Builders - advice please
Submitted by JamManJr on Mon, 2008-03-10 20:24
Hi Guys,
Need some advice on builders - pros and cons of your own experiences.
Who you think I should go with and not to go with? With the large
selection of builders in the market, how does one know if they are
getting a decent builder and value for money?
Some of the builders I have seen (mainly the mainstream "project"
type builders) are Ross North, Webb Brown Neaves, Domination Homes,
Metro/In-Vogue, APG, Summit, Don Russell Homes, Residential Designs and
Dale Alcock to name a few.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Posts: 244
Date Joined: 29/07/07
hey mate i am a building
hey mate i am a building supervisor in the project game it all depends on what you want to build ie two storey or single, how much you want to spend, time it takes to build, where you are building, etc. (no point building a home buyers house right on scarbough beach) if you no what i mean, all building companys have pros and cons we all have our problems it is how you fix those problems that really matters, but with work slowing it is not hard to get trades at the moment and good ones at that. do you have your own individual design or are you looking for a design that you like? the best way is try and ask people building with the companys you are thinking of building with, I know at the moment that mostly all building companys are throwing in some good extra's we are throwing in ducted air cons at the moment also, don't forget your small builders as they will surprise you how cheap they can be also you get that one on one effect with the builder, have you built before? If so who with?