Exmouth Trip and Team Twitchy FW comp results...
Hi crew well I have just recently returned from a trip to Exmouth and what a great trip, altho the weather was a little hit and miss we still managed to pull a few good fish most days and Team Twitchy did very well in the FW comp...
I headed up to Exxy with Elise aka MRSTWITCHEMUP, Steve aka PLOP and Mak aka FISHNCRAZY we arrived at the lighthouse by midday the 5th of April and were off to launch at Tantabiddi by 2pm which is where we did most of our fishing over the week due to the wind.....
Great way to start the trip with a healthy little Coronation Trout on placcy from Tantas..
FISHNCRAZY with his first sized Coral Trout a 60cm specimen caught at Cooper shoals in the Gulf on plastic..
MRSTWITCHEMUP with a cracker 11kg Golden Trev that made her piss on 20lb, caught at the bottom of the Gulf on placcy..
The first few days were spent fishing the windows in the weather/wind so back to Tantabiddi we went where FISNCRAZY caught the best Rankin of the trip in 24m on placcy..
Next up for me was this healthy Coronation Trout jigged up in 25m.. such an awesome looking fish..
PLOP with a nice Golden Trev, we found heaps of these fellas in the north channel at Tantabiddi feeding under floating sea weed and by casting lightly weighted 2 - 4 inch plastics at em we landed 10 and dropped 4 more in one awesome 2 hr session...
My 5 - 6kg Golden on PE 2 in 3 - 4m soooo much fun....
FISHNCRAZY with his 7kg Golden..
The daily double.. we had heaps of double and triple hookups the Goldens were smashin anything that moved..
2nd day of comp which was blown and rained out and saw most teams sit it out but Team Twitchy decided to hit the shallows inside Ningaloo Reef south of Tantabiddi, lucky we did as I managed to catch 2 x 1m plus Cobia in 2 casts in 2 m of water off the one bommie....
This second Cobia was slightly bigger.... notice the storm front in the background..
PLOP with a solid 63cm Spango that drilled his Halco Scorpion in 3 m... We were about to measure this fish in for the comp when......
This 65cm Spango crunched my Cultiva Savoy Shad 20 seconds later.. This Spanglie WON us the biggest Spanglie prize in the FW comp...
After smashing the Tantabiddi Shallows and doing it tough in the wind and rain the weather started to improve by mid afternoon so I headed out to the corner of north passage where FISHINCRAZY picked up this tasty 50cm Trout...
I found some good looking ground with a nice flare up holding lots of bait and dropped down a plastic in 28m jigged the plastic back up through the bait schools and "smack" something had come at least 15m off the bottom to inhail the placcy.. My PB Coral Trout at 77cm and around 7kg's.. also WON the longest Trout prize at the FW comp with this fish...
Another Veiw of the beast... check out those teeth..
Last day off the comp day 3 and after a slow morning start MRSTWITCHEMUP nails this 8kg Golden Trev again under the sea weed measuring in at 91cm.. This Golden also WON the longest Trevally prize in the comp...
With only half a day left in the FW comp and with awesome weather I decided to head out to Helby Bank and drop a few plastics out along the back edges after catching lots of small emperors, trout and other small fish and getting sharked repeatedly on anything that half resembled a decent fish.
After continues moves to get away from sharks and to sound for ground there was only a half hour of fishing time left in the day when we hear a huge splash behind the boat we all turn around to see a Beaky free jumping 20m from the boat then next thing we know "bang" Steve's rod loads up and points towards the free jumping beaky we then realise the beaky has smashed Steve's plastic on the drop and he's on... YYEEWWW...
After a 15-20min fight with boat in chase Steve lands his first Sailfish and on plastic caught on a Stella 5000 SW PE 4 S-Extreme rod... After a couple of quick photo's I held the Saily over the side swam him for a min or 2 and off he went such a great feeling releasing an amazing sport fish like that. A first for my boat and awesome capture and most unexpected, the perfect way to top off an amazing trip we also were one of the 4 teams to land 1 Bill Fish each in the FW comp so we shared 4 ways in the prize money with the other teams another win for us...
