are heads included in possesion limits up north
Submitted by mako magic on Thu, 2009-04-23 07:38
Got a firend who wants me to bring some heads and wings back from exmouth with us but not sure whether is included in the allowable fillets or not, dont want to use my quota up in fish heads, apparently he says you can bring them back as well as the fillet quota.
Can any one shed some light on this one
Posts: 489
Date Joined: 11/08/05
Heads and wings and possession limits
The Recreational Fishing Guide - Gascoyne Region page 14
Heads are not included, but wings and backbones are included in the possession limits.
Don't try to fudge by leaving anything attached to the heads or they could all be counted as fillets.
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Posts: 47
Date Joined: 03/05/07
Terry, In realtion to
In realtion to extended trips, if you are out for two days, does that mean you can posses two times your daily bag limit?????
Posts: 489
Date Joined: 11/08/05
Possession limits.
There used to be a separate "Possession Limits Frequently Asked Questions" page on the Fisheries website, but that page seems to have been removed, and some of the links to it were deliberately manipulated but they stuffed it up.
Recfishwest reported this 4 weeks ago to the Dept of Fisheries on 24 March and got a reply on 26 March, but this couple of minute job on the website hasn't been fixed yet.
There's a daily bag limit, expressed as number of whole fish. Every day you go fishing, you can legally catch UP TO your daily bag limit.
BUT on top of that, there's a possession limit, expressed as three options for the person to chose ONLY ONE from.
1. Up to 2 day's bag limit of whole fish (or trunks), OR
2. Up to 1 day's bag limit of whole fish (or trunks) plus UP TO 10kgs of fillets, OR
3. Up to 20kg of fillets.
Details see pages 9 to 11 of Recreational Fishing Guide - West Coast Region
Says "Extended trips and overnight stays (FRMR Part 4, Division 2, 3, Regulation 15)
Anglers who have been at sea or stayed on any island for more than one day, may land no more than the possession limit of whole (or trunked) fish or filleted fish.
The "Internet Archive" has a copy of the Possession Limits FAQ page from 2007 at
The Fish Resources Management Act Regulations are at
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