Fishing puddles

 Had this planned for a while thought it was about time we had a go.

Biggest fish was also my first of the species close to 7kg, I think the white fish could be a mirror carp can anyone chime in on this?

The second largest red one also had scales similar to the "mirror" it's got me thinking it could be a cross breed?

If anyone does recognize the spot please treat them well they've been there for a long time and hopefully alot longer yet.

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EL SYD's picture

Posts: 599

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 Do not care if they are a

Tue, 2016-08-30 18:04

 Do not care if they are a "pest"      that is one classy looking fish, great colours 

striker's picture

Posts: 226

Date Joined: 26/09/14

Nice looking fish guys

Tue, 2016-08-30 19:09

and all well n good if they're in an area they can't escape from but I've seen the damage they do in the eastern states and they really should be pushing up roses. 

Posts: 251

Date Joined: 28/05/11

 I'm originally from UK where

Tue, 2016-08-30 21:14

 I'm originally from UK where I fished for Carp. That smaller fish is a mirror. Over in UK and parts of Europe carp fishing is a huge multimillion dollar business in which the carp is revered, I think it would be a shock for most Aussies!

striker's picture

Posts: 226

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I've lived and

Wed, 2016-08-31 05:19

 worked in the uk and Europe and fully understand than an individual fish can be worth up to £10000 however the rivers and dams are a heavier clay base than over here where with the way a carp feeds it lifts the silt and causes erosion and reduces the oxygen in the water. They are just as bad as any other introduced species to our environment which costs billions to our economy not millions.

luke george's picture

Posts: 554

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 I have heard of the fishery

Wed, 2016-08-31 09:24

 I have heard of the fishery in the UK that's actually what gave me the idea. Nice to hear it's a mirror, that fish was on my list just didn't think I would tick it off in Aus

I am fully aware of the problems these fish can cause here but these are in a small land-locked body of water, if this area flooded they would end up in the ocean. Good luck surviving in there.

I am quite sure the upper reaches of the canning have them too which is a big problem for the system

little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

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I Wouldn't treat

Tue, 2016-08-30 23:27

 Them with care. If they get in our rivers and dams. Goodbye. Good fun to catch thou:):)

Posts: 5981

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Holey hell what a size

Tue, 2016-08-30 23:49

Holey dooly that is a hell of a size, what do they fight like.
As I've said before I think the councils/shires are missing out on a few dollars by not allowing fishing in the man made lakes etc around the newish estates, just think of the fun that could be had on those lazy summer afternoons.

No, come to think of it the councils/shires wouldn't like its rate payers to have fun with an area that there rates help to upkeep.

luke george's picture

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 Actually fight extremely

Wed, 2016-08-31 10:53

 Actually fight extremely well the large red one put on an aerial show. I think it's a bit hypocritical to call them pests. As long as they are contained in a single body of water ie;man made lakes and ponds they can't do any damage. In the meantime fisheries are stocking introduced rainbow and Brown trout into our rivers and dams, but that's ok because "people like trout".

striker's picture

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Wed, 2016-08-31 09:30

dont damage the river banks and cause clouds of silt to lift and flow out to sea , neither do they breed as successfully as carp do, not bagging you out mate but I would recommend doing a bit of research on the subject. 

luke george's picture

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 You are correct on those

Wed, 2016-08-31 10:54

 You are correct on those topics but large trout decimate native minnows and crustaceans through our rivers and dams. I would never want to see these koi/karp in all our rivers but just seems a bit hypocritical that we pick and choose which introduced species are ok

striker's picture

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Wed, 2016-08-31 14:44

unfortunately in the world we live in hypocrisy is everywhere

Bryce Day's picture

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 Need to put a fence around

Wed, 2016-08-31 14:48

 Need to put a fence around that pond so you can hang the fish on once caught!!!

Jackfrost80's picture

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There's a lake in Landsdale

Wed, 2016-08-31 15:41

There's a lake in Landsdale with a gazebo over the water and some easy 600-700mm models cruising around. The old pricks in the retirement village next to it call the Rangers the second some kids try to get anywhere near the lake with a rod


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

anypuddle's picture

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Thats the stuff!

Wed, 2016-08-31 16:24

Awesome man. I love finding out whats in the lakes around perth. Pull bloody hard on light line. Did you use bread for bait?


Anywhere anytime

luke george's picture

Posts: 554

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 Yeh I too am excited to see

Wed, 2016-08-31 20:41

 I too am excited to see what else lurkes in perth lakes. Fought like all get out. Yeh small pieces of bread or corn on ultra light leader and tiny hooks. 

