Double pluggers
Submitted by Hurricane on Sat, 2019-11-23 19:38
Hey crew just after your thoughts I've been wearing double pluggers for as long as I can remember anyway every time I get out of the car and shut the door I always get a zap me brother inlaw who is a sparky reckons its my pluggers charging me up for a zap its come to the point I use my wallet or foot with my pluggers on to shut the door lol anyone else get the zap off there car?
Posts: 54
Date Joined: 04/04/18
Static electricity, my
Static electricity, my Hybrid Camry is a devil for it. I have tried a static strap, not much help. Maybe try some canvas seat covers. Your double pluggers are isulating you so that when you get out of the car and close the door.. whack!!!! Enough spark to start an old Beeza 500!