Easy boat ramp river or sea for practice launch and retrieving


Hopefully everything will  be good . Next week I will launch my first tub .

Just wondering  any recommendation for  easy boat ramp not too many  people and don't want to make other fisho angry as well, therefore I am looking to find an  easy boat ramp.

Will try to practice launching and retrieving and will try to do this on weekdays

I live near osborne park  anywhere within radius of 15 km will be good





Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

Date Joined: 18/01/07

Most boaties will agree its

Mon, 2013-11-04 11:41

Most boaties will agree its the people stuffing around on a busy ramp that are the most annoying - those one that do stuff on the ramp that can be done after the car/boat is moved out of everyone else' way.

With that in mind have a checklist and run through that prior to reversing down the ramp (bungs should be the first on the list) with just the unhook to be done once in the water, same in reverse winch and secure the boat and then drive up out the way and then do the rest.

Do that and most wont care if you take a bit of time doing what you have to rather than what can/should be done elsewhere.

Good luck and welcome to the world of the boat


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions


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Date Joined: 08/08/11

 This is the best advice.

Mon, 2013-11-04 20:25

 This is the best advice.  The boat should be ready before you drive to the top of the ramp.  Your deckie should know what is required of them handling the boat once it is off the trailer.   All you should be doing once at the bottom of the ramp is unshackling and unhooking the boat.  Your deckie then takes care of the boat while you park the car and trailer.  Number one thought is to be "on the ramp for as little time as possible"


Maylands is a good practice spot.


Good luck!


And if anyone gives you a mouthful, politely tell them you're learning and how would they do it better?


Fish! HARD!

scubafish's picture

Posts: 964

Date Joined: 15/08/12

Quite boat ramp

Mon, 2013-11-04 11:42

Matilda Bay
Google maps



Posts: 58

Date Joined: 19/10/13

@ Thanks for the tips Paul .

Mon, 2013-11-04 12:10

@ Thanks for the tips Paul . Will have a check list before  depart from home

@Scubafish. Thanks

Buz's picture

Posts: 1555

Date Joined: 28/08/07

If you plan on fishing ocean

Mon, 2013-11-04 12:25

If you plan on fishing ocean I would say try to practice at one of the multi ocean ramps. They are usually steeper amd longer than river ones so usually require a bit more concentrating. If you go during the week around the middle of the day(and if its not great boating weather out deep) you shouldnt have to many hassles of heaps of other boaties launching. NOR Ocean Reef is a good practice ramp, though Mindarie is the steepest. SOR Woodies is good for practicing but it can get busy even mid week. If you want to do river launching first, any of the ramps during the week other than Leeuwin shouldnt be too busy. I like using the one just downstream of the Tonkin Hwy bridge on the northside of the river. Never see another boat launching there mid week.

Posts: 60

Date Joined: 15/03/11

If you can back a trailer you

Mon, 2013-11-04 12:46

If you can back a trailer you don't need practising. Just do what Paul H said.


Have your boat ready to launch as soon as the ramp's ready.


Get the boat off the trailer.


Have your boat moved to the end of the jetty, preferably by your deckie.


Get you car and trailer out of the way.




When it's your turn back the trailer in.


Have your deckie drag your boat to the retrieving spot.


Winch the boat on.


Attach the safety chain.


Get your boat and trailer out of the way.


If you do the above no-one will complain of you take a minute of two extra due to inexperience.

Posts: 2925

Date Joined: 27/12/06


Mon, 2013-11-04 12:49

As your practising I would be looking at one with a finger jetty at least to assist.  As others have said pull over somewhere before the ramp and get your boat ready bungs in motor trimmed up etc so all you have to do is drive to the ramp reverse down and unhook, maybe tying the rope on once you see which side you will need it on

For the sea Ocean reef is the biggest closest to your location and has enough ramp space to accomodate a fair crowd. 

In the river burswood is pretty good although just check because I think it could be currently closed for maintenance.  Maylands is ok too but can get busy

Saulty2's picture

Posts: 659

Date Joined: 28/05/10

point peron boat ramp

Mon, 2013-11-04 13:17

on a week end go there and just watch and then you will learn what not to do ie , leaving the boat close to where launched so no others can launch ,or after launching start talking to mates and show no regard for others .seriously given what you have written cant see you having a problem just need to be sensitive that all want to get in and out as quickly as possible & if your having difficulty dont be afraid to ask for help who knows you may even make a friend.

