New Forum - Buy - Sell / Swap - Trade

I have started up a new forum - Sell/Buy/Swap/Trade. This is the place to buy - sell - trade - swap new and used equipment. This area is not for commercial business and strictly for private users.

Make sure you keep an eye on this section for good fishing $ opportunities.



Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance

WHITEHORSE's picture

Posts: 18

Date Joined: 17/05/06

Hi Adam, Cheers for

Thu, 2006-07-20 15:31

Hi Adam,
for providing this service. I'll look after you when WHITEHORSE sells!
ps welldone on the black!

Maverick's picture

Posts: 1260

Date Joined: 06/06/06

Leaps and bounds

Thu, 2006-07-20 16:16

Adam your making this site go along in leaps and bounds , in the top 3 fishing sites in WA now .

Well done and I hope I can buy some cheap gear on here soon.

If I don't start putting hours in my boat I will be selling the old girl on here too.



 OFW member 088 

 Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Cheers guys

Thu, 2006-07-20 16:36

Appreciate the kind words fellas.. Anything that can make it a bit more interesting and informative. Any suggestions are always welcomed, heres to moving foward. :))))



Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance

Posts: 2321

Date Joined: 03/05/06

buy sell swap etc

Fri, 2006-07-21 11:08

great idea Adam, the fishing shed's getting a bit full..