New reel = New fish!
So i bought a brand new Shimano Straddic Ci4 4000f yesterday for $60 off its original price at sale and was super eager to get out for a fish today after what happened last week, where i was 90% sure i had come across a school of the elusive Giant Herring. I took advantage of the midday glass off and launched the ski at Kwinana beach.
I headed to the drop off I fished last week and out went the 4inch placcy.
After a few jerks on the 2nd cast, i got a nice hit, a solid fat herring that got away without getting a mugshot. The plastic hit the water on the next cast and after one jerk i saw a fairly large tail swirl a meter away then BANG i was on, then launching out the water was a huuuuuge gardie! Nope, not a gardie, a pesky longtom! My first ever Longtom.
How's the fangs on this thing!! Not sure how i didnt get busted off too. She mustve gone about 60-65cms.
The release..
I scoot back to the sandbar and cut the engine, drifting towards the drop off with the gentle Easterly wind. I then spot the school I saw last week, crusing the drop off about 20m ahead of me. Out goes the placcy and after a few winds a couple fish break from the school to hunt it down. The rod gets heavy for a few seconds before the fish spits it, pulling the plastic down the shaft of the hook, or what i call pulling its pants down. So now my heart is racing, as the fish seem to be in a feeding mood, nothing like i saw last week. Hook on to one the next cast and the drag starts screaming, then 20m out, a goooood fish breaks the surface launching 1.5-2m in the air! I couldnt believe it, i thought salmon put on quite a show but these were just unreal.
After about 3-4mins i finally get the fish on the ski! So happy, my first Giant Herring, around 60cms long.
Using my new reel for the first time and catching a GH for the first time..
The release..
What a rush! By the time i got the fish in i was a fair while away from the spot so i raced back around and got stuck into another GH first cast!
I ended up with 4 landed, about 6 lost, and alot of hits from lontoms! At one stage there was a school of about 30 longtoms swimming around! Resulting in alot of plastics looking like this!
I'd have to put todays session up there with catching the snapper and huge tailor from the ski, what an amazing experience! Hopefully relive it some time soon!
Posts: 329
Date Joined: 06/02/10
Well done on the Giant
Well done on the Giant herring, great capture nice story to go with it aswell.
Love this Country!
Posts: 2332
Date Joined: 20/07/09
Awesome Beau! You proved
Awesome Beau! You proved yourself right that they were Giant Herring! Great work getting into them. Nice new reel too.
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
slayin it!!
mate, you are killing it at the moment!! awesome work. i have never seen, or even heard of a longtom in metro.
Posts: 1449
Date Joined: 27/03/09
Great stuff
Great stuff mate, good onya for persisting with them and landing a few this time, sure proved a few people wrong too ;) Great pics too by the way!
Posts: 359
Date Joined: 24/08/10
well done mate!! great gh and long tom too.
really want to land a giant herring my self. will have to go and give it a crack!!
cheers ,
bream slayer
Posts: 917
Date Joined: 04/12/09
Doing very well on the ski
Doing very well on the ski mate, a guy new to fishing at my work said he hooked upto something that was bigger than a herring but looked like a mullet but wasnt a mullet at south beach. I did say it could have been a gh. Great story and pics, gee those long toms look like they could do some hurt if you got on the wrong end!
Forever learning with fishing
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Date Joined: 22/12/06
Top Stuff
Great fish, and from a ski as well. Got to be happy with days like that.
PGFC Member
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 14/03/11
Great post
Nice work testing out the new reel, obviously brought some luck with it. Fantastic pics and story to go with.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18090
Date Joined: 11/03/08
well done Beau. thats the
well done Beau. thats the sort of fish most would never see in metro waters let alone land 4 of them. great pics but its a pity you couldnt get a pic of one with you in it. maybe you should set up a camera on the bars with a timer on it , especially with the solo missions your doing
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 3145
Date Joined: 04/08/09
I will say it again Beau you
I will say it again Beau you are dominating, top work!
Posts: 165
Date Joined: 20/06/07
Great session there Beau, you
Great session there Beau, you must be stoked to get em on the new reel. Those Ci4's are awesome bit of kit, can handle a fair beating
Posts: 274
Date Joined: 12/05/10
Good work..
Great catch mate and very well fished, maybe next session try droppin down to a 2500 size reel with 10 lb braid those GH will smoke...
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
Awesome work! Would love to
Awesome work! Would love to catch a GH, apparently they just go nuts when hooked, like the masive aerial you had. Let me know if you need a cameraman for the jumps next time, haha.
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
First time I've heard of crocodiles being in big numbers that far south.
Posts: 940
Date Joined: 05/01/11
well done on the GH mate,
well done on the GH mate, awsome write up too. ive never heard of longtoms in the perth, must be the currents again
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
Looks brown not silver
Well done beau, that GH sure looks brown on its back in the water. Just like you said in a previous post.
Best way to show every one you were right by going out and scoring the proof.
Only caught 2 myself, they sure go hard.
Longtoms have been in the sound for many years, they love the hot water outlets around the industial plants.
I used to take friends there at night, shine a light at them and they would jump straight into the boat .LoL..
Posts: 114
Date Joined: 07/10/10
Nice job, where were you
Nice job, where were you fishing when you got those gh?
Everydays a good day for fishing
Posts: 455
Date Joined: 29/12/09
Persistence pays! Top job
Persistence pays! Top job mate, I'm certainly a little green!
Posts: 4109
Date Joined: 24/01/10
I hooked a longtom there late
I hooked a longtom there late last year but lost it, the same day i think it mightve been fisho-ron's son said his gf caught one under the GI bridge. Sha you could say i was a bit tentative about bringing the longtom on board the ski as its such close quarters! Yes i wouldve loved to get a pic with the GH, I dont think the pictures do them justice for just how big they realy were!
I forgot to say how much GH remind me of salmon! Theyre so agressive when theyre in the mood, and once hooked, the rest of the school follows the fish right up to the ski! Theyre so aerial then they'll just dive and slug it out deep, much similar to salmon!
Hlokk, when the GH first jumped i couldnt believe it! So much air time then it just took off jumping as it went further out to sea, actually felt like i was catching my own lil billie haha!
8lb mono and 12lb leader on the straddic, too much fun! :)
Posts: 106
Date Joined: 24/02/11
Awesome work Beau, not just
Awesome work Beau, not just with the fishing but with the camera too. As hard as I tried I couldn't pick the spot!
I've been chasing them longtom for a month now in the Sound, shorebased. Seen em often and had some good hits on the plastics but yet to get a solid hook up, was even contemplating a stinger on my softie to help! Can see you never had that problem tho...
GH in the Sound, amazing!
Not all who wander are lost...
Posts: 501
Date Joined: 09/07/10
well done beau, it proves
well done beau, it proves that you were right about what you saw the other day, keep up the good work, dam when io see what you catch it makes me want to buy a jet ski ha.
well done
Posts: 77
Date Joined: 03/04/10
Nice work sally!!
Nice work sally!!