DTrain's picture

Posts: 486

Date Joined: 10/02/12

Keep in mind all the NOR boat

Mon, 2013-11-04 13:44

Keep in mind all the NOR boat ramps you need to buy a ticket for. It's usually $7 or $8 and most of them you need to pay in coins which is a pain if you don't have the right change. I think Ocean Reef is the only ramp that accepts credit cards.

Posts: 2925

Date Joined: 27/12/06

card facility

Mon, 2013-11-04 14:33

the card facility rarely works now so take coins

heaps of antisocial behaviour going on there these days.  since they resurfaced the carpark it has become the local hoon strip

Reefmonkey's picture

Posts: 711

Date Joined: 22/09/08

bloody ocean reef!

Mon, 2013-11-04 22:53

 I was dumb enough to keep reinserting my card when it told me card error. must've tried four or five times, each time "card error please try again" get my bank statement and took my money each time.

Beware the southern ticket machine at ocean reef!


 Dave J.

grayzeee's picture

Posts: 2283

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Don't get me started on OR

Tue, 2013-11-05 06:24

Don't get me started on OR ticket machines.   Bastard things  


If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am. 

Posts: 2925

Date Joined: 27/12/06

win of sorts

Tue, 2013-11-05 06:57

guys I had a win with the city of joondalup RE ocean reef.  A few weeks ago I was fishing in a club comp and along with a couple of club members and deckies the cc facility wasnt working on either machine.  I put $12 in and it registered $4 and that was all the change I had so we just parked and went fishing.  On our return out of 5 cars without tickets I was the only one who copped a $60 fine so I rang the city of Joondalup who then advised me to put it in an email and also recommended getting a season pass if I was a regular user.  I wrote the email and pretty much just told them what I didi and thought I tried my best to pay and actully did pay more than their fee but the machine didnt regtister it.

They responded saying the machines were working correctly but would cancel my fine, I then went and bought a season pass for convienience.  At $150 you need to get out more than 17 times a year but when that runs out I may consider going back to Hillaries ($105) as its a bit closer to my house but a busier ramp and I generally fish north out of O/Reef but its probably only a mile or 2 by water and as I stated previous on this thread the carpark at O/Reef has just turned into a burnout pad.  I want to do a overnighter out at rotto ina few weeks and there is no way I will be leaving my car at O/Reef


Anyway the council were pretty fair and reasonable to deal with on the matter, on sunday when I came back in the ticket guys were there issuing fines to a few cars

carnarvonite's picture

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Bow rope

Mon, 2013-11-04 16:10

Have a bow rope about 3 times the length of your boat and the loose end tied to a stern cleat. That way it give you control over both ends when moving it and putting it on the trailer. Nothing than someones boat hanging out at right angles to the jetty when you are trying to launch / retrieve your boat

Reefmonkey's picture

Posts: 711

Date Joined: 22/09/08


Mon, 2013-11-04 23:05

 Head to Hillarys when the weather is sh#t, you'll have the ramp and the jetties to yourself. Can also spend some time approaching the jetties with and without the wind pushing you off and make it hard for yourself, get some practise in beforehand for when the place is packed and boats on top of each other.



 Dave J.

Posts: 58

Date Joined: 19/10/13

Thanks for all  the helpful

Tue, 2013-11-05 07:48

Thanks for all  the helpful advice 





Ben85's picture

Posts: 442

Date Joined: 20/11/11

Ocean reef would be my pick,

Tue, 2013-11-05 08:15

Ocean reef would be my pick, go around lunch time when all boats will have already put in. This time of year with the ban on the ramps are a lot more quite so its a good time to learn. You'll then be more than prepared once the season kicks off again in a couple months.

Some good advice above. Once we get to the car park we take off all the straps, rig up the ropes (bow to stern), make sure bungs are in ect. before driving down to the ramp and launching. nothing worse when someone parks halfway down the ramp and starts taking straps off! I even saw a guy with the cowling off his engine the other day rooting around!

Another good tip is to give the engine a quick run the night before with the earmuffs on (especially those with older 2 strokes) that way you shouldn't have any problems cranking it over the next morning.

Bodie's picture

Posts: 3758

Date Joined: 05/11/07

If you go early in the

Wed, 2013-11-06 09:35

If you go early in the morning, say 7-9am and just use the 'Retrieve lane you will be fine 9-% of the time. Most people dont come back in that early. Also now is a good time to try out launching and retrieving at ocean ramps, as the Bans on they will be no where near as busy as after the 15th December.