FW Jurien FADS project DONATIONS
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Fri, 2011-06-17 17:15
Hi Guys,
I've been speaking to Jamie (till) about getting the Jurien Fishwrecked FAD project going and its time to try and get some donations rolling in as it won't be long and it will be time to deploy (we all know how fast time flies when trying to organise these types of things).
If you would like to donate to this, either being able to assist Jamie in organising bits and pieces, knowing someone that may be able to donate chain/shackles or either cash donation, it will all help to get it all happening.
Please PM or email me if you are willing to help out.
Adam and Jamie
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Hi guys, will know over the
Hi guys,
will know over the week what sort of bits and pieces we need. If you have something to donate, drop me a PM, I'm located in Perth/6000, but otherwise donations of cash to Adam.
There is no doubt plenty of gear we can rustle up, but pretty sure we ill have to buy some gear, especially rope.
Posts: 1396
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I may have a few contacts for rope
Let me know the length, material and diametre we are talking and I will make some calls.
Posts: 9358
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Rhyss Wittred got back to me:
Rhyss Wittred got back to me: 12mm cray rope in 240m coils.
Here is the long version:
Posts: 2629
Date Joined: 03/03/09
Donation in the mail today.
Now lets hope all the other members get into it either by way of cash donations ior chasing up materials to save spending the readies
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Word has it that ol Jamie has come up with some serious goods already and this is well on the way to becoming a reality! We will know more soon as to what else we need, but any contributions will be great to assist in the process. I expect Till will post on this shortly to update what the word is.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
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Ok, I now have a piles of
Ok, I now have a piles of wagon wheels and shackles.
Rope, we need a couple of types.
We need 3x 50m sections that are doubled over, with thimbles and shrouded, so that they don't get sawn off by braid.
Then each FAD needs 2x 200m of rope, thimbles at the end.
I don't remember the thickness, but I guess its probably 15mm.
Chain, we need smegloads of 13-16mm chain and probably less 20mm for bobbing chain sections.
Floats, we need some big whoppers for the FADs itself, anyone got any contacts in the fiberglass industry perhaps?
Anyone a bit farmy know of an old terra terramatic rotting away on a farm somewhere, those two chemical tanks up the front would be ideal! There were a bunch around the back of Polytuff, but they have long since been cleaned off it seems.
Posts: 3758
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is 15mm rope enough?
is 15mm rope enough?
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The rope is only anchoring
The rope is only anchoring the float, not a boat, so that should be fine. Waiting to hear back from Rhyss Whittred from the PGFC about exactly what they use.
Posts: 3758
Date Joined: 05/11/07
yeah i know, but assuming the
yeah i know, but assuming the FAD wont come out each yeah? Also would depend on the size float you put on@!
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
15mm may even be too big!
15mm may even be too big!
Just for example, 3 strand nylon 9/16 (14mm) is rated to 4250kg and 5/16 (15.625mm) is rated to 5500kg.
The ground tackle would be moving well before the rope broke.
Posts: 115
Date Joined: 15/08/10
12mm is plenty, thimbles
12mm is plenty, thimbles are'nt required, niether is doubling up of any rope,the larger the diameter rope the more drag there-for more anchors are required. We need 600m of 12mm rope /FAD along with 60m of 20mm chain/FAD. Floats need to be 150-250lts of volume and around 8 shackle/FAD along with three anchors wieghing 50+kg each
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Whats your preference for rope material
Superdan, Nylon, Polyethylene, polyprop?
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I think the doubling and
I think the doubling and shouding is only for cut resistance. Damn braid huh.
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I don't have any contacts I'm
I don't have any contacts I'm affraid but I do have time on my hands... I do a 2 on 2 off roster so I can do some running arround if you like. I have a 4wd Ute & 8x4 trailer so I am also willing to do the odd collection of donations and trips to jurien if that helps?
Posts: 457
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Cash donations
I was just thinking too, rather than cash donations in the post, is there a bank account that members can do internet transfers to?
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Yes, PM sent
Yes, I have sent you a PM. It will all help to get it up and running. Thanks for the extra info Whitey, gives us a better idea of exactly what we need. Let the hunt begin...
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I am working on the 13 - 16
I am working on the 13 - 16 mm chain but have now noticed 20mm might be the way to go. I'm sure I can get something, just not sure what yet.
Blue Sky, Blue Water, Bluetonic!
Posts: 115
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Polyethylene would be the
Polyethylene would be the prefered rope
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Update on chain
Although nothing is final yet, the mob I have been dealing with to secure the chain we need have gone to their Perth supplier and by all accounts everything is looking promising. This might take a week or so to sort. I might add their support on this project to date has been awesome.
I have asked for 60 - 100 metres of chain ranging from 13mm to 20mm.
