Grasshopper Report

I'm driving to Exy mid next week from Perth.  I short while ago people were reporting grasshoppers in large numbers and recommending insect screens across the radiator.  Is this still recommeded or have the numbers dropped off?



Oceanside Tackle's picture

Posts: 2803

Date Joined: 23/07/09


Mon, 2011-04-18 11:19

Ryan & myself were up there last week and its not as bad as before but a screen is still a good idea.


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poddyfish's picture

Posts: 986

Date Joined: 01/05/07


Mon, 2011-04-18 15:53

drove home saturday from exmouth and in patches they're attrocious!


Fear The Spear............! 

Pete D's picture

Posts: 1681

Date Joined: 07/06/07

Hi AlanYou are welcome to

Tue, 2011-04-19 12:47

Hi Alan

You are welcome to come to my place and pick the buggers out of the Pootrol grill, snorkel etc.  This way you can work out the right size screen to use

Not so bad during the day, but at night on the drive up they were big and many.  Mainly north of Carnarvon.

No shite, thought some trucks had funky camo paint as there was that much splatter on them.

Cheers Pete