Lowrance elite 5 readings

 I have recently purchased a lowrance elite 5 , went out. With it today to have a look and what it was going to show on the sounder, i was just out around the tyre wrec, to have a look around, a few things came up and was just wondering what they would mean.

any ideas would be great full :)

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Jayden20's picture

Posts: 672

Date Joined: 29/08/11

 looks like decent size fish

Mon, 2013-08-19 12:17

 looks like decent size fish to me....catch anything?? Would off been pinkys ide say

Geoff78's picture

Posts: 324

Date Joined: 05/03/13

could be skippy

Mon, 2013-08-19 12:50

 We've been getting similar soundings on skippy.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Good readings but I reckon

Mon, 2013-08-19 12:52

 Good readings but I reckon your sensitivity is turned up too high. Looks like you dropped your line right in the middle of them.


Love the West!

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Date Joined: 23/06/13

 Thank guys, nah didn't catch

Mon, 2013-08-19 19:09

 Thank guys, nah didn't catch Anything, just had a few mates with little gear down there, while I was tryin to get a understanding on the sounder 

the sounder Is on auto set up, but I do think I remember seeing the sensitivity on 67%, what would you recommend it should be on?

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Just play with it. But from

Mon, 2013-08-19 19:43

 Just play with it. But from your screen shot I reckon you could eliminate a lot of the surface clutter as it shows you are picking up (reading) a lot of unwanted crap. The aim is to pick up the bigger signals from the bottom being fish. Don't worry I have a 585 and am still tweaking and playing with it.


Love the West!

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

Date Joined: 18/01/07

Most of the clutter is above

Mon, 2013-08-19 19:37

Most of the clutter is above 5m so its not overly bad given your looking for fish on the bottom.  Turn surface clutter (in settings) to low - should clean it up a little

The orange is the bottom (reasonably hard and consistent) the green patches on the bootom would likely be weed/corals (not returning as strong a signal.  The line dropping down in the centre pick is obviously a line (sinker/bait etc) or something you've dropped down from the boat.  The lines above the bottom would be fish of some sort.  The ones with a different colour in the centre (ie red/yellow) are likely bigger fish - that is the return signal bouncing off them is stronger hence the coloured centre.  They are not dispalying as arches as they are remaining in the beam and continuing to be read by the sounder signal. 

Pretty well what you want to see on the sounder and "lines in boys"  suprising nothing was caught - but may depend on the type of fish and what you were using to cathc them??  Looks like a few fish on the right of your bait followed it down as it dropped to the bottom (one on the left will not as this is past history as the picture scrolls right to left


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions


Posts: 17

Date Joined: 23/06/13

 Thank you very much fellas,

Tue, 2013-08-20 10:43

 Thank you very much fellas, really apprieciate , as I am still learning, but wil tryout a few bits of tweaking

mr_meks's picture

Posts: 189

Date Joined: 11/02/11

The line going up to the

Wed, 2013-08-21 07:27

The line going up to the surface is an object going up, ie bait/jig retrieve at a fairly constant rate. I would guess a sinker with a bait below it. Settings look good to me.

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

Date Joined: 18/01/07

Your right now I think about

Wed, 2013-08-21 07:47

Your right now I think about it the angle suggests its going up not down and a few fish followed it up a bit


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions
