Looking to head down to Bremer Bay this weekend. Any words of wisdom?

 Hey guys,


The plan is to head down to Bremer Bay for 3 days, tomorrow afternoon. Never been down to that part of the West.


I have been going through google earth maps and have sussed out a few likely looking places. I have a few areas pin pointed that i want to head out to... but wondering if anyone has any particular advice about tracks out there. Im gonna be taking the Patrol and am keen to drive a few tracks out to the southern most point. Any tracks down that way to avoid??


Any info would be great. 





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Posts: 1555

Date Joined: 28/08/07

Great Fishing at Fosters

Thu, 2012-01-19 21:06

Great Fishing at Fosters Beach! Always seem to find Salmon there and the odd monster Skippy and Tailor. Track in is easy if there hasnt been heaps of rain????

If your game you can have a crack at Reef Beach, but it can get really soft at times.

A nice day trip out to Stream Beach in Dillon Bay is great. Can get some NICE Whiting and Skippy from there. Can even explore further to the tip and the mahoosive seacliffs out there, just be wary you will have some nice stripes up the sides of you car, as some of the tracks get pretty narrow with overgrown bushes(not as big a problem in my narrow Hilux)

Another cool place to go for an explore is out toward Doubtful Island Bay, Whale Bone Beach, House Beach and back on the Bremer Bay side Peppermint Beach(great swimming and bodyboarding). If you head to the sea cliffs there are a couple of blowholes that are pretty cool to see. One is actually a couple of hundred meters away from the sea cliffs and blows air when the waves crash at the cliffs. They arent really well sign posted but have pine poles and bollards in little 'carparks', but all the tracks out there are all well worn and well defined and dont really require any form of hard 4x4ing, unless there has been heaps of rain, of which the track from Bremer Bay to there can get slippery.


If you want to venture further head out into Fitzgerald Nat Park.


If you want any specific advice on any particular points, tracks, or beaches PM me.




ps Take your Camera, verybeautiful peice of country down that way.