first boat help please

Hi Guys

After working for sometime

Posts: 58

Date Joined: 19/10/13


Fri, 2013-10-25 13:13

Hi Guys
Sorry my first post is not working really well
I am looking to buy the first boat. I will be using the boat for fishing, towing biscuit and occasionally to Rottnest island. I will use the  boat  for carrying 5 fishing buddy on the boat including me. I only have nissan xtrail which only can tow 1300kg. I have found couple of boat below:
(outboard 540hours)

Please let me know what do you think or you can pm me
Thanks a lot


crano's picture

Posts: 712

Date Joined: 04/11/09

Of those three boats for me

Fri, 2013-10-25 13:39

Of those three boats for me the Haines is a standout.
I have been in one of these and they are very soft riding.
Having a new trailer and a four stroke motor helps as well.
I think any of these boats is going to struggle with that many people on board.

Posts: 58

Date Joined: 19/10/13

Thanks Crano.  I am thinking

Fri, 2013-10-25 13:54

Thanks Crano.  I am thinking the same as well but my concerns is the hours of the outboard is 540 and just done the service chaging gear box.



wangler's picture

Posts: 607

Date Joined: 26/04/08

Boat # 2

Fri, 2013-10-25 14:10

but 5 ppl on that boat fishing....the idea will soon fade


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I would go with the haines,

Fri, 2013-10-25 14:19

I would go with the haines, but like other comment's if you are going to be realistic 2 fishing at a time with maybe 2 more on the boat and take it in turn's to fish but honestly just go out with 2 people otherwise you will prob get the shit's if anymore on board cheers Ace

cell's picture

Posts: 215

Date Joined: 06/07/13

 #2 but 5 people u may b

Fri, 2013-10-25 14:22

 #2 but 5 people u may b pushing it unless taking turns on having a drop. just like dougie said idea will soon fade but looks like a tops vessel mayb opt for a centre console a tad larger but in ally



Grumpysmurf's picture

Posts: 97

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 A quick glance, I'd say 5

Fri, 2013-10-25 14:38

 A quick glance, I'd say 5 POB is stretching things.  The Haines is a definate standout.  Don't worry with engine hours unless you're talking over 1000-2000 hours.  All else being equal.


 Haines Signature 610C with Mercury 150 EFI

Posts: 58

Date Joined: 19/10/13

Thank very much for the input

Fri, 2013-10-25 15:24

Thank very much for the input everyone. I have decided to have look the haines hunter ( the boat is in Albany).

Does anyone know any mechanic or boat expert in Albany?

just want to inspect before buying it because i may not have spare $ to spend  fixing for the boat after buying it



Olliej's picture

Posts: 155

Date Joined: 27/08/12

 I use to fish 4 out of my

Fri, 2013-10-25 15:53

 I use to fish 4 out of my old cruise craft 470 runabout. Just hard to drop the bimini.

I'd check ththe weight of the Haines with the 4 stroke as you can only tow 1.3 tons and I call you brave towing even that much with that gearbox.

If you can't afford to spend money on it after the purchase price - go for something more affordable. Boats can be expensive with very little noticr.

Bruce's picture

Posts: 527

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 #1 or #21) Like the trailer,

Fri, 2013-10-25 18:13

 #1 or #2

1) Like the trailer, has some accessories like rocket launchers and looks pretty clean too

2) 4 stroke, very reputable brand, good trailer and fairly priced

3) Dont know much about them

What is the budget? the boats shown vary from 21k- 12k?

Posts: 58

Date Joined: 19/10/13

@Olliej: The one that just

Fri, 2013-10-25 18:58

@Olliej: The one that just got the gear box changed is the outboard on the haines not my car

Olliej's picture

Posts: 155

Date Joined: 27/08/12

 bono I ment that the xtrail

Fri, 2013-10-25 20:43

 bono I ment that the xtrail auto is not built to tow heavy loads. Towing at the limit will eventually break it.

Posts: 58

Date Joined: 19/10/13

@Bruce My budget is up to

Fri, 2013-10-25 19:15

@Bruce My budget is up to 20k. The only concern with the haines is I don't know any boat mechanics in Albany.

Hopefully someone from here can recommend one.

