Casting overhead advice
Submitted by poser on Wed, 2016-01-27 08:31
hey guys.
looking at getting myself a decent casting sliding combo im about 99% on the rod im going to get but im just wondering if any one has any prefrece on casting oh they use
any help or advice would be amazing :)
Posts: 1311
Date Joined: 06/04/09
I've got a Poseidon and it's
I've got a Poseidon and it's not bad. Havent really used anything else for sliding most sliding rods are broomsticks anyway. I use a 12ft tiralejo for casting baits for tailor and that's pretty nice.
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Assassin Beach Master or
Assassin Beach Master or Poseidon Bantam are the top picks. Not super cheap but well worth the price.
Once you get used to the low mount you will cast so much further than before
Posts: 424
Date Joined: 15/05/12
Assassin, beachmaster, blade or HMG heavy (I've got the HMG heavy, throws 10 oz easily)
Poseidon, get the heavy or HMG
Purglas 350/6 or 400/6,
Trinidad 50
Torium 50
saltiga 50
saltist bg 50
Avet hx wide (or raptor, if you have the coin)
then the penn fathom 60 2 speed, (new and untested, but looks the goods)
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
I've heard the new Trinidads
I've heard the new Trinidads are mint but never seen one in the flesh. Toriums and saltists are tried and tested and definitely get the job done. May need to upgrade to carbontex drag washers.
If you do go the torium the 30 should be fine, 50 could be better for peace of mind with the extra line capacity.
Posts: 229
Date Joined: 25/01/13
thanks guys have been using a
thanks guys have been using a torsa 40 and saltist 30 on a sensor surf but i want to go bigger and better im not sure if the torsa 40 is to big or if it just wasnt balenced right on the sensor as its a tiny rod also have a saltiga 50 i can use but thanks for the advice
Posts: 424
Date Joined: 15/05/12
i got 2
I got the Purglas 350 /6 with a saltist 50 beautiful combo casts well.
And the Assissin HMG heavy and torium 50, man its a beast and thows that lead a country mile. of the 2 the purglas is easier to cast (smaller rod, smaller reel.
I have static magged both reels and it prevents birds nest with minimal loss of distance.
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Awesome combos, can't go
Awesome combos, can't go wrong with those