A few minutes after that all went down the rod goes down again and another very nice sized pinky is boated and put to rest and bled. Another 5 minutes and the rod is down again and its a ray so what does good old skipper/deckie for the night do??? I took the rod and fought the ray for him so he can take the other rod which has gone down but wasnt a pinky this time. A small black tip. Black tip/ ray released and rods back in the water. No more than a few minutes and rod goes down again. Another very nice pinky boated. A quick photo with the others on the deck and it was released.

It was 8pm by then and i made the call to head home as we still had to go see a few family/friends and we had a very early wake up the next morning so left them biting but what an awsome night and daz wants to move back to perth alot sooner i think :) Ended up keeping 2 nice fish and some squid and 2 very happy fishermen!


 So from landing in perth and having nothing planned except a few beers of his favourite WA beer and a pub feed, to having a night of non stop action in a few hours, a very lucky and good decision made me thinks. Cheers,


Moore River/Guilderton Beach report

Camping as part of school get together weekend just gone. Even though daughter started vomiting 3am Sat, I hit the beach 5.40am with mulies and gang hooks only. Plenty of bites stripping the mulies but nothing big. Jagged a small whiting so put that on. 6.40am and fish jumping out of the water chasing bait, looked like tailor size. Within casting distance but no hits. In the end a ray took the whiting. Others on the beach had no luck either.
Friend caught herring about 7.30am onwards and many had little bite marks on them. They returned Sun morning but earlier and caught nothing.

Also saw herring in the shallows of the river. It was great to get out for a fish but was the worst camping we have had due to daughter being sick - in the camper trailer both nights.

Grey nomads had been there 4 weeks and said the fishing was very lean compared to other years.


Hi Guys

Chasing some bluefin tuna around yesterday, and saw a marlin jump out in front of me!!

Was only about 12kms directly out from hillarys.

Just reporting.....

Mandurah Canals

 Just spent a week working with my brother down in Mandurah, painting a house on the canals at Dudly park. As we were staying in the house for the week i thought a few nights fishing in the canals would be good so threw in a couple of whiting rods and my 30lb jigging outfit for a mullaway rig.

On the first arvo i set my bro up with a whiting rig and some peeled prawns and was setting up myself when the first whiting was caught. Bloody small but it was a sign there were whiting there so i hurried with my rig and got some bait wet. Well the whiting may have been there to start with but the bream pretty quickly pushed them out of the way and that was all we were catching. Must have got 15 small bream in the next 15min. Good fun but at 12cm or so not what we were after. My bro caught a 10cm stripped grunter (i think it is called that) and i pulled out the big guns for some live baiting. Tossed him out and set the rod against a tree to see what was there and kept trying for the whiting. Didnt take long and there was a tap on the live bait so picked up the rod and tightened the line up a bit. Well the stripie was gone. We ended up with another grunter and hooked him up, tossed him out and this time i held onto the rod. Got another tap and felt like the fish was gone again so pulled it in to find just a head with a clean bite behind the gills. Things were looking promising for something bigger than small bream but had to shut it down for the night.

Second day we set up just before sunset and first fish in was a whiting again. As that is my prefered offshore bait i hooked it up as a livey and sent it out. Bloody thing swam straight to the bottom and got nailed by a crab who mush have been next to, or under the only rock in the canal. Snagged me up and i ended up busting off my 50lb leader. Normally not a problem except i only had my small tackle box with me and only had 6,15 and 20lb leader in it. A bit small for a taylor or mulla. I snelled up a couple of rigs with the 20lb so i had an assist type hook to pin in the skin near the tailof the live bait. It was full dark by then and the small ones were off the bite with nothing but undersize crabs getting caught so we shut it down again.

