looking for new/used spear gun

hey i have got at the monent a lil dogey spear i gun i just used to start of with. it is alright for the littler reef such as queenies and red lips. i wann get a better gun cause i was quite devestated when i saw a 1.5m+ estury cod just sitting there and i got the gun about 10 cm from its hed. i aimed just behind the eyes and when i shot it just bounced of its skull... it then lazily just swam of while i was trying to reload. i dont want anything like that to happen again. i am heading to south afirca on wedensday so ill have a look at some rob allen guns but i am just gennerally looking for a good spear gun with a good sharp,hard tip, with preferably 2 rubbers. also is there any good areas of beaches or in the sound for spearfishing. of the beaches i mean about 1-2kms beacuse that is about how far out ill be able to swim. i am located in perth, Winthrop

milsey's picture

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Was this estury cod sighting

Mon, 2009-06-15 22:01

Was this estury cod sighting off metro because i was under the impression that they didnt live this far south and also your glad you didnt spear it because thats a protected size and unless you are very experience landing that size of fish isnt as easy as it may seem. Are you free diving or on tanks? because that will make a large difference on the length of the gun and power.

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Mon, 2009-06-15 22:07

umm yeah it was on the reefs just between garden isalnd and mandurah(well not those reefs but a bit deeper out then that) and i was just snorkelling. the water was about 5m deep but on the reef max of about 3m he was on a shelf in about 1.5m water eating shells. we also saw a big mulloway but by the time we got the gun (we left it on the boat) then it was gone. i didnt know they were protected? i see people on tv and stuff catch them all the time. but yeah most og my spearfishing will be done on snorkelling gear but hopefully in the near future ill get some scuba diving going aswell

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i dought it was an estury,

Mon, 2009-06-15 22:20

i doubt it was an estury, they can be caught and kept under a meter and 30kg but over that and they must be released, same as all cods. whats your price range?

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it looked like one

Mon, 2009-06-15 22:26

it looked exactly like one. so i was like wtf spear... but no. umm anything from 100-say about 350ish.

Craig Pearse's picture

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Rob Allen guns are the best

Tue, 2009-06-16 12:22

Rob Allen guns are the best for there price.I just sold my mares to go back to rubber,aR/A tuna 1000. Great gun,smooth action and cost me $400 new. If you are just starting out ,stay to smaller fish  untill you get better as its dangerous sport and things go wrong fast on big fish if you dont get the head shot. If you are swimming far off shore use a float and line . Hope that helps

 Dive deep and hard Emotions

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yer i agree, a float line

Tue, 2009-06-16 18:23

yer i agree, a float line with a flag is a must when spearing that far offshore without a boat. i go to the little dive shop down at E-shed and they hav a few very good guns for around that price and the bloke that works there is very experienced and always does a good deal. one other factor you need to consider is strength. i know a mate who bought a robby and then relised he couldn't load it. ive got a 1.3m terminator rail gun and ive only got a single rubber and im not sure on the rubber thickness but its thinck and many many people cant load it. one way around this is two thinner rubbers. but id try get as much length as you can when free diving is very handy to get closer to the fish and also gives you more power. if your just over 6 foot id go 1.2m plus but if shorter id go closer to 900mm

if you have any questions feel free to PM me

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i am about 6ft

Tue, 2009-06-16 20:43

i am 182cm atm. but yeah me and my dad heading to south afirca 2 morrow so ill go check em out. if not ill go check out the guy at e shed. but i dont think the power would be much of a prob. cause even if i can't do it i am sure my dad or one of my mates(state rugby players) could do it. but yeah u know anygood spots? mainyl for just good sized good eating fish. and also this might be stupid but if i dive about 3-4ms down my ears start hurting.. so shoudl i just get a wetsuit hood? or how do i stop that?

Matt T's picture

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Tue, 2009-06-16 20:48

Mate you need to equalise the pressure by holding your nose and blowing gently - should feel a pop and then all fine.

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snorkelling mask

Tue, 2009-06-16 20:50

my mask covers my nose? so should i just squezz threw the mask and blow out of my mouth or nose?

Matt T's picture

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You should have enough room

Tue, 2009-06-16 20:59

You should have enough room to pinch your nose witout taking it off of course and yeah you blow through your nose. You should be careful mate if your going to get into freediving without someone to show you the ropes. Can be a pretty dangerous game. Then again those who practice abosolutley love it. Also you should grab a good fish ID book and study the fish so you can ID them underwater - last thing you want to do is ping something protected or undersize mate. Can't throw themn back then. Anyway good luck mate!

