Hillaries storm pinks

 Just thought id share my first landbased pinkies I've finally gotten, been a hard last few years chasin them with a few lost at the rocks. Everything finally came together last night and managed to break the drought.


first was 4kg and 73cm

second was 9kg and 95cm


now to wait for the nxt storm and try to break that meter mark lol.





1 from the beach is worth 10 from a boat

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FISH-ON's picture

Posts: 469

Date Joined: 19/07/11

awesome job bro

Sat, 2014-05-10 19:45

awesome job bro


Be patient and calm - for no one can catch fish in anger

Posts: 908

Date Joined: 06/05/12

Were you really fishing the

Sat, 2014-05-10 20:01

Were you really fishing the inside , or is that to mask your spot on the outside ?? haha, nice fish mate, well done

quadfisher's picture

Posts: 1146

Date Joined: 28/09/10

Well done

Sun, 2014-05-11 07:41

feel your pain , I lost a nice pink at north mole thurs, and picked up a consolation prize salmon there today

( after catching endless ones at Albany 2 weeks ago!!) , and a landbased pink loss after a few years of trying

is a kick in the guts , but hey you did it, and for that I am truly happy for you, top effort, and 9kg , 95cm is a

bragger from a boat never mind the stones.



opsrey's picture

Posts: 1200

Date Joined: 05/10/07

Very good results.

Sat, 2014-05-10 20:02

 That's the way to get runson the bard. Well done and thx for sharing. Many others trying their luck?

TROOPY's picture

Posts: 162

Date Joined: 30/05/11

 There weren't as many people

Sat, 2014-05-10 20:29

 There weren't as many people there as I was expecting, maybe 30-35 along the whole wall, better than being packed like sardines at the mole.


1 from the beach is worth 10 from a boat

Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

Date Joined: 21/04/13

 Solid stuff. We were there

Sat, 2014-05-10 20:19

 Solid stuff. We were there fishing off the tip. My mate (Matt Hughes) ran up and had a check.

tim-o's picture

Posts: 4657

Date Joined: 24/05/11

WOW, nearly a metery! Awesome

Sat, 2014-05-10 20:43

WOW, nearly a metery! Awesome stuff, gota be stoked


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

Posts: 25

Date Joined: 16/02/14

Well done Reece did you see

Sat, 2014-05-10 20:52

Well done Reece did you see any others caught?

TROOPY's picture

Posts: 162

Date Joined: 30/05/11

 Nah didn't see any others,

Sat, 2014-05-10 21:22

 Nah didn't see any others, my mate dropped bout 4. We stayed there till 1130 and didn't see anyone else pull one up


1 from the beach is worth 10 from a boat

Markie's picture

Posts: 2154

Date Joined: 06/08/10

well done

Sun, 2014-05-11 06:54

 farkkk yesss brother. I tried hard for one season hooked up twice lost one at the rocks, went mental, retired the lb gear, bought a boat and will leave lb to the hard nuts. must feel good when it happens ayyy

Boydy's picture

Posts: 623

Date Joined: 26/09/12

Patients and Persistents

Sun, 2014-05-11 09:12

Top effort mate, well done.

castalot's picture

Posts: 18

Date Joined: 08/04/14

nice fish awesome job!

Mon, 2014-05-12 20:08

nice fish awesome job!


Fishing is my escape

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18090

Date Joined: 11/03/08

well done. would have been a

Tue, 2014-05-13 08:42

well done. would have been a great feeling to see the first one on dry ground then to top it off with a second thats a monster would have made you night for sure. hopefully it wont be another long spell before your next


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

axey45's picture

Posts: 1758

Date Joined: 26/11/13

 Well done m8.

Thu, 2014-05-15 08:27

 Well done m8.