Carnarvon Jetty Open
Submitted by carnarvonite on Fri, 2011-12-09 16:36
The jetty is open again after repairs from the last fire have been complted. Its still closed off from the shed to the end because of work still to be done on replacing piles that couldn't be reach from the prior big fire that closed it for the extended lenght of time. They are working on grant applications for funding but its still down the track .
Word has it that golden trevs, mulloway, tailor and the odd shark mackie have been caught there lately plus the usual tiger hanging about.
Posts: 9507
Date Joined: 10/02/07
so disappointing
when they vandalise something like that, gives so much pleasure to people to fish etc, spent many happy times on that jetty, no worry that some arsehole would burn it down in those days
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Was twelve months to the day since it was re opened from the big fire. Luckily a jogger spotted it on his run early in the morning and they managed to limit the damage to only a couple of piers.
They cannot prove it was arson or someones dropped cigarette butt that smouldered in a crack as the cause. CCTV is being looked at being installed with UV detectors so any fire can be found early before it gets too damaging.
Posts: 801
Date Joined: 12/04/10
Great Idea
John, find it hard to believe that a cigarette butt would light up those railway sleepers without some help.
Users just need to keep donating so they can install this equipment so the d heads can get caught.
Just a waist of Time, Money and Resources protecting one of the icons of Carnarvon.
"People See Things As They Are & Ask Why???
We Can All Dream of Things That Never Were and Ask Why Not!!"( RK )
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Bunbury jetty
Did maintenance work on the Bunbury jetty with the Harbour and rivers years back and many hors after we had knocked of a fire would spring up and have to be extinguished by the night watchman in the early hours caused by one of our cigarette butts that had rolled in a crack and slowly started to smoulder only to get going properly when the wind changed direction fanning the embers. We would thoroughly hose down any area where we had to use oxy to cut bolts off but some of the fires were where we had worked during that day and not done any hot work.---no such thing as permits then!!!