A few questions Jamie/Adam.
If I can secure the chain donation but it comes in segments, ie 20 metres here, 30 metres there, is it going to be a problem to join it? I'm sure links could be welded...?
I'm in Bunbury and this chain might come out of Perth. Where does it need to be delivered to? I imagine the amounts we need would be quite heavy...?
I can pick it up one weekend and use my truck to deliver it, but you will need to PM me once we've secured it and work things out from there.
Last but not least, I'm happy to support this project 100% I think if it could get up off the ground and become a reality then we as FW members should be proud of ourselves. I'm pushing to get enough materials so the next one is off the Capes! This area also has potential
Blue Sky, Blue Water, Bluetonic!
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Segments is fine.
Segments is fine. We don't use more than 20mish in a single section and even 5m is useful for 13-16mm, and one of these uses for 20mm is just 1m sections.
If its in Perth, I can handle pickups.
I think that once we're down the path with these FADs, we will be in a good position to look at one for the capes region next!
Posts: 2546
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Chain delivery
If you need to , i could take delivery and store the chain at my factory in Bayswater. I have a forklift to unload and room to store the chain for pick up.
Just send me a PM if you need my details.
Cheers Grant.
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Ta for the offer! I will
Ta for the offer!
I will probably just leave it in my folk's factory with the wagon wheels till I can give them the run up to Jurien.
Posts: 1147
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Enjoy your holidays Jamie,
Enjoy your holidays Jamie, expect to see plenty of awesome captures.
Blue Sky, Blue Water, Bluetonic!
Posts: 102
Date Joined: 28/04/11
im working
im working up jurien for the next two weeks on the charters should be good to see whats happening!
Posts: 102
Date Joined: 28/04/11
im working
im working up jurien for the next two weeks on the charters should be good to see whats happening!
Nauti Buoy
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I have a large steel mooring buoy that i found years ago (approx 1-1.2m diameter). Would be ideal for a FAD(radar detectable). I have messaged whitey previously regarding it and he is keen. I live off Cowalla Rd in West Gingin so if someone is going past and has a ute capable of taking it to Jurien send me a PM, if not will try and get it up there prior to the FAD's being installed.
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Still waiting on a reply
Still waiting on a reply about the chain but this week being EOFY I don't expect to hear anything from the businesses I'm dealing with. Fingers crossed I can still pull this off?
Blue Sky, Blue Water, Bluetonic!
Posts: 1358
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do we still need tryres? one
do we still need tryres?
one of mine got slashed.........so i got one for grabs if need be need to know ASAP
a hard days fishing still beats work
PGFC member
GCGFC membertill
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Not sure we really needed
Not sure we really needed tyres, we have some wagon wheels, ie: train wagon wheels ;)
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arhh my bad im keen to get
arhh my bad im keen to get invovled some way some how.........whether its cash or donations im un sure.... what else is neeeded wise regarding gear at this point of time. I fish alot of the capes (and will be in the near future more due to my boat purchase, and would be very keen to see one down that way after jurien) so i am all for this.............
a hard days fishing still beats work
PGFC member
GCGFC memberterboz123
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ust cant afford cash
just cant afford cash donations till really mid august got exxy to pay for!
a hard days fishing still beats work
PGFC member
GCGFC membertill
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Well, hope to get some chain
Well, hope to get some chain through Bluetonic's contacts. We need cash, floats and rope right now as a priority.
After we go through the process with Jurien, and assuming it goes well, I'm sure we can look at getting something out down off the Capes.
Posts: 457
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PM Sent Adam.
I sent you a PM Adam have a look and let me know....
Cheers Winta....
Posts: 9358
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Whitey is away all of July,
Whitey is away all of July, so we have put off delivering the gear till August.
We still need rope, floats and chain if anyone has appropriate contacts.
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How do I get a donation to you and when do you hope to get the Fads in the water.
Assassin Land Based Fishing Club Member
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Best to message Adam for
Best to message Adam for donations of money, me for gear.
The FADs will go out when the current kicks back in, so probably November or December.
Posts: 2539
Date Joined: 26/09/09
when you sort the rest jamie
when you sort the rest jamie the offer still stands on the transport we spoke about if your dad dosnt do it.
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Ring a Ding Ding Stoinkas gunna sing
Hey BJ, cheers for the heads up mate.
Fishwrecked Members if we are gunna do it lets do it BIG.
How about a marker that is a permanent, charted as a Nav Aid with DPI.
A bit of a ring around to Tidewater, Farstard, Woodside, Chevron, Mermaids, Apache Energy etc. Couple of anchors, 400m plus of chain, Steel Dolphins or Petroleum offtake hose.
