navman dealer/repairer

need some plugs changed for the power etc on my roof mounted navman 8120, so was wondering if anyone new of a repairer dealer etc i can get this done, needing plugs cut and a new one fitted as all the wiring goes thru the bar work and would be a hugeeeeeeeeeeeeee task getting them back in.

want it done pretty soon as im getting the boat ready for exmouth and need the navman working as a back up and to possibly run a radar unit with.

Posts: 193

Date Joined: 04/02/09

Try Ray Petty Marine

Sun, 2010-01-10 11:08

still working out of Freo I think Mako.. I think someone mentioned his name the other day.  

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

Date Joined: 24/07/07


Sun, 2010-01-10 11:11

cut the wire about a foot from the plug to give yourself room to solder and insulate each strand.They should be colour coded[mine were on the 6500].
Get a piece of tie wire/ 1/16 inch thick to feed down the pipe and use it to pull a cord through.When using the cord tie the wire to be pulled through to the cord leaving enough so when the wire is out the cord still has both ends clear of the ends of the pipe ready for future use