Cold Gal trailer question

Im goin to cold gal my trailer after i get the rust from my trailer off with wire wheel oh drill now How many coats should i give it one or two? And after the cold gal is on do i just leave it like that or paint over itwith silver? Any other info will be great 2 cheers

fishy fingers's picture

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Sat, 2011-08-13 17:40

it will still rust in no time as soon as it comes into contact with saltwater, the only way is hot dipped galvanize cost a bit but a new trailer will cost a lot more.

Vinesh87's picture

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When i did my trailer i got

Sat, 2011-08-13 17:47

When i did my trailer i got everything hot dipped that i could and only put cold gal over the welds as a touch up. Normally cold gal should go onto the bare CLEAN Metal, won't work over paint or other stuff. 2 coats with good drying time in between and after is enough i feel. The only reason to paint over it would be for the look as cold gal is pretty rough.


How bad is the rust? Hot dipping is the best idea! If all the rust is not cleaned and taken off it will probably show through the cold gal in not very long at all?


BTW i am not a metal worker so correct me if i am wrong !

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im a site welder and i just

Sat, 2011-08-13 18:11

im a site welder and i just use cold gal but eventually it will rust

i go back to repair damaged gates over and over so i get to see it

i did a experiment on my new solid axel

i cleaned it up with a wire wheel then a flap disc

2 coats cold gal,2 coats red oxide,2 coats kill rust in aliminumn colour

that was 2 years ago and its still like it was the day i painted it


getting the bottom line final answer from a bunch of blokes that use false names and put smiley faces at the end of paragraphs is not the best place in the world to get the information you seek.

streaker boy's picture

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i have now decided to get it

Sun, 2011-08-14 16:28

i have now decided to get it hot dipped  so over in perth  whats an average price  single axle for bout around 5.2 mts and for them to pull it apart and put back together

fishy fingers's picture

Posts: 1719

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They wont do that

Sun, 2011-08-14 17:18

you will have to strip it and put it back together theyre galvanizers not trailer builders it's done by wheight but mine cost

about 1500 bucks from memory

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  some cases its cheaper to

Sun, 2011-08-14 17:24


 some cases its cheaper to buy a new trailer

ive had a quote from some guys in henderson for a ali i beam trailer to suit 5mtr ali boat $1900

a steel gal one was $2100 with a walk way


getting the bottom line final answer from a bunch of blokes that use false names and put smiley faces at the end of paragraphs is not the best place in the world to get the information you seek.

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Yeah that and galvanising

Sun, 2011-08-14 17:43

Yeah that and galvanising doesn't put back steel already gone ;)


smash's picture

Posts: 434

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too true Til

Wed, 2011-08-24 17:26

though most steel trailers have plenty of meat. Im always a little wary of older box section trailers though.


thesupervisor-those prices seem incredibly cheap, last year I got quotes from most of the boat trailer builders I could find in Perth for a 5.5 plate boat trailer.

And the cheapest was Trailit at $5.5K. Cheapest local ally equivalent was about $8K!

snappermiles's picture

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ali trailers

Wed, 2011-08-24 17:39

smash try ace trailers! he is north of the river in wangara does a great job and is very cheap!!



smash's picture

Posts: 434

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thanks snap

Sat, 2011-08-27 23:47

ive since bought a 6m trailcraft (2003) with a trailcraft Ibeam trailer. Every one knows what the boats are like (not perfect at all but definitely functional) but the trailer is the ducks nuts. There is a bit of rust but of course you can see exactly where and what it is, unlike any box section one. Easier to drive it on alone with a catcher than winching with someone else.

Thinking about getting it hot dipped again though.

iana's picture

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My Trailer

Sun, 2011-08-14 18:21

I recently did up my boat trailer.

First the only way I could dissmantle it was with an angle grinder.

So all was replaced, including springs wheel rims,  2x hubs, brakes etc etc, it was a tandom.

All up it cost me $1800, and all labour was my own.

Parts came from trailer parts.

Paint, I used a brew supplied by "Phoenix Paints" , they make it and its a water based paint used for protecting steel surfaces for industry, including marine.

They give instructions on how to apply it, and also supply according to your needs.

The company is at unit 1, 79 Forsyth street, O'Conner.

web site

Now I cant say how my trailer will look in 5 years time, but so far its holding out OK.

I have more info if required.

