Brag Board

Brag Rights, Catch and Release or Unusual Captures

Busselton observatory

Went to the Busselton jetty observatory a couple of weeks ago with the kids
not bad down there .There was a couple of nice size blue groper feeding on the
pylons I all I could think of was how I had left my dive gear and spear gun
in Perth .Oh well they are safe for a few more weeks.
I'll post some pics up when I get home of before and after shots

P.S if you would like to see some Blue Groper feeding and free swimming I
suggest you get down there in the next week or so.

Just kidding I want shoot them

Exmouth fun

Had a wicked day out with Gribbo today with good conditions and light south westerly winds keeping the temperature down. The fishing was slow until we found some bait and with the 10 o'clock magic hour called it all happened.

First to chew was a nice saily that hit second time round after checking out the spread. Lots of airtime ensured a good fight and plenty of fun, with the first sailfish landed and released after a few photos we went back to it.

After 10 minutes of trolling my skirt got smashed and had line peeling off into the distance. Gribbo was on the ball and snapped some action shots of a small black marlin heading westbound. He dived deep for quite some time and some manuevering had him beat after 15 mins. A quick photo and he was released to fight another day, stoked, a marlin and a sailfish landed before 11.

With the lines back out the third strike came faster than the second and a black marlin of 35-40kg hit Gribbo's lure hard and went airborne. About 5 minutes into the fight he shook the hooks to our disappointment. With the baitball shutdown we headed deep and could only find a fun sized yellowfin tuna.

Heading in closer to the back of the reef we raised one more junior marlin that took a sniff but wasn't into it. Whilst dragging divers over the shallow stuff we had a mack tuna sharked in a bloodbath and a small spaniard that was released to jaws. Here's a few pics of a sick day on the Exmouth water.



That Shallow Stuff

Out this morning we were greeted with "white horses" for a good part of the whole morning.

Fishing the 25m mark for King george, just behind 3 mile reef.

First couple of drifts we did without a drift anchor, and it was impossible to hold bottom, and it was a pretty big chop about 1m at this stage.

After slowing down are drift we started to get onto a few fish, but nothing huge.

Undersize pinkies, skippy and other reef creatures were pretty common. Persisting we managed to bag a few more reef fish and a small sambo, which proved fun on the light gear.

A few more drifts and we had foxfish, 1 Kg, a few undersize dhuies, leatherjacket. And finally we hooked upto what we though was a decent fish, with a 15min fight, a big ray came into view...

Finished the day catching more small pinkies, gold spotted sweetlip, skippy and wrasse.

Released majority of the fish, but came home with a feed.

Got out this morning

Out early today and was pretty choppy early on but we persisted and headed out to the 40m mark. 

Fished a couple of spots for the morning, then headed in around lunchtime with the SW sea breeze.

1st Dhuie

2nd Dhuie

The Pair

The catch


cray pot floats

hey guys just wondering how to mark your cray pot floats with your licence number any one no a good method . i was thinking with a soldering iron or somthing along those lines. any help would be appreciated. cheers


I fished between the islands last night anchored up at the back of a lump and consistently burley for a couple of hours while I watched a couple of tools sound around the area for the same amount of time. Then while they were off in the distance bang they were on 6 in about 15 mins. Only to see them come back sounding around after the action had stopped .Out of 5 boats there I was the only one on.  IMO best way is find the ground and consistent burley and a little patience beets looking for a needle in a hay stack.

Nor west blowies

Can someone advise me on the best way of releasing nor west blowies

cockburn sound crabs

Can anybody shed some light on when or if the the crab season is going to reopen in cockburn sound

Deef #3 7lber

congrats to Deefa/Dan on #3 proud dad after landing a nice 7lber this morning!

will be having a beer for ya this evening!

ss bout time

Andrew (dogsoldier),Steve(sherbert) and I had the pleasure of going out on SS bout time with captin Steve(bouttime).
Started the day off from woodies leaving around qauter to half past6 headed out to just behind garden island to get some squid for the tummy mmm.. and bait of coures
best dhuie bait as i found out of andrew..
we drift this spot a few times and landed half a dozen or more squid and the boat copped some ink...

Once we had some squid off to find some ground and then steve (BT) spotted a school on the sounder so
we started trolling nuffin, then andrew spotted boutted diveing and swooping all over the place so off we go to there... but it must of just been bait fish in the end trolling we got nothing...

so off to find some ground we whent out the back of 5 fathom and found some ground so we pulled up and rigged up and started bottom bashin and then steve (BT) little 8000 spheros goes of starts pullin it up then goes dead weight callin it (Dhuie) and pulling drag every now and then gets coulor and then oh no a bronzy
the rest of us were geting hits but nuthing,
so off to spot find more ground..

spot2: out the back of 5fathom again and we were constantl getting bites but no solid hook ups grrrr...
and then smackkk... somting ingulfed my bait and felt decent pulled him up didnt pull drag much though..
and a dhuie, 60cm nice i was happy my PB!!!!