Worked late Wed so knocked off a bit earlier on Thurs to get some fishing in. Targeted the grunter and got a bucket of 8-9 liveys. To prevent the crabs getting hold of them we rigged up a couple of makeshift floats from wild turkey corks and both of us went at it. First cast out and my brother got smashed and had a hell of a fight on his little rod. Managed to land his first taylor of 30cm. It bit through the leader just as it was pulled from the water but managed to land just on the payvement at his feet. Got a photo and released it. Almost straight away i was hit but got dropped. Was reeling in a very light bait, probably a head, when i was hit and hooked up. Had some great jumping action and landed another 30cm taylor. He had sliced through the leader and my assist hook was missing so it was back to re-rig.

Looking through my soft plastics bag i had found an old spool of 100lb leader but seeing as the hooks i had were only small, the biggest being a largish KG hook i had discounted it. Well i gave it a go and tied on some 100lb leader, that just fit through the eye, and had another couple of rigs. Bloody hard to tie that size leader on small   We fished until our bait supply was gone with me getting my PB taylor of 35cm and the biggest of the night. No photo's of that one as we were both pretty pissed by then.

Had great fun even if i didnt get the mullaway i was hoping for.

Kev's first Taylor

Mandurah Canal Taylor

Perth Metro Mackerel Action

 Nothing gets me more excited than a metro mackerel.

Caught one this time last year when hunting for salmon about 100m from West End at Rotto!

Recent reports are talking it up like there is a plague of them out there - reports of catching them off Woodman Point Jetty, Spaniards and Sharkies LEAPING out at the end of the Freo Moles. Seems to be more speculation than fact but there is talk of schools around the Mewstones and Three Mile... BUT...

No one on here or any other forum seems to be reporting anything - especially from boats.

How are fellow fishwrecked fishers fairing? Do I venture forth or wait it out? If any success, is my trusty red head Halco Laser my go to?

Love to hear any reports - particularly from anyone heading our from my local boat ramp - Hillarys, or around Rotto.

Bagged out off Bunbury

 The wind was down last wednesday so my mate and i headed out early, On the water by 4am at spot by 6am  First drop His nice Pink 800mm ( see pic ) then a Dhu 660mm a Boldie 500mm then a 400mm tusk fish Red, black in top fins never seen one before chin like a Boldie but chin was  light red. At home by 12:30 Good mate was very Happy.

Daughter's Day

Fished the MAAC Bluewater on Saturday with Dean, Wal and Sarah.  We had a great day on the water with heaps of fish of all various types.  We released everything that was not going to win biggest fish of the species except for Flathead, Breaksea and Baldchin (obviously), and the biggest Samson we caught which was about 15kg.  No winners in the bunch but a great day out with good company on an awesome boat.

The highlight for me was Sarah’s effort.  She is only 10 but her enthusiasm is very high and her skills are improving all the time.  The excitement in hooking and landing her first quality Baldchin was lovely to watch – 2.65kg, as was the 1kg Skippy as well.  That’s what it is all about – 10 year olds on the water not stuck with their heads in screens, and she loves it and can’t wait to go again.

Sorry about the Lions Cap!

sundays fish bunbury baldie

planned on getting up around 3:30 to take my oldman out sunday , i slept through to 5:30 after the snooze button got pressed a few times , hit the water had a drop at the 4mile on the way out for just a few bites but no fish in the boat then again at 12 and 16 with one good run but dropped and a few wrasse . motored on out to the main spot for the day first 3 drifts were pretty quick with the wind a bit stronger than i'ld thought and grey clouds moving in quick was starting to umm and arhh about heading in closer before it got worse but stuck it out with plenty of bites but nothing too serious other than a KG .Come 11:30 it turned it on as soon as we dropped solid bites then both the oldman and me hook up , first up pops he's a dhuie then mine which was another dhuie , dropped the oldmans back down with the release weight with mine dropped in the esky for the old lady , few more drifts with some decent bites but dropped and either giving them line when should of tried setting the hooks or trying to set hooks when should of given line happening , i miss one when i see the oldmans rod double over bit of a fight and up pops a baldie a first for the boat , first ive seen in person off bunbury and a first for the oldman so pretty happy . called it a day and had a couple of drops on the way back in for a small pinkie and usual wrasse/rockcod a few more dropped/missed all in all a memorable day