container co-ordinates

a few weeks ago someone put up a big list of co-ordinates for around perth and rotto, i cant seem to find the thread....

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

hey splitpin, the generall

Tue, 2006-09-05 13:45

hey splitpin, the generall area is know as the graveyard... and is an area (big) where various ships have been sunk over the years.. some have rusted away to nothing some have not... you will need a good sounder either is a list i found for you..hope it helps
Or, thread can be found here:
Dump Coordinates for Scuttled and Abandoned Ships in Western Australia
Boat name State Lat DMS Long DMS Buffer Sub. Artificial reef Long dec. Lat dec.
ADROIT wa 32,04,00 114,45,00 114.750 32.067
AGNES wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
BANKFIELDS wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
CAPE OTWAY wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
CARAVAN wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
CLEVEDON wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
CONCORDIA wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
COMMILES wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
COUNTY OF CAITHNESS wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
DERWENT wa 32,00,00 115,12,00 115.200 32.000
DRAGON wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
DUCHESS wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
ENTERPRISE wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
EUCLA wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
FREMANTLE wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
GOVERNOR wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
GUNGA wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
HOPPER BARGE wa 28,44,00 114,44,00 114.733 28.733
JUNEE wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
KNOWSLEY wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
KOORDA wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
KOS VII wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
LOCH NESS wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
McDERMOTT DERRICK BARGE No.20 wa 20,08,00 115,57,00 115.950 20.133
MARANDA wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
NIRIMBA wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
NORWHALE wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
PREMIER wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
ROCKINGHAM wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
ROBERT MOORE wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
SESA wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
SUBMARINE K.ll wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 S 115.333 32.067
SWAN wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
TAMERLANE wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
THORNLIEBANK wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
TOCOPILLA wa 32,04,00 115,20,00 7 115.333 32.067
SEAHORSE wa 25,2.79,00 113,32.25,00 R 113.538 25.045
LADY JOYUS wa 25,2.79,00 113,32.25,00 R 113.538 25.045
LADY PAMELA wa 21,29.75,00 115,14.31,00 115.238 21.496
KUNMUNYA wa 20,25,00 117,12,00 R 117.200 20.417
HARMONY wa 21,29.77,00 115,14.26,00 115.238 21.496
you will notice that alot of them have the same co-ords... i guess when scuttled they have done it in a general area.


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Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

More co-ords

Tue, 2006-09-05 13:52

Not sure if any of these are right, had this doco for years.

Local Knowledge Rockingham Waters
Listed are some of the local fishing, diving, or destinations which may be visited or used as refrence points by boaties Head Quarters. Rockingham Volunteer Sea Rescue 32 16.200 S , 115 41.800 E
GPS settings deg min deg min look below
Torrens 31 42.120 S 114 28.180 E
Derwent 32 03.516 S 115 12.207 E Note 1
D9 dredge 32 11.710 S 115 44.440 E
Orizaba 32 16.900 S 115 37.700 E Map

Belle of Bunbury 32 18.600 S 115 41.440 E
Carlyle Castle 32 20.000 S 115 38.200 E Note 2
Hero of the Nile 32 21.850 S 115 42.250 E
Chalmers 32 22.050 S 115 41.400 E
Star 32 22.500 S 115 41.100 E
Robertina 32 23.600 S 115 40.800 E
Hignland Forrest 32 23.700 S 115 40.800 E
James Service 32 27.400 S 115 39.800 E
Note 1: "Big Wave" 2 NM south of the Sisters. Note 2: Coventry Reef on 5 Fathom Bank.
REF: 5 Fathom bank is over 30 NM long, so you will need a bearing or cross refrence.
Cardinal or Navigation marks
Name deg min deg min
James Point. West Cardinal Mark 32 13.200 S 115 45.500 E
Blinky Bill. East Cardinal Mark Southern Flats 32 15.500 S 115 43.500 E
Southern Flats. North Cardinal Mark ( 2 ) 32 14.350 S 115 42.100 & 42.500 E
Mistrel Channel Beacon - Port 32 14.900 S 115 41.700 E
Mistrel Channel Beacon - Starboard 32 15.100 S 115 41.600 E
John Ledge Cardinal Mark 32 15.200 S 115 41.850 E
Warnbro Passage Port Beacon 32 20.050 S 115 41.850 E
Tub or Passage Rock 32 19.800 S 115 41.500 E
Sticks Warnbro Sound Leads 32 20.500 S 115 42.250 E
The Sisters 32 21.250 S 115 41.400 E
James Service. South Cardinal Mark 32 27.700 S 115 39.400 E


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Nealez's picture

Posts: 1220

Date Joined: 08/05/06

Champion, thanks Tackle

Tue, 2006-09-05 13:56

Champion, thanks

Tackle Dangler

Nealez's picture

Posts: 1220

Date Joined: 08/05/06

of all these cordinates

Thu, 2007-01-18 10:00

of all these cordinates which one are the ones off the back of rotto??

Tackle Dangler

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Not too sure

Thu, 2007-01-18 10:06

I'll PM you the container co-ords Nealez. Then you can find all the others out there when you see the twelve gazillion boats. :)


Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance

Nealez's picture

Posts: 1220

Date Joined: 08/05/06

thanks mate as you probably

Thu, 2007-01-18 10:07

thanks mate as you probably gathered im from bunbury so i wouldn't have a clue!!

Tackle Dangler

wrasse king 2's picture

Posts: 33

Date Joined: 12/12/06

rotto containers

Thu, 2007-01-18 18:37

yeah adam will u be able to pm the qaudinates for the containers behind rotto. cheers mate

Posts: 18

Date Joined: 29/10/06


Fri, 2007-01-19 08:21

All these coordinates are good to know but with all the boats that go out there does anyone ever catch any decent fish...if so what species?
Is it worth a trip out there?

bouttime's picture

Posts: 703

Date Joined: 27/07/06


Fri, 2007-01-19 08:39

The main fish out there at the moment are sambos, if you can get a bait past them your in with a shot for snapper, mulla's, grey banded cod and skippy.
Also plent of sharks at the moment. With the amount of jigs we lost last trip to sharks its almost worth taking out the heavy gear and and sending down some big baits and giving them a go.

Posts: 77

Date Joined: 26/10/07


Sat, 2010-02-13 16:23

can anyone give me the container coords out the back of rotto thinking of going out there tomorrow, would save a bit of time if i knew one

scottnofish's picture

Posts: 1621

Date Joined: 28/08/07

the main dump ground

Sun, 2010-02-14 06:36

s32,04.000 e115,20.007 thats the nearest one fom woodies or rocko or north barge

s32,01.141 e115,11.715 if your coming from hillaries