Bearing buddies
Submitted by badger88 on Wed, 2015-01-07 16:44
Hey guys.
Lost the cap off my bearing buddy unknowingly. There's some slight corrosion on the outside around the spring of the bb. Do you think the bearing would be compromised?
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Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
on my current trailor I cant get the caps to stay on so I just gave up, easy way to check is- take the BB off and inspect the colour of your grease if its brown then it is time to change your bearings, note you will only be able to see the outside bearing without taking the hub off so if your rear seal has failed water can get in that way too. I usually change mine annually regardless as I do a few kilometeres
it might be the angle of the photo but it looks like you may want to pump some grease into then as they look a bit empty
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
only way to tell if waters
only way to tell if waters gotten in is to pull apart as above.
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
Posts: 749
Date Joined: 22/08/12
I had my trailer overhauled last year before a trip to
coral bay. It didnt have bearing buddies on it so i bought some and left them with the trailer repairer to fit them after he replaced springs, bearings etc. When I picked up trailer they werent on there I asked why and he reckons you dont need them just use caps I was surprised - what are other boaters thoughts I presumed its better to have them than not have them
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
i gave up on bearing
i gave up on bearing buddies, sick of loosing them. caps only for me
Posts: 218
Date Joined: 15/01/10
The caps are not essential.
The caps are not essential. Its best to service your bearings and repack them with grease. The grease nipples only require a squirt. You cant really put service times on as it all depends on how many kms your pull your trailer.
Posts: 136
Date Joined: 03/06/09
Smear grease around the in the inside of the cap
before you put it on the BB. As you push the cap on depress the end of the cap with your thumb to ensure there's a slight vacuum when it's in place. When the cap is on the end should be concave inward. Never lost one yet.
Posts: 3
Date Joined: 07/01/15
yeh cheers guys.took the
yeh cheers guys.
took the bearing buddies off. one was quite empty and had brown/black grease around the periphery. the other was fine.
think it'll be my next little mission to change the bearings next rnr.
cheers for the help lads
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