after catching a few rass we then whent to spot3 drop ddown bites 24/7 but no hokk ups and then as soon as i put my rod in the rod holder to try and ring DEEFA off it goes like mad steve grab the rod 4me and then i relled it in to be a sand snapper..

we then did 1 more drop or so with bites but no hook ups and then headed in for some kg's and squid..
oh and when we were fishin for kg,s steve(Sherbert)
hooked onto a monster what we thought it was any way
pinky maybe of dhuie.. pelling drag off left right and centre, get it up and its a big sweep not bad for 6lb braid and 3-6kg rod..

big thanks to Steve bouttime and his boat ran like a dream and comfy... and i learnt a lot today thx alot
guys i thourly enjoyed myself...

cheers andyrew ps:sorry if i forgot anything

Todays Catch - Oceanreef

First blood for greg, Double header with a dhufish and banded sweep.

Picked up these two on the same drift

And the catch for the day


Mitchell from Compleat Angler Joondalup recent captures

Nice 14kg Chinaman

9kg Estuary Cod

6kg Rankin.

Not bad for a 9 year old. Well done Mitchell, Noel reckons you are a champion angler and I can see why. Congratulations on three excellent captures.

Andy Mac

Fishing trip 9 Sept 07 (lots of pics)

Went out today and got in the water at 9.45am, my little brother came out but didn't want to go out to far so we fished inside 3 mile for 2 hours, then dropped him back off at oceanreef ramp and headed out to the 40m mark.

got out there about 12.30pm ish, went to first coral patch fished it for a while and not much happening caught a decent blackbum and 2 undersize dhuies.

Moved over about 800m to broken ground coral/reef and the sounder was full of fish. 

First fish was a tiny dhuie

steve lifted the bar and caught this nice dhuie

Another drift resulted in a blackbum for me, and steve had a 90cm flathead boatside but lost it!

After another drift I manage a small dhuie (But Size), sorry no pic.

Last drift was called and steve again hooked upto a decent fish this time.  Resulting in this 8.5kg Dhuie which was folled up by a ray about 1.5meter wide.

So we had our baglimit of 2 dhuies each and it was 4.20 so we headed back in.

The Catch


fathersday at Burswood

Went down to burswood for a fish, flicked around some prawns at the first spot for about 1 hour, only got littluns.  So We moved further down to a bank (lowtide) and decided to fish of that.

So first cast and steve lands this thumper bream!

A few more

One coming in

Couple of swans

Me catching nothing


Burswood tragic!

Gday all,

I've got a bad note about Burswood. Me and my uncle went for a late afternoon Bream session untill about 8.00pm and landed 11 Bream ranging from 25cm to 40cm on bait. But once returned back to the car, the whole car windows were all smashed in including the windshield. So luckily I had my phone with me and called my parents and my cousin to come pick us up. I'm not happy on what as happened, so all those rotten mungrels out there who don't have lives go and rot in hell.

Just telling all the fisho's that keep aware on your car and make sure you take all you valuables with you! 


Swan fish comp - Pictures

Some Pics from the swan fish comp.  Steve ended up getting 5 fish and I got 5 fish (first black bream aswell!).

Here are some pictures, didn't photograph every fish.

Had a couple of fish aropund 31cm and 1 at 28cm then others were smaller.

1st Picture is from early morning, when there was no wind


Exmouth Pics!!!!!!!!!

Hey all, first trip out of Exmouth on our working holiday we finally got out after 3 weeks!!!!!  we headed out of the marina to about 70 metres of water out of the islands, first drift we got 1 Red and a nor-west snapper.     2nd drift same again but the biggest red i have ever seen or caught!!!  unforunately no scales but my guesstemation is around 19kg. 3rd drift another Red and yet again another snapper..and while all this is going on my floater out the back pulled me my mackeral!!!  good for my first trip very happy!!!!!
p.s   Trying to find the record for the biggest Red ...  he was 90 cm long but didnt get a weight ....  as you can see he is the full length of the ice box.  The milk bottle beside him is a 3L one!!!!
 More pics to come just have to get them off the phone!!!!


Burswood Bream 34cm today

Gday fishermen caught this nice bream today.I was quite happy with it released to fight anotherday.Its been  healty around burswood i see.I got SMOKED today on something realy big on a mulie rig would have loved to see what it was....



Burswood Breaming

Gday fellow fishermen i went for a fish at Burswood and caught a few 30cm bream that were released to fight another day.
I had fun i guess better then being in bed sick for the last 2 days with the flew ahahaha...

cheers photos to come.


Working the Coogee Flats with Lures...

