Cray bycatch always welcome

 Didn't get many crays today my area seems to have really dropped off but did get a nice occy


 rather be fishing

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Sat, 2023-12-02 16:46

 Just a tip, for any occy recipe freezing them is better all round for a few days or weeks before cooking or doing anything with them.

Unsure why, maybe it relaxes them a bit


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


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Posts: 1071

Date Joined: 27/06/17

 Yeah have done that before

Sat, 2023-12-02 16:55

 Yeah have done that before also tried the throwing at the pavement also works believe it or not today couldn't help ourselves.  Actually tried cooking less today then putting on the grille on the barby after gave it a complete different flavour.


 rather be fishing

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Posts: 15036

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Bloody beuatiful mate, it's

Sun, 2023-12-03 17:11

 Bloody beuatiful mate, it's actually of my forte's cooking Occy really well. The fam love it at Xmas onthe table. 


Love the West!

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 On another not Guy, fianlly

Sun, 2023-12-03 17:12

 On another not Guy, fianlly dropped our pots yesterday and went for a Whiting bash. Managed 20 big fat Sand Whiting and 3 good Flatty's , the small Flatty's were in plague out there. 


Love the West!

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Posts: 1071

Date Joined: 27/06/17

 Sometimes I hit spots where

Mon, 2023-12-04 05:45

 Sometimes I hit spots where all you get is 100mm long flatties , maybe 5 flatties to every whiting.  But I've seen the whiting up at Seabird there they are a nice size.  Love fishing for tailor up at Seabird off the reefs up there.


 rather be fishing

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Posts: 15036

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 One of the boys fished Sat

Mon, 2023-12-04 07:24

 One of the boys fished Sat just on dusk and picked up 7 big Tailor right in front of the ramp.


Love the West!

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Sun, 2023-12-03 20:32

 i freeze occy first then defrost and simmer in cheap red wine for 45 minutes and then pickle. turns out awesome

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Posts: 8673

Date Joined: 24/07/07


Mon, 2023-12-04 10:16

 I freeze then semi thaw until its just pliable then give it a bit of massage then refreeze , next day in the pot it goes.

The work out you give it releases all the tension still in the tentacles and the extra freeze tops it off,  comes out  very tender.

Bring to the boil then simmer for 15 or so minutes then cut into bite size pieces and into jars with a good quality brown vinegar