I walk past the Starboard channel marker for the entrance of the Bunbury harbour everyday, it was snapped off a couple of months ago and they are putting in a new design.
I reckon ill have a chat with the right people down here and it might be a goer, thats if we wanna GO BIG. I reckon 20 years of working in the Tug and Offshore marine industry we might be on to something BIG.
Wait on the consensus.
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Hi Stoinka, DPI, as the
Hi Stoinka,
DPI, as the objects are so far off the coast, have been referring us to AMSA/AHS. The last Jurien FADs were charted though.
So far we have some cash donations, and some wagon wheels and thats it.
This week, I was referred a local contact via BT to chase up over chain, and will do shortly.
The thing we really need more than anything else, is either floats, or money for floats. Pretty sure everyone has an idea of what the PGFC FADs look like, they are hideously expensive, and bizzarely rotomoulded ones are even more expensive than glass ones.
Don't wait for consensus, if you think you can see something useful for the project, do ask on behalf of the project. We all hope to get something going in Jurien and then other locations like the SW.
Posts: 412
Date Joined: 02/09/06
Lets go BIG Mate
It would be a waist not too.
Geez Till chase up a old rotomould rainwater tank and fill it full of expanding foam with a chain threw it with a stainless cable secured from the top of the chain to the bottom under the float(Rainwater tank)
Hey BJ lets get one going for the SW mate, i reckon lets look after our backyard. I reckon its a goer down here mate. The red tale would be the hardest thing to organise.
Posts: 412
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Oops, The red tape i mean.
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Have you had any luck with
Have you had any luck with the chain Jamie?
Blue Sky, Blue Water, Bluetonic!
Posts: 9358
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Not really, chatted a few
Not really, chatted a few times and emailed. Might be time for another call ;)
Posts: 9358
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Had another chat with Tony,
Had another chat with Tony, he says he will try and keep a bit of chain aside for the project.
Posts: 316
Date Joined: 04/01/11
Gidday Jamie,PM sent
Gidday Jamie,
PM sent regarding rope.
I just love Exmouth: Its a quaint little drinking town with a fishing problem!
Alan James
Posts: 2243
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Hire crane companies
maybe a potential supplier of chain or wire rope if that is an alternative. Rigging doesn't last forever. Don't know if anyone has contacts in that area. Just a thought.
Posts: 9358
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Just drove down to mandurah
Just drove down to mandurah and picked up about 1/3 of a 44 gallon drum of heavy chain.
It was donated by Graeme Heal, a PGFC member from Mandurah way. I think he has the boat lifters down there, and perhaps a jetty building business?
Posts: 2546
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Hey Jamie, If you need any cutting or welding done you know were my workshop is, your more than welcome .
Cheers Grant..
Posts: 9358
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Ta mate!
Ta mate!
Posts: 363
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Jamie, we are using stacks
we are using stacks and stacks of chain, (I mean probably 400m plus) for the 2 jump lifts at City Square. (For those not in the know, the big new highrise building in the city.) A jump lift is a type of elevator that you can 'jump' up the building as it gets higher. We are starting to de commish them now, and the chain has had just been used as weight. I'll find out where its going and see if I can grab it.
there is enough there to run chain all the way from the sea bed to the surface if that is an option.
Posts: 9358
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RAD! Not sure we have a big
Not sure we have a big enough float for that, but I'm sure we can get some use out of it none the less.
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Back on deck after the Alaska trip
If there is anything I can do to assist let me know
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Hi Sunshine, Brad from
Hi Sunshine,
Brad from Jurien is down this week to grab the moorings.
Still a bit stuck on chain and floats. Not really sure we're going to have enough gear to sponsor our own FAD, but at least we're contributing.
Rope and whatnot can go up pretty much whenever as its easy to thrown in the car.
Nauti Buoy
Posts: 595
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Jamie do you want that steel float i emailed you about? if not it is going to auscon for scrap.
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I think its a bit small, the
I think its a bit small, the FADs are about 900mm in diameter to get the right buoyancy.
Posts: 316
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Rope's now waiting for when needed.
Ropes organised.
3 x coils 250m Aquatough green high tensile. (half inch)
I just love Exmouth: Its a quaint little drinking town with a fishing problem!
Posts: 9358
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Nice work, where are you
Nice work, where are you again?
Posts: 316
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Down Port Kennedy way.I'll
Down Port Kennedy way.
I'll not be available for next 2 weeks, but will email again when back and organise to drop the rope off, or let you know where to collect.
Cheers Jamie.
I just love Exmouth: Its a quaint little drinking town with a fishing problem!
Posts: 9358
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Tops, drop me a PM when
Tops, drop me a PM when you're back and we can work out a pickup.