PS they are next door to trailer parts O'Conner just for convienience.

smash's picture

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Wed, 2011-08-24 17:22

some tips,

if you  are building a new trailer and want it hot-dipped DONT used gal steel, use black. Anything to be galvanised that is already gal needs to be acid bathed first and will cost EXTRA, not less.

You also need to take great care regarding drain holes and pressure relief, as (say) a box section with the ends sealed is no good, needs a hole each end to allow gal in, and drain out without exploding. Also holes need to be drilled oversize for bolts, as if you need to redrill after, well there goes your coating!


One of the local galvanising mobs has all the tables on their website for oversize holes, drainage etc. Cant remember which, maybe Western Gal or similar.


If you are redoing your own trailer, grind all rust off yourself, otherwise they will sandblast as well, before acid bath then galvanising.


Cost to galvanise is around $2.20 a kilo of steel weight from memory, so a trailer of 250kg might cost about $500. If you hang the winch post, shackles brackets rims etc to the chassis with steel wire then they will get done also.

There really isnt a viable comparible low maintenance alternative to galvanising except ally. Painting if done correctly certainly works but even paint chips easily from stones, and you cant do inside a box section.

An Ibeam steel trailer is the only way to be sure that the trailers actual condition is visible.

sea-kem's picture

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I Use Ferogalv in Welshpool

Wed, 2011-08-24 20:22

I Use Ferogalv in Welshpool to get all my jobs done. $2.20 a kilo is quite pricy. I usually get around $1.50 kg. Shop around.


Love the West!

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Galvinisning is only about

Thu, 2011-08-25 08:17

Galvinisning is only about $1/kg. The price will go up it you require the trailer double dipped. e. if it does not fit in bath.

If it needs to be double dip probably $1.2 kg.

The equivalent to galvinising in paint is a Rich Zinc Two Pack Expoxy, applied to a 2.5 class sandblasted surface (expensive)



sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15044

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Tell me where you're getting

Sat, 2011-08-27 13:32

Tell me where you're getting it for a $1 a kilo cause that's an absolute bargain, even $1.20 a kilo is bloody cheap. As I said I'm in the  trade and get good rates but not that good.


Love the West!

smash's picture

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yeah I didnt shop around much

Sat, 2011-08-27 23:50

yeah I didnt shop around much but retail was around that at a couple of places. My mate has a large fabrication shop and offered to get it done thru him but definitely wasnt near $1.20 a kilo.

So maybe you better check its not just a coat of silver paint :-)

sarcasm0's picture

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Hartway Galvanisers in Canningvale

Sun, 2011-08-28 07:09

Maybe? My dad made the trailer for their 7.5mt yacht and had it hot dipped, I think it was there.  Prices all sound fairly expensive, I remember him saying it was 50-100$ Because we are about to rebuild the dinghy trailer.

Better check up on this beforehand I reckon!

Posts: 457

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Sun, 2011-08-28 08:06

cost $1.80 a kilo picked up in Bunbury and returned.

Any rust or corrosion should be cleaned off or that will incur an extra charge.

A mate of mine, when drilling the drain holes threaded them and bunged em after putting an oil/diesel mix inside the chassis and other RHS's and it has not corroded a bit in 15 yrs.

He keeps it real clean, even gives it a squirt after he puts in.

People that have the attitude, I'll wash it tomrrow will pay in the short run.

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Bit risky for my liking, I'd

Sun, 2011-08-28 08:41

Bit risky for my liking, I'd rather fit a trailer flush than attempt to seal and oil the beams.


sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15044

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They dip in acid baths to get

Sun, 2011-08-28 10:40

They dip in acid baths to get rid of the rust and corrosion. They will charge extra for paint removal and some places will charge for box sextions IE if it's in the shap of a chest or a drum.


Love the West!

smash's picture

Posts: 434

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"and other RHS's and it has

Tue, 2011-08-30 22:23

"and other RHS's and it has not corroded a bit in 15 yrs."


with all due respect-how would anyone know if there was rust inside?


Personally, even if sealing it and filling worked 100%, Id be very reluctant to buy a secondhand trailer that wasnt Ibeam or Cbeam. While any steel will corrode even if washed down religiously at least the condition is able to be seen and judged.


Also, it must be remembered that galvanising is a sacrificial coating.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15044

Date Joined: 30/11/09

Yep better off having all the

Wed, 2011-08-31 08:55

Yep better off having all the sections open for an easy flush of fresh water. That's all you really need to do.


Love the West!