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15053

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 where's fishinguy? He'd love

Wed, 2016-08-31 20:57

 where's fishinguy? He'd love this post 


Love the West!

fishinguy's picture

Posts: 125

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 i'm a bit late but i'm here

Tue, 2016-09-27 10:46

 i'm a bit late but i'm here now


 Dream fish to catch:

Giant herring.


little johnny's picture

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Wed, 2016-08-31 23:08

 Only takes one knob head to let pair go in dam river . All over Luke. Clear ponds and streams turn to sludge. Councils should go around every pond and kill them around our area. Great to catch . Leave them on bank. But instead when Rangers catch you fishing in ponds they want to fine you. Wtf . At least you can eat Redfin . Top looking fish . 1000 times worse than any vermin on planet, only my thoughts on matter kill them:):):)

Willlo's picture

Posts: 1490

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 Agree john 

Thu, 2016-09-01 09:06

 Agree john 


 Call Sign - BZ785

Haynes Hunter Prowler CC


Krusty's picture

Posts: 714

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I put them in a similar class

Thu, 2016-09-01 18:34

I put them in a similar class as the bloody cane toad....major f*#k up !!



My fishing spots are so secret........... even the fish don't know where they are !!

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Fri, 2016-09-02 07:14



Bend over

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

Not at all suprised

Fri, 2016-09-02 00:09

It's best to keep mum about such catches.

luke george's picture

Posts: 554

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 I knew they would get this

Fri, 2016-09-02 09:51

 I knew they would get this reaction but still wanted to share for the people who would be interested. Yes they are feral but I couldn't bring myself kill these fish when they have their own little swamp that not many other fish could survive in.

They are legal to keep and buy in WA so as long as that is the case there will be people buying them and throwing them into our body's of water. Until that changes killing a few of these fish is futile

Posts: 159

Date Joined: 03/12/13

Its the European Carp that is

Fri, 2016-09-02 11:04

Its the European Carp that is the big pest in the eatern states rivers not Chinese Koi Carp. The Koi Carp have been found in many SW waters but dont seem to be able to breed up in any great numbers so IMO are not the great pest they are made out to be. People will keep moving these fish into water ways until the Fisheries Dept creates some new freshwater fishing opportunities for Wester Australians. Australia has some great native freshwater sport fish but none are stocked into any of out SW impoundments, why? I'm pretty sure if Perth people could go up to some of the dams in the Perth hills to target Murray Cod, Bass or Golden Perch the translocation of these Goldfish about the place would probably come to an end.

ranmar850's picture

Posts: 2702

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Hillbilly bonefish

Sun, 2016-09-04 14:52

 Mud marlin, swamp spaniards...etc

Posts: 2

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Big issue

Sun, 2016-09-04 22:05

And everyone has a opinion however the bigger issue is the nsw fisheries department is planning on releasing a virus called KHV or koi herpes virus into the Murray River hoping to kill all the koi in the river another cane toad fix if they release this virus we all know that happens when alot of fish die in a small area the decaying bodies fouls the water and the other fish start dying.

little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

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It's a pitty with our freshwater

Mon, 2016-09-05 14:21

 Fishing. Droughts no dought caused most of our dramas. Our trout stocks in wa are crap. Wild trout ( not brood stock) few and far between. Not enough stocking now days . Waroona was mint ( then Redfin invasion.  Logue brook was fantastic fishing. Best of all was old Sampson dam. Wild big fish .all dams had great natural breeder streams. And all where also stocked well. Longer trips to Pemberton where fantastic . Top end off Donnelly river ,all off warren river . Always could get a good feed of big wild trout. Nice pink  to orange colour flesh.even leafroy was good. Now we wait for crap brood stock to be let go. Harvey dam still has some good wild Browns about the only one now. We are miles behind other states in freshwater fishing. Sad because it craps on saltwater fishing. Nothing beats camping , nice camp fire. Great fun. Some private dams are good . My main point is where is all the money going now from freshwater Lic fees. Surley not old out of condition concrete trout ??( white flesh . No taste crap)

grantarctic1's picture

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Tue, 2016-09-27 14:46

Have to agree that the management lacks and I have a few issues that piss me off to no end.
The fact the watercorp seem to be a power unto themselves and closed half of our fresh water dams and systems.
Most of the places I fished have been closed to camping including Harvey dam.
Last year most of the trout headed for Harvey died in the truck ( altho I cant confirm this )
The one rod per fisher rule sucks balls, would be nice to hang 2 lures out the back of the canoe.
The licence situation is a pain if you want to take the family down for a day or two a year. ie: children under 16 should be aloud to fish under your licence within your bag limit like the FBL , rather than a licence for every member of your family.
And as this thread highlights, because of the actions of a few, local councils have all but totally banned fishing in any ponds and lakes.
I could go on and on but as my last call to fisheries highlighted, they don't give a shit. They had to ask directions to Harvey dam, then suggested they would send the next available boat to check out my complaint. LOL

slam's picture

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I agree Poltergeist

Mon, 2016-09-05 16:50

 I cannot fathom why we cannot manage our freshwater dams and lakes with stocked fish. It would be a huge drawcard for tourism. I have never quite understood why dams cannot be used for recreation, be it sailing, kayaking , fishing etc. All across Europe they are used for watersports & also used for scheme water for our use. Why is it so hard over here? Maybe someone can enlighten me but the water will get treated before we ue it so where is the problem?

A fair point with stocking of trout in the SW which will eat small native species however this is deemed acceptable!