Posts: 15047
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Hey Till same as Grantartic I
Hey Till same as Grantartic I ahve a w/shop in welshpool and have bits and pieces of stainless plate if you need any brackets made up etc. I only use 316 so there might be something handy to use. Just let me know. I also have some heavy duty shackles.
Love the West!
Posts: 69
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Hey guys i spotted a big yellow bouy yesterday up between alkimos and pippadinny washed up on the beach,
looks like it'd be a good fad dont know where ot came from but is about 1500mm high and looked ideal.
wish I was fishing
Posts: 9358
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Go grab it!!!!
Go grab it!!!!
Posts: 69
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i think its a washed up channel marker big yellow one,
i'm going up to yanchep tomoro for work can try to grab it on the way home
wish I was fishing
Posts: 9358
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Ace! Be great if we can use
Ace! Be great if we can use it.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Be awesome if you could grab it mate.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
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no float
sorry guys went to get it today and was gone already spewin
wish I was fishing
Posts: 270
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Is there a date that is set
Is there a date that is set to deploy the Jurien FADS? Sounds like floats/markers are still needed. Maybe start a thread everything still needed? Good to get it happening as gonna see more good currents heading south this year.
I actually fish.
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
They usually go out just
They usually go out just after the PGFC ones. They get built at the same time, same busy-bee, then put onto a trailer up to Jurien. So thats mid-Nov to early-Dec
So far there have been zero floats donated, and seeing as they cost about $1k ea, not much is really happening.
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Ok thats all the mooring
Ok thats all the mooring weights up there. Big thanks to Schaffer-Loaders for storing the weights, the time and the diesel to tow the gear up to Jurien this morning.
Posts: 300
Date Joined: 10/11/11
Well done!
Thanks guys very much, can't wait to fish them! Great efforts.
"Fishing Freaks Club" Member
PGFC Member
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floats for fads
till give eagle rota moulding a call located in mandurah, they make all size nav markers, not as big as the current fads, but priced between 200-350 by memory, and by personal experiance will work just as well, they may be even willing to donate one once you explain the application
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Thanks for the tip, I'll give
Thanks for the tip, I'll give them a call.
The problem is that the smaller nav markers are cheap, they just get expensive as they get larger, ie: 900mm diameter.
Who knows, he may have something for us!
Nauti Buoy
Posts: 595
Date Joined: 20/04/09
Are you sure the float that i have offered is not big enough!
Seems a waste.
Posts: 9358
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Pretty sure, although I don't
Pretty sure, although I don't remember you sending through a measurement for the diameter?
The PGFC ones are 900mm in diameter and that means that half-submerged, they're displacing about 250l.
Posts: 913
Date Joined: 15/08/05
someone ring me
if you want to do this properly and legally.....and want some funding.......
check out the recfishwest website on the small grants scheme....closing date has been extended
its your licence money after all
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Hi Andrew, the FADs were
Hi Andrew,
the FADs were done both properly and legally last year. Happy to take any funding going however. I shot you my mobile #, either give us a dial or drop me yours and we can chat regarding RFW funding.
Nauti Buoy
Posts: 595
Date Joined: 20/04/09
Till the float is approximately 980-1000mm in diameter.
Posts: 9358
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Better check that and get
Better check that and get back to me, hard to tell the scale from the image yous ent me, but looked more like 600mm.
I guess get it to Whitey and he can knock it back or not!
Posts: 15047
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Are there any updates on
Are there any updates on this project?
Love the West!
Posts: 1396
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If the floats are unavailable
Can we just make some cardboard shapes and glass them over with fixing points braced inside? Or splash a mould from an existing one or a drum/barrel?
Posts: 9358
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We're waiting on parts ATM,
We're waiting on parts ATM, the floats have to come from the east and the suppliers were caught a bit short.
Posts: 9358
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OMG they are out!
OMG they are out!
Posts: 2751
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Excellent, Can't wait to have
Excellent, Can't wait to have a crack !
Posts: 9358
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This weekend could be a bit
This weekend could be a bit early, but there are fish out there, we saw plenty of birds.
Posts: 2751
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Yes i meant another time, but
Yes i meant another time, but good signs!
Fanatical Fisher
Posts: 28
Date Joined: 22/09/09
Great work guys. Up there in a few weeks so hopefully will be doin there thing by then.
Are the coords going to be put up?
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Congrats to TILL on this fine effort (and of course members who helped out) Hopefully they will be there for quite some time and will be a benefit to all WA rec fishers.
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I'll put a new post up about
I'll put a new post up about it tomorrow sometime ;)
Posts: 914
Date Joined: 23/02/12
Great work Till and all
Great work Till and all others involved!
Posts: 693
Date Joined: 29/10/07
top work
Congrats Jamie and the rest of project team.
I did then the best that I knew how. When I knew better, I did better.