So all in all a very succesfull trip for Team Twitchy we didn't really go in the comp to win it just used it for an excuse to fish hard over the 3 days and we somehow managed to win 4 of the prizes in the comp which I must say again a huge thank you to Adam and crew for putting together a very well run event and all the sponsors for the prizes. It was great to catch up a with a few fellow members, sorry if I didn't get to meet all of ya's, but don't worry Team Twitchy will be back next year but for 2 or 3 weeks next time 1 week just wasn't long enough...
Cheers for the read all..
Posts: 2332
Date Joined: 20/07/09
Very nice Lloyd! You guys
Very nice Lloyd! You guys really did clean up!!! Great to meet you up there hope to come up and see ya soon.
Posts: 1921
Date Joined: 09/05/07
Exmouth Trip and Team Twitchy FW comp results...
WELL DONE lots of great fish and afue win to go with them great work there Twitchy
a sail on a plastic thats a classic go stuff
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Good stuff Lloyd. I should of
Good stuff Lloyd. I should of listened to my own advice on Sat. Still a bit sad about that actually.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 2539
Date Joined: 26/09/09
well done guys and some great
well done guys and some great pics as well.
we did take the boat down sunday morn to tantis, looked out and said f**k that, so went beach fishing in the rain instead.
looking at what you got we should of done the same and stay inside the reef.
well done again on a good trip!
Lucky Tim
Posts: 2536
Date Joined: 28/11/07
great report Lloyd, good to
great report Lloyd, good to meet you guys and well done on the booty.
Looks like you got the rewards for effort and have the plastics wired up here too.
Ben Derecki
Posts: 1926
Date Joined: 10/10/07
Some cracking fish twitch.
Some cracking fish twitch. That 6kg golden in 3m would have gone like the clappers.
Posts: 363
Date Joined: 24/02/09
great report mate, you're
great report mate,
you're killing me with those pictures, awesome effort. The Sailfish on a plastic is definately a special catch
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18091
Date Joined: 11/03/08
well done guys,looks like
well done guys,looks like you had an absolute ball up there. great times and some great fish and not a single bit of bait was harmed in this episode
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 1518
Date Joined: 19/08/09
quality result again Lloyd.
quality result again Lloyd. Time to purchase a new camera though!
Posts: 3097
Date Joined: 12/01/07
Top report and great fish!
Top report and great fish! Congrats on the respective wins.
Posts: 164
Date Joined: 09/09/08
great report and great fish!
great report and great fish! nice work ;)
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Great writeup Lloyd, sounds
Great writeup Lloyd, sounds like a you guys did really well in the comp too.
wrasse magnet
Posts: 126
Date Joined: 16/10/10
Great report and awesome
Great report and awesome fish!
Posts: 801
Date Joined: 12/04/10
Great Result & Report
Team Twitchy, Lucky you had the Missus on board for that extra bit of Luck,
Well done Lloyd, Lisa & Steve
"People See Things As They Are & Ask Why???
We Can All Dream of Things That Never Were and Ask Why Not!!"( RK )
Posts: 2091
Date Joined: 06/07/10
Amazing result there guys!
Amazing result there guys! Sailfish on a placcy is awesome :-)
When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:
n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or
n-1 (where n is the number of fishing rods which would cause your significant other to dump you.
Posts: 8
Date Joined: 11/04/11
Sailie on a softy?!?!
Yes, please!
Thanks for the report and great pics.
Pete D
Posts: 1681
Date Joined: 07/06/07
Top report and some great
Top report and some great picks. Awesome effort on the saily. Will have to dedicate some more time to SP's on my next trip to exy.
Congrats on your wins aswell.
Cheers Pete
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
great job guys and gals, some
great job guys and gals, some good fish .well done
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