Anyone else following the Israel Folau debacle
Submitted by Alan James on Mon, 2019-04-15 17:39
Had his comments only mentioned that drunks, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists and idolators would go to hell if they didn't repent no one would have raised an eyebrow however by the adding homosexuals to the list Rugby Australia is seeking termination. Inclusion working to exclude it would seem.
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Date Joined: 16/05/09
I don't tell him how to live
I don't tell him how to live his life so as a high profile person don't tell me how to live mine. Fuck I'm going to hell, hope the fishings good. ON a side note Pavlich's misses needs to get over herself as well.
Posts: 4584
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Whole lot of fuss about not
Whole lot of fuss about not much. Amazing how people manage to get so worked up about what someone’s opinion is.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Da pirate
Posts: 1576
Date Joined: 03/05/15
Not worth..
Not worth worrying bout on a fishing site ??
Leave it on face book or the rest of them ..
Posts: 1522
Date Joined: 09/03/13
U O fall into those
U O fall into those catagories......Athiest (and ....possibly a cpl others)
Pretty frightened now i realise im going to hell. :)
Posts: 8156
Date Joined: 07/05/12
Better off being an athiest
Better off being an athiest and going to hell than anywhere near George Pell and his gang of paedo priests
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Alan James
Posts: 2237
Date Joined: 30/06/09
I'm not an AFL follower and clearly you are so perhaps you can you tell me if an AFL player was to post on social media that drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists and idolators would go to hell if they didn't repent would they expect to be threatened with termination by their club and the AFL?
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AFL isn't a private school
Aussie rules isn't an exclusively private school sport so I'd say religion doesn't come into the equation as much and the structure is different as players don't have AFL contracts but I'd dare say that individual clubs have social media policies in place already just like I do at work
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
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Well if villification and
Well if villification and hate speech is in their contract then probably yes Alan. Most corporations have this as part of their employment criteria anyway.
I mean you could look at it this way, would you be happy with his rantings if you were gay or had gay kids?
He's certainly entitled to an opinion and allowed to voice it, just not under a signed contract pretty simple I reckon.
Love the West!
Alan James
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Date Joined: 30/06/09
So quoting a few verses from the Bible is hate speech. I don't agree, if that was truly the case then all evangelists would have been shut down long ago. Nor do I see Folau's comments on his own social media pages as a rant (Definition - speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way). The media especially loves to use the term 'hate speech' as it incites hatred itself and all things bad.
This is not directed at you or anyone else that has commented but I find people these days tend to use words such as 'racist' and 'hate speech' as a means to counter their own intolerances.
With respect to Folau's contract Rugby Australia has acknowledged there are no specific clauses within his contract that preclude him from expressing his views, religious or otherwise using social media. There are clauses in the contract which encourage players to abide by Rugby Union's Code of Conduct.
Each to their own but I think Dodgy's comment below pretty much sums it up for me.
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Date Joined: 30/11/09
Of course he's allowed to
Of course he's allowed to express his views , love god and Jesus what ever, but when he singles out a minority and villifies them that's not on in their rule book and by law I might add. I'm just trying to point out why they've gone after him as they have. I see Ablett's under the microscope for liking his comments, interesting to see what comes of that.
Love the West!
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A minority? There wasn’t too
A minority? There wasn’t too many left off the list.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 15036
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Ha ha yeah you could
Ha ha yeah you could probably lob me in with fornicators in a previous life. But it's the elephant in the LBGTQ room
Love the West!
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But Andy
That is all the focus is on. Nobody complained about the other "going to hell types" on the list. And yes, I am guilty and going to hell to - fornicators and partying, and have been drunk a couple of times!!!!!!
I'm not offended by those comments.
And I do have some very close LBG friends.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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Date Joined: 30/11/09
Mate I'm not arguing against
Mate I'm not arguing against I'm just trying to point out why they've gone after him.
You've only been drunk a couple of times ?!?!?
That's why you're going to hell ;)
Love the West!
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Date Joined: 16/10/08
Another sin!
I am a good liar
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 4584
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Why are people so upset by a
Why are people so upset by a place they don’t believe exists, as punishment for a sin they don’t believe is hurting anyone, in a book they will never read, written by a being they don’t believe in?
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 1522
Date Joined: 09/03/13
Because it's hate speech
Because it's hate speech pure and simple. I laugh when someone tells me I'm going to hell but the simple fact is that there are plenty of others out there....maybe they are young and impressionable and have enough to deal mentally without someone spewing this kind of bullshit.