Posts: 6454

Date Joined: 08/08/11

 Forget the idea of fishing

Fri, 2013-10-25 19:27

 Forget the idea of fishing 5.  I have a beamy 5m Goldstar runabout.  2 great. 3 comfortable, 4 at a squeeze, 5 no way.  Do your due diligence, but on reputation alone I would be looking at the haines.


Fish! HARD!

shonky's picture

Posts: 203

Date Joined: 22/04/12

I think

Fri, 2013-10-25 20:38

 You might need a bigger car.


This habit is getting expensive!

chris raff's picture

Posts: 3257

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Grab this one and get your

Fri, 2013-10-25 20:56

Grab this one and get your mates to pay for parking , have a fish and a party $20K



Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”

Posts: 6454

Date Joined: 08/08/11

Excellent party boat! room

Fri, 2013-10-25 22:31

Excellent party boat! room for strippers and a spa!


Fish! HARD!

Browndog's picture

Posts: 590

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Chrome pole

Sat, 2013-10-26 10:47

Reckon you could even install a chrome pole! :D

Posts: 5819

Date Joined: 18/01/12

If as you say this is your

Fri, 2013-10-25 23:17

If as you say this is your first boat, then of your 4 mates who "always want to go fishing", the law of averages says on any given day

--1 will have a hangover

--1 of thems missus will put her foot down

--1 will have kids sports

--1 will say hes coming but pull out at the last minute "cos its too rough"


Those boats are a good size for launching alone!


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


Posts: 58

Date Joined: 19/10/13

Hahahahhaha . No chrome Pole

Sat, 2013-10-26 20:03

Hahahahhaha . No chrome Pole allowed and the only pole allowed is fishing pole hahahhaha.

Posts: 251

Date Joined: 28/05/11

I was in similar position to

Mon, 2013-10-28 11:24

I was in similar position to you 18 months ago. I ended up with a haines hunter 530 classic ( 5.5m overall ). Great first boat. In my boat any more than 3 persons is not going to work. Really to fish 5 you would need a 6.5m boat at least IMO. Also I don't know what the horsepower rating for that boat is but if you're going to be loading up the boat with people you all need a boat set up with the maximum horsepower rating for the hull.
The haines hunters are great riding boats though a little tippy at rest but that's the compromise for the ride.
I also have a 2008 Xtrail petrol auto 2.5L and it tows my boat ok. My boat total weight fully loaded is 1450kg. However my Xtrail is rated to tow 2 tonne, not sure why yours is only 1300kg??

Whatever you do look at few boats and make sure boat, motor and trailer are all good. Took me 6 months to find my boat. Main issue I found was a lot of the boats out there were on illegal trailers ( trailer load was over trailers capacity )

Cheers and good luck

AaronC's picture

Posts: 118

Date Joined: 26/10/11

I have a Honda same model as

Tue, 2013-10-29 08:42

I have a Honda same model as the Haines  but 130hp and has just done 900 hours and has not missed a beat. If the boat is used and serviced regularly the hours dont count for much. i bought it with 600 hours and didnt bother me at all. The rescue boats have well over 3000+ hours on them and lots have hondas.


Posts: 58

Date Joined: 19/10/13

 @ Hi Joycey, thanks for

Tue, 2013-10-29 09:50


@ Hi Joycey, thanks for sharing your experience. I think the reason my Nissan xtrail can only tow 1300 kg because my Nissan is t31 diesel auto with only 2 liter engine.

Just wondering how do you check the boat is legit (no money owing and not stolen)?


@Arron Thanks for the advice , the owner told me , he already change the gear box of the outboard due to anchor chain wrap around the shaft.

Do you think it will affect the performance?

Posts: 251

Date Joined: 28/05/11

Type in"Rev's check WA" on

Tue, 2013-10-29 11:30

Type in"Rev's check WA" on google and will send you to site where you can check no money owing for small fee

Ring up Transport dept and check boat registered under current owners name and not registered as stolen



Justo82's picture

Posts: 482

Date Joined: 17/10/11

as all have said.  5 people

Mon, 2013-11-25 14:20

as all have said.  5 people on a boat under 6m is horrible.  sounds like a great idea until you try it.  I have a 5.2 and I max out at 3 people.  any more than that and it's just a pain in the arse.


1 on the wheel, and 2 out the back.  or if at anchor, 2 drop and one waits, then just rotate around.  You can fish 3, but 1 on each corner is far easier and more fun.