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k cool

Tue, 2009-06-16 21:02

thanks but yeah i know almost everfish around perth of by heart. just didnt know cod were only aloud under 1m

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hahahah, um mate before you

Tue, 2009-06-16 21:05

hahahah, um mate before you go to any depth you might wanna go and do you dive ticket. You said you wanted to and it will help your free diving out massively. But yer you need to equalize your ears to make them the same pressure as the water. And doing your dive ticket will make you much more experienced, you might think its not that dangerous but when you get better and start going deeper and when things go wrong they go seriously wrong and when you add in a spear gun and hopefully big fish. I know that when free diving down to 15m plus and looking up it can be a tad daunting and if your not experienced you might panic and that’s when you loose breath. Also it takes lots and lots of breath holds and practice to get to any depth worth spear fishing metro but some good spots to start out at would be around Point Peron and im not to sure but I could imagine around Hillaries and Mindare would also be worth a shot. Spots like Woodman’s might be ok for a hand spear but I wouldn’t bother with a gun and the majority of the reefs around Cott are protected, but genurally the further you drive the better it will be One thing I would also recommend before going shooting is get a ID book with size limits because there’s not much chance of a fish swimming off after being smashed but a spear gun.

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Tue, 2009-06-16 21:08

i am nto really free diving.. like just reefs max like 4ms deep.. ill probs get my divers ticket when i am about 18ish. after my exams. but yeah dw about the id.. i knw like almost all fish ill be able to see and i know all of thier size limits just didn't know estaury cod had a max size limit cause i dont really hear of ppl getting them here. also i saw a picture on this website with a guy who speard about a 1m+ cod...

milsey's picture

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haha Matt T beat me to it

Tue, 2009-06-16 21:10

haha Matt T beat me to it but yer all true

Matt T's picture

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Estuary Cod

Tue, 2009-06-16 21:14

Can you get 1m+ Estuary Cod in 5 metres of water near GI? Damn i'm fishing in the wrong spots...

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Tue, 2009-06-16 21:27

we saw that and one hell of a mulloway in about 2 maybe 3m water. just at the reefs out side mandurah. crystal clear water and tonnes of fish.

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rabitech V's Rob allen

Tue, 2009-06-16 21:21

dont rule out a rabitech

south africal rail gun and in my opinion has a better trigger mechanism and handle than a rob allen. Most of the rob allens have no loading plate on the handle where as the rabbitech apex's and hunters do, only small but belive me makes loading the gun a lot easier when you stat shortening your 20mm rubbers for power

check out www.spearfishing.com.au

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havent heard of rabbit tech.

Tue, 2009-06-16 21:22

havent heard of rabbit tech. ill check it out. but yeah i saw 2 big fish in about 2 m water

this is only a bit smaller then the one i saw. http://fishwrecked.com/node/19974

Matt T's picture

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Tue, 2009-06-16 21:31

I wasn't away that estuary cod came this far south. Always thought they were north species. Exmouth etc.

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i agree with Brad i wouldn't

Tue, 2009-06-16 21:34

i agree with Brad i wouldn't go straight for a Robby some people love them and others dont, but i belive there much more suited to diving with tanks, rather than free diving. i recon the mulloway looking fish was a dusky morwong, and the estury cod well who knows you never know these days with global warming and all

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nah trust me

Tue, 2009-06-16 21:38

i know my fish.. i have caught many mulloway and i have seen quite a few duskys. but yeah spearfishing is the only time i ever fish when it is not going to be realeased.. and the estuary cod was an esturay cod. i even went home and looked it up.

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thats why i was shocked

Tue, 2009-06-16 21:35

that suprised me 2 cause i always heard of them and seen pics of my mates with ones they got at like sharkbay. so when i saw it i was like sweet. and i hear they really good eating.. but yeah luckly my spear wasnt sharp enough to get through it


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Tue, 2009-06-16 21:41

Another good gun to look at mate - gas powered - means real easy reloads.

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gas powered

Tue, 2009-06-16 21:55

havent thought of a gass powered one yet.. they strong?

PilbaraBrad's picture

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air guns

Tue, 2009-06-16 22:01

just my own opinion

but i hate gas powered guns, not as accurate i dont think but my biggest gripe i guess is if your out and about at least you can pack a spare rubber etc, when a seal goes in an air gun not as easy to fix out there
also dont like the way ou load a gas gun, putting a lot of faith in the little plastic load tool

rubber guns you can adjust the length of rubber to suit your preferred power requirement and most of the spears can be chopped and changed between the more common brand of rail gun if you bend or loose one while your out there (good for bumming them off your mae when you bend one)

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You can't sight down the

Wed, 2009-06-17 07:34

You can't sight down the spear like the rubber guns because the spear is in the middle of the barrel but they're just as accurate and have less recoil.