Gday guys and girls,

I went down to Woodman's Point Ammo Jetty this morning for an early morning fish this morning before me footy match and the jetty was jam packed with anglers. So I did'nt even bother fishing off the jetty and I just stood there and have a look at whats on going on the bottom, so I had a good hard look for about 30mins and saw a few Bartail Flathead and Flounder. So I whacked out some softplastics such as Berkley Bass Minnow 3'' and other variety of splastics, so I walked the beach around the jetty casting away and nailing 3 Flathead and 1 Flounder including 10 solid Herring within 2 hours of fishing. So I was just dropping by to say that if you wanted to try something different and its always a great way to spend a day walking the beach and casting plastics on the flats around Coogee.

I was armed with:
Rod- Blackdiamond 2kg
Reel- Penn Affinity
Line- 4lb braid
Leader- Berkley Vanish 4lb
Lures- Bass Minnows, Snapback Softplastics, River2Sea Baby Vibes, Squidgies and Halco Scorpians 45.

So to sum things up all you need is your Bream gear, array of softplastics and hardbodies and a backpack with your lures in it. But definetly take a water bottle cause walking the soft sand takes a fair bit out of you. I'm sure its going to fire up during summer and I'm definetly gonna be back casting plastics around the flats.

All the best for the future fishing trips!
Cheers.. Jangles

July 18th fishing

Was a great day on the water today, a bit quiet on the fishing front, found a spot in 40M with big whiting 30+ cm, headed out to a few marks, 1st drop resulted in a seriously big fish running at a rapid rate I was worried of being spooled but snapped me off on the bottom (big sambo), the fish seemed to come on the bite when we had to leave last 2 drops resulted in a doubled header dhuies, and a baldie which fell victim to a drift bait.  Water was like glass on the way back in. 

P.S. - took your advice andy, used bottom zoom on the sounder and turned off the fish symbols! 



Went out to one of my fave tailor spots today and ended up catching two mulloway. Both were caught just on sunset within 15min of each other.

the bigger one went 90cm. It took off on three blistering runs with plenty of headshakes.It was no match for the penn 8500ss w/ 20lb braid though. :wink:
pics taken on camera phone so pretty crappy quality.


Got my first deepwater mulloway yesterday

NOR vs SOR - our effort

First drop resulted in this pinkie, was 2cm over size but released anyway.

Next drop this blackarse

And then the next was another small pinkie but we kept this one and one bigger one but snapped off.

Later we caught  this sambo

then we found a good patch resulting in:

And a couple of small dhuies.

NOR vs SOR warm up!

Went out today, to only 3 spots out from ocean reef.  Ist drift resulted in a dhufish, second with another small dhufish but still size, third with another dhufish.  So we moved on to another close by spot, 1st drop was a blackarse and then nothing but picks for a couple of drifts.  Then Did a drift a bit further upand got a sgt baker, put on the baker as bait and caught another dhufish.  So we had our limit and came in to a whiting/flathead spot and fished that for a while.

Sorry about the quality of this picture, accidently took a video, so had to take a still from the video.

Nebraska 10th july

Went out today, was very wind up until about 12.30pm the drift was very fast making it hard to hold bottom.  It died down to around 10knot easterly but we were heading back in, On the last drift I decided to try a "drift bait" same as ryan's in WAngler and got a pinky as soon as it hit the bottom so I will be trying that out a bit more. 

Also caught a few undersize pinks and dhufish.

Think of BIG!!

This is a massive Mulloway, but it was wasted upon!! Anyone landing any lately?


Landing any big Bream anyone?

Gday guys,

Have all you's been heading down to the Swan or Canning River lately? Since it was raining and the water was upto the footpaths I would of thought people might be landing some Black Bream! Well it would be good to hear about some large Bream captures soon.

Hopefully I can head out after footy training this afternoon!


Cape York trip

Hi guys: Just got back from our annual pilgrimage to Cape York, this time having fished as far south as the Jackson River...a pretty remote area that's as close to Weipa as it is to the tip of the cape. There's a couple of motherships that fish this area, but instead we camped by the mouth of the McDonnell River, a three-hour boat run from Seisia.

Brilliant fishing, the best I've had in 10 years of trips to the cape. One the first day alone, which was largely devoted to travelling and setting up camp, we boated about 50 longtails (northern bluefin), as well as losing a heap to the big whalers that shadowed our boat. The tuna ate whatever we threw at them...slugs, soft plastics, poppers and fizzers (it's hard to beat the sight of a couple tuna greyhounding out of the water after a fizzer).

There were plenty of tuna for the rest of the week too, but the standout species was probably the big queenfish...never seen so many big ones; we probably got half a dozen in the 20lb class, which is a big slab of queenie. Dozens up to 15lb also. The trip culminated in a mad session at an island off the Jardine River, where literally every cast was getting smashed by a big critter (unstoppable GTs and the previosuly mentioned Queeniesauruses), we caught heaps, but lost lots too in 15ft of coral-filled water.

All up, a belter of a trip...barra, jacks, fingermarks in the snags, as well as goldens and giant herring on the flats. Big thanks to Tim and Lesley of Cape York Custom Sportfishing (07 40693301). Pix to follow.



how did everyone go today in the comp?