Happy New Year

Hi all.
Don't get on here much any more due to being busy with our café but I would like to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone on here. hope things go to plan for you all in the new year .
if your out and about this evening be careful on the roads, as im sure there will be some idiots out there


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Dale's picture

Posts: 7930

Date Joined: 13/09/05

 Absolutely agree, all the

Tue, 2013-12-31 20:18

 Absolutely agree, all the best for the new year people and here's to a safe and prosperous 2014. Tight lines to those who are fishing and safe journeys to those who are travelling, hopefully I fall into the later and we set off on the wallaby for a few years. That's my plans if all else fails.




"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

Plus one

Tue, 2013-12-31 23:29

I second Dales comments.

opsrey's picture

Posts: 1200

Date Joined: 05/10/07


Wed, 2014-01-01 12:07


southcity104's picture

Posts: 1659

Date Joined: 27/01/09

yep cheers

Tue, 2013-12-31 22:09

 Thankful for a great 2013. Fishing tomora so off to a good start!


"Its a life style job"

axey45's picture

Posts: 1758

Date Joined: 26/11/13


Wed, 2014-01-01 06:53


crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

Happy new Year everyone

Wed, 2014-01-01 08:10

Some buggers have to work, so for everyone else have a great 1/1/14. Will sneak out for a fish tonight to keep the tradition of always starting the year with a fishing trip.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

Saulty2's picture

Posts: 659

Date Joined: 28/05/10

happy new year to all

Wed, 2014-01-01 09:43

im sure there are a lot of hungry fish out there ,just waiting to be fed