In theory the seals can go on a gun at any time but in practise they probably never will. My brothers gun developed a slow leak after 10 years without a service. That just prompted him to get it done as pumping it up every couple of weeks was a bit tedious. I'll bet you more spearos experience a more-dangerous jelly failure than seal failure

Gas guns are easier too reload because you use stronger muscles in your legs to do the work.

If you really want to pimp a gas gun, get a mares cyrano and buy the tovarich dry-barrel kit for it.

If you want to buy state of the art forget both rubber and pneumatics and get a hydro-pneumatic anyway =0


Craig Pearse's picture

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I had my cyrano  for 2

Wed, 2009-06-17 09:23

I had my cyrano  for 2 years without a problom, loading them is easy  (do it on low power) .I found it ligther and with more power than rubbers. The only gripe I have with them is that they are loud ,like a shottie.I was more accurate with this gun to the rubber. I only went back to rubber for more range.In the metro area try HOOKA DIVE  up near wannaroo

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k ill cheak it all out

Wed, 2009-06-17 14:05

when i get back next month ill check em all out and tell u guys my conclusion :P but thanks for all the help

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Its hookah dive and he has a

Wed, 2009-06-17 14:30

Its hookah dive, Wombat is a good guy and has a good range of mares and rob allen guns, not sure I'd recommend the Pelaj guns, no one else seems to either =0

I don't really know who does rabitech guns in WA, does anyone else?


dd83wa's picture

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Pneumatics are loud, less

Fri, 2009-06-19 18:10

Pneumatics are loud, less accurate and require more care/maintenance.


You only have to look at what the 'pros' use to realise rubber powered guns are the weapon of choice for any species or situation. From reef species to 250kg bluefin tuna, none of the sponsored divers or competition spearos use pneumatics. Granted most comps require use of a rubebr gun, but it's choice.


Also, volume of air in the chamber will decrease as depth increases, not sure maybe some of the newer pneumatics have solved this, but you only have to do the math to realise how much power you would be losing for every metre depth increases.




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If you think a pneumatic is

Fri, 2009-06-19 18:41

If you think a pneumatic is more maintenance you haven't ever owned one. If you can be bothered, you just get them rekitted occasionally. They don't have stressed parts that degrade like jellys or wishbones.


Considering the units run at 30 bar, and we're looking at the difference between inside and out side pressures, I don;t think you have much to worry about. A scuba diver I know runs his at low pressures and still pegs fish in 40m so its nothing you have to worry about.


Its always good to have some percieved shortcoming of the hardware you didn't buy to complain about though. 



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Perceived yes, i did alot of

Sat, 2009-06-20 10:43

Perceived yes, i did alot of research before buying my guns, spoke to a few people from the local freediving club, and that is what I learned. I'm sure some peoples opions and experiences differ greatly, im sure some peoples opinions are just plain wrong, but that's what I have learned.

No doubt they've got alot better since said people I spoke to had used one.


Agreed about negligible pressure difference after some reading.


Omer Airbalete has been causing a bit fo fuss in Europe, not sure if it has been released yet though.

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One of my brother's friends

Sat, 2009-06-20 11:47

One of my brother's friends was always bagging his mares cyrano with a tovarich kit on it until they realised he was using an 5/16" spear in a 7mm kit. It was pretty funny, apparently it was hell hard to load and the spear probably just about stuck on the way out too. He is all over it now that he fixed it.

Perhaps look for a vid of some rocko guy zoran spearing on youtube, he does ok on a mares 970.

Hookah Dive mentioned some new Omer gun one coming when I was in there recently but I don't remember the model.

I'm itching to see this new hydro-pneumatic my brother ordered, its supposed to run at 100bar, more than 3x what the mares pnuematics run at!


Tim Moloney's picture

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Spear Guns!

Sat, 2009-06-20 10:58

Me and my mate both have Rob Allen Rail Guns, and they are unbeatable, don't look and anything else, they are packed full of punch, and easy to load.

Adam Gallash's picture

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Picasso Carbonito

Sat, 2009-06-20 13:32

I have a picasso carbonito, have had it for a coupla years and love it.  Looks a bit worse for wear seeing how I've treated it, but just another option for you to think about.


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rob allen

Fri, 2009-07-24 23:38

hey thanks everyone. while in south afirca i bought a rob allen tuna for 195 bucks wich is pretty good cause here they are 590 :P ill see u guys out there