Exmouth Game Fishing Club - 2 Dec'05

Hi, My name is Scott and I am from the Exmouth Game Fishing Club in Exmouth Western Australia. I was wondering if you or any of your members would be interested in joining our emailing list? Weekly, Monthly I receive information from our own members and other clubs, then circulate this information among everybody associated to the EGFC mailing list. We would also be interested in receiving Competition results, News, and fishing information about you or your club and it's members. EGFC now has large emailing list and it's a great way to get in touch with the rest of Australia, NZ and the world. Members not only receive information here in Australia, but we are now getting interested parties from overseas. If you or any of your club members maybe interested in this information, please contact me on email address, Maybe you have a friend or relative who is interested in fishing, feel free to pass on our email address....beats reading work emails during your lunch break? If possible, when replying, Please include you NAME, if you are associated with a CLUB, STATE you are from and COUNTRY if you are outside AUSTRALIA. All email addresses and kept in confidence. No email address is forwarded to anybody unless permission has been granted. EGFC respects your privacy) Hope to hear from you soon.... Cheers Tight Lines.............
[img_assist|fid=10182|thumb=0|alt=EGFC Log (small)]

Posts: 110

Date Joined: 03/10/05

Signed up

Sat, 2005-12-03 10:24

Well, you can consider me signed up.. Always interested to hear whats going on.. actually.. funnily enough gribbo came round with some memrobilia from the last trip..

Stubbie holder

Reel Extreme's picture

Posts: 81

Date Joined: 01/12/05

Thanx FISHWRECK members

Wed, 2005-12-07 19:02

What a fantastic response we have had from FISHWRECK members & Guest. From the EGFC committee and the Club, we thank you all.

Welcome aboard and I hope you spread the word.....If you haven't joined, it's not to late.........

Tight Lines.............

Scott Forbes
Exmouth Game Fishing Club - Committee Member
P.O.Box 121 Exmouth WA 6707