Eg. Youth suiside rate in Australia are bad. Youth suiside rates in the LGBT are ten times that. Plenty of studies show that this sort of outside pressure has a direct link.
And yep hate speech is illegal in Australia. Religeous nuts have gotten away with this shit for too long.
Posts: 15036
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Well said mate, ya gotta
Well said mate, ya gotta wonder why people can't see the obvious.
Love the West!
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Date Joined: 08/03/09
Im with you pirate
not needed here
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Date Joined: 10/02/07
You can see the heading
why open it?
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 214
Date Joined: 08/03/09
easiest way to tell him that
I believe this is not the place for it. Hell, lets start talking about the Federal election and then go on about bloody vegans!@
Posts: 2086
Date Joined: 16/05/09
The election one is just
The election one is just below this one, and as for your Vegan one I'm surprised theres not one already.
Posts: 570
Date Joined: 23/07/16
Vegan... haha
I ate a meat free burger in Grill'd yesterday
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personally i could not care
personally i could not care what he said , wrote, posted , instagrammed or snapchatted etc etc if that is his belief then so be it ,but it wont change mine
im sure a lot worse gets said every day about all types of things by all types of people the planet over
people choose to be offended imo to push their own agendas nowdays ..his words did not read like hate speech to me ,, more like a religous sermon ......and if that is now hate speech then lots of religions should be shut down immediatly
people need to use their own critical thinking and independent investigation to form their own views , that requires all sorts of public perspectives being free to speak or write
we seem to have shifted to a culture of blame everyone for everything and not be responsible for ourselves
social media in all its forms imo is much more responsible for the isues in society
another stupid example below
OFW 11
evil flourishes when good men do nothing
Posts: 39
Date Joined: 24/11/18
You said it well.
You said it well.
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Date Joined: 29/10/07
Hate speech???
As far as I am concerned, the animal activists over the last few weeks have spouted much more hate speech than Falou did. Calling people murderers amonst other things. If that isnt hate speech then I dont know what is.
And while Im on it, the number of people I see and hear today shooting off at all Catholic clergy and labeling them all "kiddy fidlers" etc is also hate speech. You cant say sh*t about Muslims (amongh others) or their practices (some of which are actually illegal in this country) but apparently its open season on all Catholics. Pull your fingers out people and look in the mirror before you start labeling others.
Give anyone enough power (Police, Clergy, Principal, etc) and they may use that to their perverse advantage. Some cops abuse their power, but in general they bring far more good than bad. Some Clergy abuse their power, but again, far more are good than bad.
I did then the best that I knew how. When I knew better, I did better.
Posts: 39
Date Joined: 24/11/18
''Hate speech'' can be
''Hate speech'' can be anything a group or induvidual want it to be, and there lies the the Birds with it!
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
What ever happened
What ever happened to “sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me”
Posts: 693
Date Joined: 29/10/07
That went out the window long ago. Whilst I used to feel the same way I can definitely see and believe that verbal abuse (emotional) can be more hurtful, impactful and long lasting than a punch in the mouth.
I did then the best that I knew how. When I knew better, I did better.
Posts: 39
Date Joined: 24/11/18
Snowflakes and little
Snowflakes and little Weezels need to toughen up, this is Australia after all...home of the bronze auzzie, and just as a side note, re runs of the Paul Hogan show and Kingswood country need to make a come back.
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Date Joined: 27/11/09
another view of the issue to
another view of the issue to consider
'Discrimination against people of faith in sport'
The Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) issued a statement today saying it "cautiously welcomed" Rugby Australia's decision not to discipline Folau for his social media comments.
The ACL's managing director, Martyn Iles, said Falau should not have had to explain his actions to Rugby bosses.
"It is likely that the handling of this incident has set a precedent in Rugby Australia and other sporting codes where the ability of players to articulate mainstream Christian views is chilled. This is discrimination against people of faith in sport," Mr Iles said.
He said the lobby was concerned that "Falou's appropriate use of social media could stifle his freedom to speak openly about his faith and marginalise his Christian identity into the future".
Topics: sport, rugby-union, australia, nsw, sydney-2000
OFW 11
evil flourishes when good men do nothing
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Optus stadium and the roman areana
I have a bad feeling both are growing in popularity only a scarcity of lions is delaying one from becoming fully functional and ready for the feeding of the christians, I can’t think of the name of which one it is though. Lol
Posts: 39
Date Joined: 24/11/18
They hated Christ first.
They hated Christ first.